War, war what is it good for? Missions!
Hey! I've enjoyed this conflict system a lot. As it draws near to a month I've developed a few questions about the missions. I figure others have as well and want to encourage anyone to post questions they have. If anything, maybe we can crowd source to figure out the answer.
Without further ado, my own questions:

2: It's meant to support the long-haul work of players, not the ones who can spend extended short periods. Most war systems in the past were dominated by the team that could spend 24 hours playing in shifts. Missions are meant to even out playstyles, rewarding consistent playtime. We might adjust this with something like say, a random mission that appears for an hour and vanishes, but not in any meaningful shift.
3: The rooms are unequal, by about 3:2. It wasn't expected to be a big deal, as that's still hundreds of rooms.. but we've set the harvest rates to 2:3 now, so they should be the same.
4: They spawn the same as Ophidian Warriors. The Mitrine are risking less, as their territory isn't in contention. You just have to catch the warrior waves before they kill one another.
There are also 2 warriors by Ixiva.
I counted 15 Ophidian warriors in Great Rock before I got bored- the troops marching on the ruins are ignored almost universally though because if 4 or more hit me, I'm dying and I have a 55% cutting audit and 7k hp. And they all come in a wave. You can wait on them to fight and try to pick them off but this is slower and they still might come from adjacent and swarm you.
The difficulty for anyone not artied to complete our missions is a little nuts too, as even imp trap troopers can spike someone with a low audit for like 5k damage- I'd hate to be unartied and trying to participate.
--- Area 711: The town of Mitrine v60212 ---
The stars glimmer down, broken only upon occasion by thin wisps of clouds. There are 3 painted
Mitrine warriors here. Etarni stands watch here, hunter's gaze keen upon his surroundings. Etarni,
hunter of the Mitrine is a tutor. View HELP LEARNING for more information about learning skills.
You see exits leading north, southwest, and northwest.
5915[100%], 6090[92%], 100%, 99% -bscsdb K: 0 B: 0 03:660 qhspftram
You can see the following 3 objects:
"warrior227509" a painted Mitrine warrior.
"warrior227678" a painted Mitrine warrior.
"warrior227888" a painted Mitrine warrior.
5915[100%], 6222[94%], 100%, 99% ebscsdb K: 0 B: 0 07:014 qhspftrams
Do the missions not include these guys, or am I missing something?
Ophidians:30ish (I lost count)
Mitrine: 4
Imps: 11, but pretty sure the ones in Sehal don't count.
ab crystalism sonicportal - Boom, sciomancers can portal for the cost of free crystals.
ab subterfuge abduct - Boom, a Syssin can abduct you and you can safely pass through the open pk zone.
ab subterfuge splice - Boom, a Syssin could set up wormholes for you to safely traverse.
ab enchantment beacon - This one's expensive as crap please don't do this.
Or just bury your coffins in the Ophidian Empire.
Any combination of these will allow you to safely travel to the Ophidian Empire without acquiring an aura yourself! And in one case it will put you back in the perfect place for staging if you die!
For spiritside things:
Latency requires you to go to the Mitrine village and have aura, because you need to set the righteousness bit. Hey, pk aura!
Same with Pilgrimage.
Same with deliverance.
Same with sonicpor- oh... wait..
I suppose songlines count as 'can transport people', but that cost me wood! Wood, I say!
So if by 'multiple abilities', you mean 'one ability that doesn't have parity with Shadow abilities', sure.
We also don't really have active Syssin, and I'm pretty sure you could say defending that wormhole counts as war defense.
edit: I stand corrected, we have a few active Syssin and maybe one actual combatant Syssin.
Make mission boards in the city at meeting points and make Mitrine/Rock Bottom all open pk. Bam, done, balanced.
The only really 'different' thing is songlines. The others all require that someone gets aura at some point.
edit: Mostly, I don't see how they're any different at all, aside from songlines. It's more available because we have more people in Templar/Lumie, sure, but you have classes that are perfectly capable of it. In fact, it could convince people to go the obviously superior to other Shadow classes Sciomancer class!
Not trying to criticize, just trying to understand the concern.
I suppose if folk were setting up blocked exits and ambushes along walking paths it could be, but I havent seen any of this? Maybe its happening when I am not around? I imagine it would be incredibly tedious for who ever was trying to do it >.>
Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
Omei offers you a quick wink.