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  • Flavor on a sanction is one thing. Allows or RP branching out and such around sanction. Mechanics being affected up to the cost of artifacts is way too far at this point. Gated by RP or not.

    I don't care either way about sanction requiri…
  • @Elene That's exactly what I mean. It would prevent spamming repay and gate the kill by a fair bit compared to what it's at right now.

    And in Sciomancer Changelog Comment by Ardent August 2021
  • - Hew equilibrium recovery time increased to 2.4 seconds, up from 2.
    Hew is managable, use a shield tat because it's now faster and more reliable.
    - Repay now utilizes unmodified equilibrium when recently used.
    Repay is manageab…
  • There is no reason for me at this point to continue playing a class that is now actively being punished, to a pretty heavy degree, for using it's primary class resource. You can make arguments that it's "not that bad" all day, but I can't even sort …
  • There is nothing the class can offer to people without adjusting another primary skill off the class unless you want to gate something else.
  • Sciomancer sanction does nothing by the way. There's nothing the class offers for sanction at all.
  • Well at least this now sets the stage for any and every ability that uses a class resource to now damage the user.

    A few examples:
    Commune Boost
    Soul/what ever the warden equivilent is
    Inner …
  • Delete Sanction mechanic. Problem solved.
  • - It is no longer possible to use SHADOWPRICE while you have weariness.
    - Shadow debt forgiveness via timer now consumes some health when it recovers.

    These two points specifically grind Sciomancer offense to a halt. You will have to…
  • My favorite event in recent memory was Toz's office getting blown up. All of the world stuff was cool and all but exploding office wins it.
  • All the interactions, small and large with Rihrin always tend to end up with either a nice amusing chat. The on again off again back and forth the two share is always great and I can always count on a good conversation whenever either one reaches ou…
    in Rihrin Comment by Ardent July 2021
  • From what I've seen, the biggest reason people don't use it is because when someone sees someone on it the first thing they do is check who and find out who is in that room, or go into the zone and scent and then decide if they want to talk to that …
  • (Quote) This, right here, is actually a peeve. Just because I'm online doesn't mean I'm going to RP with -anyone-. There are plenty of things I can and will do alone and wish to do so alone. Assuming because someone is online they are agreeing to …
  • So far as I'm aware, a fair bit of the people in sect that aren't active are in for some form of requirement for an organization. Most of them probably don't drop out of sect because it's a regularly tracked progress thing or they simply forgot to l…
  • In one of his sets he starts talking about Viagra. Calling it a pill to make you "harder than Chinese algebra."

    The other night a conversation came up and I snapped off with "I'm harder than Numerology right now! Go away!"
  • Oh, right. There's this guy who started that whole "HROAGH!" thing and it became an emote.

    And thinking about it, I don't know if any of my sayings are actually pg-13 to share. One of them being a play on a Robin Williams joke...
  • I mean, don't people just roll D20's and take what they get? I rolled and got a Kobold Wayfarer.
  • Okay. Ten minutes of mutation sickness then. Sounds fair. Covers the aggro timer and makes it a sure thing you have to be sure you want to do that. I'm fine with this change. Entirely. Full support. Lets look at Mutation_sickness and give it a 10 mi…
  • The point, as far as I'm aware, was brought because you -could- shift. Not even if people did. The ability to swap classes mid fight without any sort of aggro timer like every other class that completely changes your skills is a little confusing, to…
  • My thoughts on this are simple. If you go in with a class and it isn't a good match up to your opponent and all you do is run and mutate until you can run back in with a class better suited for the engagement you're given an advantage over being abl…
  • I want to say this and it's probably not going to be received well but it's a valid point. If groups of fighters are split off mechanically some sort of limiter needs to go in so you don't end up with, as an example, Benedicto and Illidan vs Vjeiric…
  • If at any point you joined a city or guild you lose all claim to a neutral tether and the only way to have that is to have been 100% rogue before tethers went in and -not- use a class that is tied to either tether.

    In short, what MJ said…
  • (Quote) Generally? RP, Burnout, or simply they aren't fighters. Bloodloch/Spines has more -flat- numbers sure, but maybe half of them are fighters on average, and of those not everyone is going to want to fight every fight. Even with incentives to…
  • It still counts as a game peeve if it's based on the forums right?

    I'm bored to tears of the us vs them mentality that jumps up every time a combat discussion happens. Honest peeve is brought up, gets dismissed and throw around because s…
  • (Quote) Not that I disagree with either of these comments. But wording it like that when people have tried kind of drives home people not wanting to try further when it gets looked at like that.

    I would personally say it's more of a le…
  • Been back for a bit now. Bump for the sake of it.
    in Ardent Comment by Ardent June 2021
  • My peeve? Not being able to log in without some player instigated interactions going too far in a general sense.

    That's it, that's my peeve. No I'm not going into detail and I'm not going to respond to quotes. That's the point of venting…
  • @Ragnvald @Zeheia Can we get this shut down before it's turned into more a circ…
  • If there was a viable way of doing it, retconning and bull aside, just straight up you could do it and have it done, are there any of the Divine from the past you'd like to bring back and why?
  • (Quote) Do you have an emergency stock of whiskey or bourbon to salvage the situation?!