I can get you a build list for pcpartpicker right this second for under $500 that will blow the doors off any console from this generation or next. I will never go back to 30 fps. There's literally nothing that comes to my mind that xbone or ps4 can…
Uh yeah. You aren't going to stop trolling on the internet. Implement the flee/courage feature that's available in Imperian. You set a % of pet's health level, pet returns to stable once it reaches that point. If your mount dies at that point, it is…
If you are considering which liaison's character(s) reside in what organization, you are clearly not paying attention to the things that matter in regards to class balance. If you fail to account for ev…
@Daskalos - In that log, star breaks your shield. You have eq and balance. You don't get lured by malok until you are at just over 4k health, still with eq and bal…
And that's why, in Imperian, there was an internal cooldown placed on doppleganger abilities. Ours does a ranged strip, which was the biggest issue, but also simultaneous lust/hangedman or decay is just ridiculous.
Banishment is a passive hard counter to the ent stripping your shield and the one doppie decaying. Just because you didn't have it in your comp at that time, does not mean, as the thread's title implies, that shadow v spirit is in a state of ranged …
@Seir is incredibly right. Imperian is (more) balanced because they don't do what Lust does. They extensively beta test before releasing new content, and the result is…
I sort of want to post a pastebin to my hhelp for newblets, that references the appropriate numerical helps for various subjects such as these. But why, you covered all that and more.
I love being in @Iosyne's congregation on my character. She gave me a tiny little lead with which to run, and I ran right the heck away with it. I can't wait to see …
The knowledge that seeking the favor of another Means the murder of self. This is the resolution The end of all progress The death of evolution It bleeds all life away. …
This is patently false. The point of a poll is to gather opinions on a given subject. If your test group for the polling lacks an option to vote, you are purposefully omitting a rather important statistic in the polling eq…
Dear god, I love this place. You should've seen the hate I got on an IRE game that shall remain nameless, both IC and OOC, for sharing with another interested party in a web that I also partook of the wonderful.
If it's the one that I used to work at I am going to die laughing of those coincidences man. Who knew so many people were on IRE that lived so close to back home? I'm sure you remember how surprised I was when I found out you we…
Yeah I was hands down the least artifacted, which is really part of why I wanted to get in, to see if it was arti required, and it really isn't. Of course, like Dask said, we had all the buffs in the world before we did it. The only thing I could ha…
Just remember, they want you to rage. The only reason people do this, is because the last word is the -only- thing that matters to that person. Consider yourself fortunate you've one less unfun person to interact with, IC or OOC.