If I'm in my haven, it's because I'm either RPing with specifically one person for a reason, or I'm not wanting to physically RP at all but am fine with talking in tells and such.
Thank you, Oleis. This is actually a fantastic change. I hope it has some tangible impact, and I'll be interested to hear if it breathes a bit of life back into things.
Mutation sickness is godawful, no class should ever have to deal with it (and no other class currently has to). My vote is to switch it back to CLASS SWITCH.
I love that a rune-painted moose is one of this month's Wheel of Fates mounts. Now if someone could be so kind as to win one and let me buy it/trade for it...
You can dim the room without completely darkening it, as darkness does and as you were suggesting. It's not a matter of tomato/tomahto, and they're not the same thing.
Might be a bit of an ask for a small ideas thread, but is there any chance it could be made so that Dendara doesn't isolate Shaman GNT/GT/GTS/GW like it does other channels? I have no issue with it imposing the off-plane 'penalty' to CT/OT/CLT/etc.,…
You can pay 400 lessons to the leaders at the packmoot to change your shifter type, unless that's a one-off deal. Just greet them and ask them to join.
It's not about RIGHT NOW, it's about showing people that they aren't being ignored, that the player they're trying to reach is simply AFK and that it has nothing to do with them. What's so difficult to understand about that?
How is that any worse than what we have now, where new players are being introduced to the game by being ignored? And are left to guess as to why, to boot.
I've personally seen what AFK players do to new player retention. I'd be willing to lose a few established players if it meant higher newbie retention, but that's just me.