Thanks to everyone who read this, when I posted it and everyone who reached out privately. I'm removing the post and its details to respect his privacy as he grows into his adulthood.
I was completely surprised by your comment and enjoyed reading it. Thank you!
I and Aloli have always enjoyed the friendship and plain honesty that came with it. I'm sorry I haven't been around and I very much likely will not be…
Thank you for the very syruppy sweet compliment!
Aloli divorced Benedicto so no stealing necessary, she will happily look forward to meeting with Maeve and finally having those chats they wanted to have. I'm just so incredibly b…
Thank you! She's hosting something at the teahouse soon, I'll be sure to find a reason to bump into Reave and introduce Aloli while she's spreading the posters.
From way back then to now, I've changed and so has Aloli in so many ways. She's definitely less burdened by responsibilities and has no social anxieties to interact with anyone.
She has changed so much that in a way it surprises me too an…
Still absolutely one of my favorite, and accidental friend, to have random interactions with. He makes it very easy to just walk up and talk or do anything randomly and he plays along so well - not intimidating or standoffish or awkward at all.
I will forever be worried about him so I know exactly how you feel. But, communication is absolutely instrumental in making sure they feel safe enough in themselves and empowered enough to keep themselves safe. Talk to him about everythin…
TL;DR: So many good things have been happening for me in the last few months and some of them have been directly influenced by a few good friends here in Aetolia so I wanted to share the love and send good thoughts all around. I also what to share s…
(I might change colors a little bit, for myself. Still, this is awesome and might refresh me and get excited to play/bash again in Aetolia Hunting 'Database'Comment by AloliJune 2022
Very late to see this, I had no idea you played Solaria! She was the reason I really liked Enorian ( Shallam ) and the Luminaries. I played Femme, one of her charges, as my intro to Aetolia back then. I wondered what happened to her, than…
Couldn't decide if I should post this in the "Love" thread or here but here we are. I absolutely love the new @Damariel and what He's doing with the Order. He mana…
At first I saw what I thought was someone else's brain matter splattered on his head. Then it looked like his brain... growing outside his skull?? Then pink worms. I did not see fungi, at al…