Depending on what your alignment typically leans towards, there is also the Indorani class. It uses class decay, but with the right statpack it can be pretty great. Plus, once you learn putrefaction, bashing/hunting is pretty great. I'm saying this …
I agree with this statement completely. I mean, if the admin are telling people there is no reason to keep on hoarding, there is a reason. And, if there ends up being a reason the comms are needed and they are all gone, they'd do something…
I'd say over 75% of my communication, especially IC, is in tells. Besides that, I can only imagine how beyond frustrating this would be for newbies, be they true newbies or IRE newbies. I mean, tells are as easy as typing the person's name and some…
I'm not an admin, but I don't imagine that would happen. But what you see is typical for the market - the only difference now is that there aren't those super expensive ones that linger there for forever. The market is typically void of cr…
@Cinarra - FYI, don't buy village comm shops down to 0 comms, leave 1 there. If you drop the comm down to 0, compared to leaving it at one, the reproducti…
-I'm an Aetolia retiree. --I quit, only to start thinking of my next storyline to come back to in a few months. I got too excited and had to create it probably within 24-48 hours of saying I was retiring for a while. GG me.
Speaking from experience with WFH situations, I don't know that I'd like a job that requires all that. When I did take a customer service position for a phone company, all I had to buy was my headset - and even that they paid me back for. Otherwise,…