@Rasani and a few others. So many of you were what we should have all been. Many of us got tilted by the perceived unfairness of the war, and we made it known. But y…
I don't THINK it happened in this conversation but I know it has happened in others. And I get it. People want to support their friends. That's fine. Just... well, I'm sure you understand what I mean.
New pet Peeve that I am guilty of: us vs them mentality. Cas we please try and leave it in game and have constructive conversations. I promise I will try if you all do. And that means not just agreeing with your friends because they are your friends…
I've never heard anything like that. In fact, I have heard Enorian leadership saying they are tired of being on the backfoot... the ones involved in these events anyways. That is something we should look into.
The issue is we do not get proactive events. When talking to ictinus, which did a lot to open my eyes and calm me down, he mentioned that we had a lot of wins, including one that banished a God for like a month, and be was right. But even …
> @Bulrok said: > 1.) He was online today, helping with the very event you are complaining about > 2.) He said it was worthy of ridicule. He didn't actually ridicule her opinion.
Well this completely undid me editing my comment because what I said was messed up... ah well. What they say is true. Once on the internet it's always there.
> @Aeryx said: > Wow, that's nice. I'm glad we have people saying someone's opinion is worthy of ridicule. What an absolutely rancid thing to post. > > Pet Peeve: Zero moderation on the forums.
Funny you say that, really. After talking with Ictinus a bit, it has come to my attention that some details didn't get passed around to everyone and that, by the actions of a few *coughcough* things got way out of hand and out of scope from what the…
Perhaps win condition is the wrong term. You have a set goal that you can actively influence with mechanics while we have a goal that is basically: nothing for you to do until they act. Perhaps my frustration is that it seems that Enorian, during th…
As I have said numerous times: I do not care about that battle. You won fair and square. My issue is our only hope of winning is winning enough you all get bored and quit, as …
Yeah that's rough. I'm sorry to hear all that man. I hope the wedding goes well :)
But like I've told others I've talked to. I don't care about the loss of the battle. They had the numbers and won that fight. They deserve the win. I'm no…
This is more than mildly irritating but instead of starting a whole thread on it: Dropping a mechanic that starts a war without giving spirit a way to counter it other than 'stand there and wait for them to come to you'. It feels this war was …
Dunno if that would work. There seems to be an issue with ascended exp. Like the daily will say gain 5000 xp from quests or whatever, you do one that says you gained 100xp, and the daily is done.
> @Tetchta said: > Dunking on someone for bashing feels very meta to me. Bashing as a whole is a very game-y activity, and it seems like a couple hairs away from writing about someone's "reflexes" or how much money they've spent on artif…
Only real interaction I've had with Czc was when Aya was still Shadow. I was having trouble finding a team for Flintbeard and you helped. Even though I kept getting wiped you never quit on me. I am unsure if that was his personality or your kindness…