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  • All true, which is why I'm considering switching to something more bulky like Stalwark when I get to the big creatures. As a Zealot I feel quite tanky though, with abilities like Discharge along with the resistance boosting abilities in Luminary. Ad…
  • Just for reference, I'll post my numbers as a new Zealot that have Transcendent Tekura with Typical statpack, 14 strength, no artifacts and no buffs.

    In one combo, standing in Scorpion stance, I'm doing 478+183+183 at 2.7 seconds. So a DP…
  • Just wanted to thank all of you who helped me with numbers and suggestions!

    After briefly trying out Sentinel I actually switched to Zealot which so far have been great in my opinion. Three attacks at 2.7s speed (no balance enhancement ye…
  • I noticed another thing that's not working properly. I was webbed and got spammed with outc/eat moss until I writhed out of the web and it actually could outc. Not sure if it's the same with all herbs if I'd get afflicted by something requiring me t…
  • One thing I don't like is that I can't enable Firstaid when I'm afflicted with "asleep". The firstaid commands should ignore regular command blocks so it's actually acting in the same way as a client alias where you for example enable your curing by…
  • Nice work and thanks for the numbers! I would have loved to see the speed on each attack and possibly what attack was used.

    I think I'm leaning towards Sentinel, Shaman or possibly Monk (not sure which of the two) based on the style I wan…
  • I'll just continue on this thread rather than starting a new one and hope I'll get a bit more up to date info.

    I'm just about to start my character and I want to choose a class on the Life side that's great for PvE. I'm ultimately looking…