I was playing with pencil... in hindsight I think I should of colored in the same pencil to fit the crayon-y style... oh well maybe in another! lol
I was watching Iron Chef and this asshat from Australia comes out and starts raving how he wants to face off against the OG Iron Chef so here I am getting all excited for a Morimoto battle and this HEIFER calls out Bobby Flay.in MAD 2: MADDEN'S MADDENING.Comment by AnikoJune 2020
Funnily enough I moved to Balmung over the last couple years.
Toki'a Epocan, I generally rp him as a grumpy but talented healer.
@ayastia Hey everyone is human and your answer is literally all I was asking for... an attempt to make situations a little less frustrating when they happen.
@Ayastia I just wanna touch real quick on your whole still going to it even when outnumbered thing. Just after that orrery last night the mud crashed. On retu…
This honestly needs to be said. Most of the time shadow side outnumbers spirit side. It's a given, not going to complain, I have someone on both and yes its more fun to be shadow, you get less restrictions and as a result more options for thing…
Oh I know who... Theragil? Or some T name... they wrote the original midwifery book, but they were always so immersed in the rp I just loved to be around them. ^_^
Well I was 100% a different person back then, than I am now so I think I will keep my history to myself for those who don't already know it. Though some of these are shockers in Missed Connections: AetoliansComment by AnikoJune 2020
Just a few notes I thought I would leave on the character: She was specifically sent to schools/ academies because Aniko wasn't sure how else to handle her at the time. This means she is a fairly open canvas for character building. Perhaps…
Oh perfect the last post is Tenshyo so this helps a lot. Every thread I go to post in today I end up stopping to stare at Tenshyo's signature... and then forget what I was going to say >: (
So it happened to be I worked on the same day they were planning to change the hotel sign... in that regard we got out the numbers the crew needed to switch out. The were "8's" and they happened to be upside dow…
Changelog Added a few new fishing holes I found You now attempt the last fishing reel or lead action you tried when standing (for those gusty places, being knocked down stopped the fishing process)
He is a typical Tsol'aa, a beautiful, traditional specimen of his people. Willowy of body, yet replete with slender muscles that denote his races divinely blessed origins. Hi…