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  • And having it message the order means nothing if you wait for them to log off to do it.
  • I realized hearts and eyes would be used if it depended on Willpower and Endurance, this is why I suggested it be put as a new stat of its own to manage.
  • Just a thought on a take on this, instead of inflicting more exp penalties or specific timed cooldown or a only one shrine at a time thing.
    Perhaps give someone a stat the way we have willpower and endurance that drains when defiling shrines. <…
  • I like to think of Duirans Great oak as that tree from avatar's "The Swamp" Episode.
  • You say to Mjoll, "You appear to be duplicating yourself."

    Ahlysaaria, Aisling, Akaryuterra, Aloli, Ansidia, Aridas, Axius, Ayanala, Ayastia, Ayuna, Azami,
    Azarae, Blodwyn, Briaria, Courtney, Czcibor, Dae, Didi, Elene, Elidyr, Emiko,…
  • Basically... Menelaus was getting help with the quiz and I was just there listening...

    Herolt, the decipherer says, "Question 12: What is the best way to ward off thrims?"

    Herolt, the decipherer says, "Anything you say out loud…
  • Zin made me an amazing chibi and is the bestest

  • There are questions. Questions left unanswered.

    Also I like this guy.
    in Oonagh Comment by Aridas July 2020
  • Menelaus says, "What is the phrase, Didi?"
    H:4102 M:3580 E:100% W:100% B:100% F:0% XP:19% [csdb eb] [none]
    Didi says, "Rip and tear."
    H:4102 M:3580 E:100% W:100% B:100% F:0% XP:19% [csdb eb] [none]
    Menelaus tilts his head and lis…