Head bowed in subservience, Azaan, a scantily clad thrall waits here. A delicate jade bandage is stretched across the doorway, waiting to clothesline someone. A delicate jade bandage is wrapped around the throat of a mannequin, hanging it from the …
It was so fun to feel that... OOF. The betrayal, the loss, the discomfort of not having everything we needed available and having to rely on interesting ways of getting supplies. That was just so di…
@cinnamae Thank you! Fox is alive and at the hospital for now, so here's to hoping! Fortunately Cornell has its own wildlife hospital and works amazingly with us r…
I can't vent on my social media so bear with me here. My stuff is used for raising donations and sponsors and I try to keep it positive as possible about my wildlife rehabilitation. But JESUS CHRISTMAS I HATE PEOPLE.
I'm the one that said ALT ARMY. The only one that said ALT ARMY!!!!!!!
All the ALTS that logged on to not have any idea what was happening but jump on to talk crap to Asaraii over the course of several days over GT over things they should…
I have no vested interest in any party as I've literally been inactive for 7RL years and none of the people everyone are complaining about besides @Bulrok …
So the characters that are negatively affected by the things brought up in this thread don't matter because you, who don't play, doesn't like that Kurak, Iazamat and Bulrok posted on here?
I'm sorry that it's affecting you. Don't worry about picking a Sire on a side. Pick one that will mesh well with your character and bring you more RP avenues. Your character is fantastic and fits well into the Dominion RP, and nobody…
I didn't save it all, but they sort of shafted Abhorash and Chakrasul really disrespectfully over GT. It wasn't RP, it was a slam fest brought about by player emotions versus anything to do with the actual Dominion. There was no RP involve…
It would be nice if anyone of the leadership of the Dom had anything to say on the matter, besides pretending nothing ever happens and then once it smooths over it's business as usual... until next time one of them does something dr…
@Nipsy Asa's been holding her own, but that's because as a player I just don't care about what's being said. I stick to responding to things IG and avoid the insults,…
After like 7rl years of not playing I logged in to get harassed by Dom leadership to drop my surname and get a sire. I literally had everything decayed and I don't even think I had a fluidcache when I last played. I asked to wait until I could RP ou…
@Nipsy thank you! It's been like, 6-7 RL years and I'm sooo rusty, so I appreciate everyone dealing with newb Asa all over again. Also fun to be back, though good gri…
@dourif I've only ever shot carp with the bow and arrow set up, never had one on a fishing pole. One of my buddies from home is destroying it with the muskies, I'm d…