Announce post #2932: Whatever month #3 is! March? MARCH!
<pre>3/1/2019 at 0:03
Tiur, the Gnosis
Whatever month #3 is! March? MARCH!
March is a golden month! Three parts this time:
First: A credit reduction sale! Opposite the sale we just had... instead of getting 30% more credits with a purchase, credits for March will cost 30% less! Memberships still increase your amounts by 10%, but the price points are all 30% off. 10 credits cost $3.49 instead of $5, and with a membership, you would get 11.
We'll be selling pots of gold on the website (not literally pots of gold... our economy would not like that!). Each pot has a wide variety of prizes and is priced similarly to cryptic chests. HOWEVER it is more... variable. The standard deviation is higher. Some will spit out 5cr prizes, some waaaaaay more than that. The average is, as always, at about the same value as pure credits during a sale.
Lastly, you will find a new milestone mission this month! Finding the end of a rainbow will give you a bronze milestone. You must be logged in 60 minutes before a rainbow will pop up for you. Once it appears, you may SEARCH FOR RAINBOW every 10 seconds to get a clue as to how close you are. It should all tie together nicely with the MILESTONE system! There will also be a once daily prize to spend that milestone on. It has chocolates or other odd things inside! Including pieces to a relic minipet. (Please give us a bit on the milestone, we got a little too busy prepping the Shame Tube for our next Celani Class. Diogen says the animal skulls make it homier!)
Pot of Gold Prizes:
crystal of elusion
5 to 100 credits
15 Iron coins
vialboxes (2-5 artifact vials)
XP Chalice
Bags of chocolates
25cr Discount voucher
ambience token
Compendium Pages
Upgrade token
Pet token
House deed
token of passage
hunting boon token
Minipet - A shiny gold-bug
Random 100-500 cost artifact
shapeshifter pelt/scroll
Relics - Shield Tattoos, including new: Gold
PS. So this month includes a reference to an old work of literature. I felt it was silly and fitting, but that work depicts some racial characters... poorly. Aetolia does not approve of those stereotypes! We merely wanted to nod to an old horror classic.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 4th of Ios, in the year 479 MA.</pre>
Once you crack this crystal, it will give you the sense_elusion defence for 24 hours, which has the same effect as a hood of elusion. Destroyed upon use. Can be traded in for 5 credits using PROMO TRADEIN.
Crystal of Elusion lets you forgo the 12 hour class cooldown when switching classes.
(plzdontbewrong plzdontbewrong)
What do? How use?
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
Each of these tea leaves is oblong in shape and has been carefully dried. They
range from dark brown to black in color. They are bound in a porous cloth and
tied with a rough bit of string.
It has 15 weeks of usefulness left.
It weighs 4 ounce(s).
It appears to be lacking in nourishment.
It bears the distinctive mark of Arbre Aquila-Seirath.
What is this?
With only one cage available, the cage feels too common.