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  • New city, new faces. Giving this a bump.
    in Atarah Comment by Atarah February 2018
  • Im around an hour away from @Toz!
  • Lets see. First off, let me say that you are an excellent roleplayer. The depth to your emoting is amazing, from your description of the area to the exact facial expression to match the emotion he is conveying. I have really enjoyed the roleplay bet…
    in Benedicto Comment by Atarah January 2018
  • Istela is always a great time to roleplay with. No matter the situation, you are always on point with your emotes and somehow always find a way to keep me laughing. Istela and Atarah have a hugely strong bond with each other, that no matter when the…
    in Istela Comment by Atarah October 2017
  • I was thinking the same thing, @Zaila
    in Game Down Comment by Atarah October 2017
  • It's been six months. Giving this a bump. :)
    in Atarah Comment by Atarah September 2017
  • (Quote)

  • A few weekends ago, I did my first mud run. We were obviously super excited to be crossing the finish line. Im on the right in Post Your Pictures! Comment by Atarah June 2017
  • I like the ever-growing and ever-changing dynamic between Atarah and Kalak. The roleplay here is always different, changing, and intriguing. Keep it up, and as always, thanks for taking the time to rp with me!
    in Kalak Comment by Atarah May 2017
  • Axius is always fun to RP with. He is complex but simple at the time and definitely puts thoughts into his emotes. I appreciate how the character is always trying to include everybody in RP whether he knows them or not.
    in Axius Comment by Atarah May 2017
  • Where to start with Zaila? I love the way that you play her, the quirky depth that you put into her is really awesome. It is never a dull moment when we interact and I still absolutely adore the love/hate (mostly hate) relationship that Atarah and Z…
    in Zaila Tenor Comment by Atarah May 2017
  • @Rasani

    You are always a pleasure to RP with. We have the opposite sides of the tether thing, but I appreciate how Ras and Tara have some strange mutual r…
  • I can get on this train! There are always a few people that make Aetolia and RP worthwhile and fun!

    Id like to shout out to a few of those!
