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Inside a transdimensional bakery
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  • in Aolin Comment by Aolin November 2021
  • Another art
    in Aolin Comment by Aolin July 2021
  • (Quote)

    in LOVE Comment by Aolin July 2021
  • Iaphia is an absolute delight to be around. She is both eager and bright while simultaneously being enigmatic and veiled, and it creates a gorgeous palette from which to paint when I RP with her. Her interests and passions are contagious, her art su…
    in Iaphia Comment by Aolin July 2021
  • New wings, who's this? :3c

    in Aolin Comment by Aolin July 2021
  • When I first wrote in here about Iesid, I could never have imagined the path that Aolin would take and how far it would lead- and Sid has been an absolutely critical figure on that journey. Which isn't to say they always (or even usually) agree, of …
  • Ayastia!

    I am so impressed at how you took a concept and absolutely ran with it. Aya reacts realistically to things that happing IC, which is so very refreshing. She has layers and history and a consistency of character that is del…
  • Qelres.

    What an absolutely masterfully crafted character. I can and will sing their praises to the highest heavens, for so many reasons. First, uniqueness of concept. Qelres is not just different, they're different in a visceral w…
    in Qelres Misi Comment by Aolin June 2021
  • It's been five months since I wrote one of these for Straid, and holy freaking shirtballs, it has been a ride. And I mean this in the best way. Bit by organic bit, step by natural step, and layer by carefully uncovered layer, the relat…
    in Straid Comment by Aolin June 2021
  • First, I love all of you, and thank you so much. Second, a piece of art I realized never got posted:

    in Aolin Comment by Aolin May 2021
  • This absolutely needed to exist. Thank you for making it.

    This baby squirrel is the undisputed ruler of Sapience, and knows it. He is magic. He is excellence. He has a pretty decent steed to ride around on, too.

    Please give us…
  • (Quote) I think you mean the best tell. <3
    in Thank you! Comment by Aolin May 2021
  • There's precedent for layers of hidden messages- Subtext versus SSubtext, and Sign vs SSign. I think that Think should be left alone with an additional SThink layer- subconscious thought. The things that only either a deity (Celani) could hear or so…
    in Delete Insight Comment by Aolin May 2021
  • *watches thread with great interest, clutching dozens of male Aolin picrews*

  • And as a bonus- on her ethereal stallion!

    in Hero Forge Comment by Aolin March 2021
  • Massive, massive thank you to all of the participants for your preparation and eagerness!

  • An Aolin cocktail!

  • For Aolin, each a different facet of her.

  • Some commissioned ascended art and a couple of especially apt Picrews


    in Aolin Comment by Aolin February 2021
  • Ooooh I love her so much!!
  • I think he means the person wouldn't realize it, you'd just get messages including information like that.
  • Flinn is a strange and utterly enchanting character, otherworldly enough to capture the imagination but grounded enough to keep the attention. They are wonderfully designed and consistent in their strangeness- which is to say, it feels like they hav…
    in Flinn Comment by Aolin February 2021
  • Now that some of Aolin's grittier side has come out and she's interacted more deeply with people, made big changes, etc.. I'd love to hear any feedback!
    in Aolin Comment by Aolin January 2021
  • Some new picrews/character things for Aolin's Yeleni redesign!

  • Aolin didn't interact with Savas often, but it was always delightful. :( Will miss it.
    in Goodbye Comment by Aolin January 2021
  • I have so much to say about both Straid as a character and you as his player, so buckle up. :D Aolin doesn't have many r…
    in Straid Comment by Aolin January 2021
  • [Oil] Cocoa
    [Primary] Rich, chocolatey
    [Secondary] Indulgent
    [Base] Sweetly earthy
  • If Aolin ever left spirit tether, it would be to ride into battle next to Rijetta as a cheerleader <3 T_T
    in Rijetta Comment by Aolin December 2020
  • Oh. My. GOD.

    That was so incredibly, beautifully written. I'm going to need about 10 whole full-length novels of Aramaeus, please.
    in Ascension Comment by Aolin December 2020