Is there some sort of default starter map or something? I started out with a blank slate, and while I can potentially go and do MAP HERE for every room I know about in the game, I'd quite frankly rather not... did I mess something up in installation…
Which is why I don't think it should be removed entirely, but having it be nothing but random means that overall participation is pretty much that -- random. I think that for most of the time (~6/7ths of the time) they should be random, wi…
I agree that the implementation and manpower are likely the biggest hurdles. And yes, fun for everyone is the ideal but I also know that making monies is Raz & Co's primary goal. Hence suggesting it as an artifact. So, to allow everyon…
Echoing Moirean's riffing, for me at least *some* predictability would be better than it being on a set schedule. So if I know that on the 14th at the Howling a Major Foci will spawn +/- 30 minutes, I know I should probably be online then …
Is a challenge something you're after? Do you enjoy the sense of completion once you've finally wrangled all of those soulless pixies for @Moirean 's kingdom and ge…
Well, I really like how I'm scantily-clad when I have seven layers of clothing. That eighth parka though puts me up to... oh wait, I don't even know what comes after scantily-clad! CLEARLY the game is telling us not that it it is cold and …
I love people's little chibi avatars. Like @Arbre . It just makes me smile every time I see it, and usually I have to click on it to get a bigger view!
I wanted to echo the sentiments put down by @Moirean . I would have loved to put together some scratch for the November promotion, but it just wasn't feasible in su…
If the riding crop is undesirable to you, you can trade it in for 30cr multiplied by the number of powers it has. e.g. if your riding crop is at the 500cr threshold, you can trade it…
Well, depending on the bidders you'll have some people who think they can make a ton of profit from them. 10 IG years is what the lease is for, right? So a little more than 120 days, 4 months is a decent length of time. But assuming you can pull in …
I am sure I can DO just about anything. Get a PhD? Sure, but I don't want to devote the time and resources to do so. Same thing with coding, if the end result was valuable enough to me, I would devote the time. As it is, the time requirement is far,…
@Ashmer I have ideas for things I want to code to make my life easier. Like, I type showmethemoney and then it executes a series of commands like goto plac…
I disagree that coding is not hard. Everyone is different. And curing is not the issue, it is offense. Get Entropy and you can cure well enough to do what you need to do. But to be competitive at the most basic levels you need to code your offense a…
There is also no financial incentive to PK. Someone could spend ten minutes fighting and regardless of outcome have less money than if they had spent ten minutes doing anything else. Even idling. Because you aren't eating money idling (herbs. I am r…
I love that every time I see the DirectTV commercial with Meathead Rob Lowe, all I hear is, "Don't be like @Ishin" Because Ishin can't stop saying bruh, bruh.
I like what @Ishin said about pre-99/100 dying sucks really, really bad. Post endgame it's like "Oh, I died. Darn. I guess I can get that coffee refill now."