I'll probably forget to come back to the forums to list them but if I come across them in game is there something I can add to a bug report to make them easier for you to find in Invisible Quest ItemsComment by AlixAugust 2020
A little bit off topic, but I wish Nexus used the pop up thing for more stuff in general. It is only used for help files at the moment, but AB Files, News Posts even the Artifact Shop I would love to be able to browse while bashing.
At the very least have Hemold give some unique dialogue for other Wayfarers when he meets them. I couldn't get a word out of him (though I may have just been unable to find his dialogue triggers).
If nothing else, speaking as someone who works in a customer facing role, I can very much appreciate a manager who has the backs of their staff and won't tolerate abuse towards them.
As someone who really wasn't a fan of the change to movement speed, I do feel that having an affliction that affects movement speed isn't a bad idea in itself, the problem was in the execution of suddenly invalidating everyone's investment in moveme…
The bad: Just before "Current events" began I came to a small tourist town to cover someone's holidays. Due to them now being unable to return to the country combined with various internal border closures I have now been stuck here working 7 days a …
Starts moving immediately like PATH TRACK while also using the identified skill. I know this is fairly easily accomplished using an alias so not exactly a priority, but it would be a nice QOL improvemen…
I know very little about coding. I was thinking you would just add a flag in the room to make note if the skill was used, but I'm guessing that would be very labour intensive to go in and add a flag for each special exit in the game.
With the proliferation of special exits and with the in game maps being so prevalent now the SECRETS skill seems to have lost it's purpose. Using SECRETS should give you a hint towards any special exits in the room. I don't think it should tell you …
Not precisely a combat question, but does anyone know what the admin/game design reasoning for PvP deaths causing double XP loss? I understand raiding being discouraged so it has a higher XP penalty, but why is just general PvP attached to higher XP…
I've really enjoyed the couple if small interactions I've had with Kjell over the past couple of weeks. He seems to be a really well realised character.
I already miss being able to go 4 rooms at a time while path finding. I understand those changes might be useful in PvP situations, but surely it can be changed to only affect those in recent combat.
Does anyone know the reasoning behind SCRUB being both a 10 second (!) balance use and only being a chance to succeed? Are there combat implications to being stinky that I'm not aware of? I have spent a minute and a half just scrubbing to try and re…
Much love to everyone who has made modern Saluria what it is today. For context I have been playing Aetolia on and off basically since it was released and to see Saluria go from one little bit of jungle and the village that had some promise of dark …
So exploring and questing is kind of my thing at the moment. I found a ferry to a place called Arithyl but it is saying I don't have permission to use this ferry. All I want to know is if this is an accessible location in the game? All my searching …
Thank you to whoever put in this classlead and those that voted for it. This was annoying me greatly but I'm not familiar enough with the whole classlead…
Geez, I could have searched for ever and never found that info. Thanks everyone. It would help if the Announce post for promotions actually explained what the items you could possibly get do.
Okay, I give up, what do globes of elemental energy actually do? I know they give you the infused by fire defense but that doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't make me do extra damage, or attack faster. I cannot find a help file or google search …
Artifact #255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: a golden bracelet of sustenance Price: 550cr Power: sustenance This artifact power can be added to ot…