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  • Personally, I try to put on a Tsol'aa lens when using phrases or words like that. Since my character is Tsol'aa, her perspective would be Tsol'aan (is that even the right word?) as well. Humans may speak of humanity, the humane, and humankind, but I…
  • I'm not truly opposed to the idea, but I think it would require some prior consideration before doing this. Shops being a limited commodity means they are actually valuable; in fact, if memory serves me correctly, an Enorian shop was sold for someth…
  • I'd like to thank the following people:

    @Minarael‌, @Ka…
  • Oh, never mind. I think I figured out why.
  • I just found out that a person that I've never met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with ignored me, and it's the second time it has happened too. Has anyone else noticed something similar, or do people just not want to talk to me for some reason…
  • Trivial, ooc-related stuff being completely blown out of proportion just frustrates me to no end. After having a superlong conversation in a web, I just had to quit it and ignore a person because I didn't think Shakespear's mastery of the English la…
  • The best solution: make it possible to hand in heads of slain enemies for some organization similar to the sect of blades. Build up points, trade them for gear/artifacts/honours lines/whatever. Level 1-80 head gives 1 point, level 80-98 gives 2 poin…
  • [spoiler]
  • I don't know... it feels like accessibility is the whole point of player ran establishments; if people can't easily get in, they won't drop by for roleplay. Imagine if there was some sort of lock/password/secret handshake to get into the Black Flago…
  • I am a bit confounded by that. There are tons of more or less in-depth bios/information about characters available on the forums (see the 'Character Breakdown' thread for a prime example). If IC-OOC separation really is the main objection against th…
  • (Quote) I just think it's a bit narrow-minded to focus on the human experience. What about the rajamala experience? Or troll?

    Jokes aside, I really think it's a great idea to start up more player-run establishments since ther…
  • I'm not really sure what sort of alternatives you want to have in place. There's still muds where a death means 2-3 hours of bashing to regain lost experience, or that your enemies can loot your corpse of all your items, or that you have to wait for…
  • Oh, alright. So... I went through that thread. This is the post:
    (Quote) I'm a bit confused because I didn't see a lot of points raised against character wiki pages being problematic. Xavin asked if there was a specific format that should be f…
  • That looked more like a wild Ferrik.
  • I want to gripe about people acting like randomly mind locking someone is alright.

    I'd rather have people trying to attack me than getting inside my head without asking. All of a sudden, -someone- is possibly spying on you/exctracting inf…
  • I turned off firstaid so it'd let me sleep (because it wakes me up otherwise) and decided to browse the forums while waiting. I came back just as I was about to die and didn't have the reactions to turn it on quickly enough again. I felt annoyed bec…
  • The Elemental Vortex. (Isle of Delos.) (1711) [-Iosyne-]
    Tossing her august mane, a sprightly white mare covered in lustrous white armor stands here.  You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.