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  • Not going to point fingers at players or organizations, as that isn't liable to change anything or do anyone an ounce of good. If anything, I reckon it'll just subject us all to a world of super-relativistic hair-splitting that I really don't care t…
  • Am I correct that while roleplay is optional, IC behavior is still mandatory? Or was that never the case with Aetolia?
  • Well now, while I've always known that it doesn't come mandatory to any IRE, with all of the alternatives out there better suited to most interests, I would have liked to assume that anyone considering the obscene investment of time and cash in one …
  • My words weren't to the effect that I don't want to socialize, but that socializing in and of itself is not the goal; RP is a legitimate, priority end in its own right, rather than something that just exists to spice up the rest of the experience.
  • For the record, "Tipped rakishly over one eye" is a hipster culture reference, practically a meme.

    Technically, I reckon it's as appropriate as whatever or whoever the authority is says it is. However, I find that a distinct difference of…
  • Marry your IC convictions!

    I personally favor leadership who play politics in-character, so long as it doesn't seem to be to the general audience's enjoyment of the game. People who address the city with the same rhetoric as that of an e…
  • It turns out that the prompt alias was in fact, "prompt," and I am the idiot standing outside the back gates of Moria. :P

    It's worth noting, though, that for whatever reason the alias doesn't seem to work... copying the contents and slapp…
  • (Quote) Thank you for this. As a player returning to IRE combat and finding that the hurdles are higher than I remember them, this is going to be a great help.

    May I ask, however, what the prompt alias is?

  • Again, ten tons of thanks for the advice. I recently decided on a guild and am finally starting to get settled in. So far everyone's been pleasantly helpful, though I'm sorry to say I've had to cut most of my would-be interesting interactions short …
  • I remember you well, Glomdoring Kephera lady!
  • Thanks for the responses!

    Roleplay is definitely my main attraction. I wouldn't say that I am looking for the elite, RP-intensive experience, but I do want to be surrounded by genuine effort and interest, in an environment that lends itse…