All true, which is why I'm considering switching to something more bulky like Stalwark when I get to the big creatures. As a Zealot I feel quite tanky though, with abilities like Discharge along with the resistance boosting abilities in Luminary. Ad…
Just wanted to thank all of you who helped me with numbers and suggestions!
After briefly trying out Sentinel I actually switched to Zealot which so far have been great in my opinion. Three attacks at 2.7s speed (no balance enhancement ye…
I noticed another thing that's not working properly. I was webbed and got spammed with outc/eat moss until I writhed out of the web and it actually could outc. Not sure if it's the same with all herbs if I'd get afflicted by something requiring me t…
One thing I don't like is that I can't enable Firstaid when I'm afflicted with "asleep". The firstaid commands should ignore regular command blocks so it's actually acting in the same way as a client alias where you for example enable your curing by…