Why do you think I have to explain my post to you, when this thread is about venting? But if you want to go down this path, I will gladly ask genuine questions about your post too. Maybe you can explain to me why you're complaining about h…
Holy War system being so rules lawyer that someone can declare war on a God that doesn't have an Order and then be immune to attack while defiling said God's shrines inside of an actively warring and contested city te…
Things I'd Like to See in 2023 --------------------------------- -- Pure Int based neutral class -- Chronomancers for above like we talked about -- At least one additional solo instanced bashing area like Xaanhal -- Airships…
On September 1st of this year, due to many compounded things in Aetolia, I decided to take a break for awhile. For my own mental health. I had been progressively feeling more miserable in game from March until September. Many reasons, and I'm not in…
This past weekend was supposed to be different. We made plans, my girlfriend, me, my two best friends. It was my birthday so we wanted to have Buffalo Wild Wings together. I finished my half day Saturday at the DMV around noon and came home and sat …
Yeah. I think paresis, stupidity, anorexia is pretty popular but I also choose to use blurring, anorexia, paresis usually. Less the malus it puts on them but more that it allows you to use Facemaul on them which has to be cured before any existing h…
Kagura has the right of it. Though being someone who also used to play Shapeshifter back in 2016, on a different character, I would say the three biggest changes I can think of since then is:
I saw in HELP HELPEDIT after I posted idea 5436 that it recommends using this thread to submit helpfiles. I've fixed up a HELP TIDESAGE ARTIFACTS which doesn't currently exist, here's the pastebin link:
Second Mining Deed would be interesting, I think, but I'd personally be more interested in seeing if any progress in the design or naming or anything of the third Agriculture skill has been made. Would also appreciate being able to get ash and ice, …
I suppose I have a couple of good things to report here. As people may remember from the stream I've been working at the local DMV since last year. Things continue to go well. I'm coming up on one year. We all got a 5 percent raise starting this mon…
I was thinking that too but something tells me that the next Spirit mirror should be Enorian since the last guilded one was Duiran. But who knows. Perhaps they could just do it like that anyways. I am very interested to see the flavor of them at lea…
Just generally curious for an update on these. Announcement post said development was well underway and Ictinus would have more to say on the subject soon. I realize game development is often SoonTM or whatever, but just wondering if Soon could be..…
Sure, it'll take me a couple of days, because my white and red decayed and Enorian and Duiran only have white amongst us, but I should be able to flip the quota soon and then I'll do a run of Tcanna as Templar and then Oneiromancer.
I've posted everything in the bashing dps thread that has existed for 3 years, multiple times. Yes. I have level 3 rune, 21 strength, red amulet, red orb and Damage: 180 (+21) Penetration: 92 (+21) Speed: 133 (+21), and hunt templa…
I appreciate your post, truly. I think it comes down to different experiences, especially with the weapon using classes. I have a way different experience in that regard. I use Doubleswing/2H, and I do about 1370 + 50(sacrifice), times two…
Today's peeve is that I hate that I feel like I need to just take a break from Aetolia until the mirrors come out. I despise the way bashing works(variable amounts of money to value, with chocolates and chalices being mostly wasted due to competitio…
I found out a couple hours ago that I have tested positive for Covid, for the first time. I've had my girlfriend with me most of the week. This morning she DM'd me a self-test she administered to herself that was positive. I let my boss at the DMV k…
From testing, Athame/Bonedagger already has different balances based on if its a PVP or PVE target. As in, Athame in PVP is 3.76 balance, I believe it was, and in PVE its 3.26 balance.
I am also aware that Decay/Starlight is 3.01s equilib…
Yep. Been dealing with it for the better part of 2 years now in Enorian. When I decided to step back from everything recently, including Research, we got Finid to do it for awhile. Then after she decided to leave for Duiran, I didn't…
The multihit classes also do the same thing though, carrying over damage. I literally just did this while we're posting here, and it is not an uncommon occurance with 64% crit rate.
AP: L1, L2, L3 statboost - A rune of empowerment, boosts your weapon's stats by 6 points per level of the rune. L1 statboost 200 cr L2 statboost 400 cr L3 statboost 800 cr
I want to click the heart reaction because we love ya but this post is not awesome. Suffice to say I'm not sure there's any words any of us can say to help. I wish we could and it is absolutely terrible to hear you going through this man. I'm so sor…
I'd really like to see a new thread to talk about what people think would be good bashing changes. Kind of like what Tetchta just did but in its own thread. I have thoughts just like that as well and it really seems that overhauling bashing seems t…