While my real life has been a crazy mess of stress lately, so many of you have made playing zaila just an amazingly fun, immersive and enjoyable respite from craziness of work that I will try to pile you all into this as I can, but I will likely miss some of you who've made my days lately - here goes!
***As just a general blanket statement: all ya'll are great at RP, and halfway through this I realize I probably don't need to say that for ALL of you so it doesn't seem so repetitive.***
@Chakrasul - Any time you come around, I have just the most amazing time. I don't know where things with Chak are going at this point, but even just being on the outskirts looking is absolutely fantastic. I love it all.
@Nola - Hot Stuff! Westie! You've not been around much, but even when you just pop in for a brief bit of back and forth, it is always wonderful. Zaila and I miss you!
@Koda - Saver! Oh man. I haven't complimented you sufficiently. Trying to keep up with the quality of your emotes that you throw out so effortlessly is always a challenge and I love every minute of it. You don't complain when I bust in on whatever Koda's up to with whatever drama Zaila's complaining about that day and it's just amazing.
@ingram - Dad. Oh gosh. I am just so thrilled you've been back lately. You're always amazing to RP with - fantastic writer and willing to roll with whatever I throw on you. Having Zaila's dad around again has done so much for how I play her and I've just been loving every minute of it.
@Benedicto - Blizzard! I've gushed about how great of an RPer you are plenty, but I always feel like it isn't enough. I'm pretty sure my RP shenanigans have taken a few years off poor Bene's life span, turned his tentacles gray? Is that a thing? Anyway! Absolutely anytime Zaila and Bene are around each other, I know I'm about to have a ton of fun and it is just amazing.
@qephah - Pops! One of Zaila's older friends, and a marginally bad influence in the funnest ways. Any time they run into each other, SOMETHING fun will happen. Invariably.
@rasani - Mountain! Another of those "long time friends" who is always up for Zaila to waltz in and talk at (or with). You play Rasani so consistently, but not to the point where Rasani comes across as stale and uninteresting. I love playing off of Rasani with Zaila since they are quite different people.
@jaymi - Headhunter! Although they don't talk tremendously often, Jaymi has become an important person in Zaila's growth since she has joined Enorian: possibly to a point Jaymi has no idea.
@jami - Cheeks! A much newer friend into Zaila's life, but you absolutely put me in stitches so many times with my terrible attempt to keep up with your banter. Jami's managed to be happenstancingly be around for some of Zaila's deeper drama lately, so diving head-first into a deeper friendship there has been very fun as well!
@lin - Formerly:Tramples. New name pending. They're really only RP'd a couple times at any length aside from conversations that make the 12 year old in me titter like an old lady. That said, I am very much enjoying Zaila and Lin getting to know each other and have nfc where it is going to go (which is half the fun sometimes)
@lehar - Boss/Sapphires! Even though Lehar is younger than Zaila, Zaila looks up to Lehar as a bit of a maternal figure. Lehar has helped Zaila grow tremendously from the sidelines by being consistent, patient but unwavering. And it is great!
@kelliara - Aunty Chair! I definitely need to harass you more, because you put in 90% of the work keeping up with Zaila and I always love it and feel bad that I don't pester you enough! I always love having people "From the other side" to interact with, and especially having the familiar connection and the only person Zaila has left that really reminds her much of her mother means Kelliara is very very dear to Zaila (as much as Zaila might try to hide this fact)
@xenia - Aunty-Poo! Zaila's other aunt! I love that Z's relationship with both Aunts is really very different, but both of you are just tremendously enjoyable to interact with! Although there hasn't been much lately, I always love indulging in getting to mix "family relations" with "weird holy disputes". You just handle it all so smoothly I'm always just wildly impressed!
@Mariena - Kitten! Aside from being Zaila's go-to crafter of choice, Mariena is Zaila's go-to 'I have some darkie questions I know I won't be judged for' as well as Zaila's stylist and confidante after being there to help Zaila though some very rough times.
Now that I've exhausted all original ways to compliment people, I want to add in the following list as "I love it so much every time you so much as wander by or send me a tell, you enrich the game for me even with small snippets!"
I was GONNA wait and post a "thanks so much to @Tedrunai and @tuir for being so easy to work with both creating my ridiculously nerdy music game and just making the game a wonderfully - admin'ed place to be" a few days later so that you could have a bigger spotlight, but fiiiine, you can have it now. Also: thanks to everyone who helped me oocly on the project as well! Highlights include: @Drestyn@Emelle@Karhast@Mariena@Mephistoles@maizin
Everytime I get too caught up in the mess that's been my real life lately (which is the biggest reason I've been scarce) these ladies, @Zaila and @Jami, always keep in touch even if it's just a checkup, or to post to me ridiculously hilarious logs of all the fun stuff I'm missing. Which makes me log in again because then I get LONELY and I wanna be apart of the fun too! I miss all of you. I hope you haven't forgotten about me, and thank you to everyone who has been patient with me. By July things should .. maybe, be sufficiently settled. Just when I think it is though, some new crisis strikes. I will PERSEVERE.
Here's some long overdue thanks to people. My spring has been somewhat hectic as I've been working towards graduation, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! The list feels somewhat incomplete, so if I have missed someone, please don't take offense. There are so many people in this game that help make it the awesome thing we all keep coming back to.
@Tekias: Teani's rock and close friend. He's dependable, subtle and fun to interact with. I'm amazed at how well the two characters have always gotten along, and it's been fantastic to have him there, as a solid presence in the storm. Also, huge thanks for being so patient with me during my time of writing my thesis. It's been difficult keeping up with everything, but you've never failed with your support.
@Amarita: The times have been few when Teani has ever considered children or a family of her own. Her life has been complicated and it's just not felt like it would fit. However, I think adopting Amarita was the best decision she has made in a very long time. Reluctant as she was to start with, having a daughter has lifted her up. You've also managed to make my own playing experience much more interesting. As above, thank you for being patient during the thesis-writing.
@Xavin: Stepping up to the plate despite having -a lot- going on IRL, and providing assistance with important things that had been neglected in the guild for far too long. You have a solid and interesting character and I'm glad I get to interact with you (more now than I ever did in the Ascendril guild).
@Vash: A breeze of fresh air that has brought a smile to both my character's face and my own. It's fantastic to find someone so enthusiastic about RPing even about the little things. You make me push myself to provide fun and engaging interactions. Keep that up, please!
@Cardie and @Oisynne for the support and patience through the quite turbulent spring. I know neither of you are around much at the moment, but you should know that what you have done has been very appreciated by me. Just wish you were around more!
@Jaymi: For the brief interactions concerning exploring. It's not been a lot, but it's something and it's always interesting to engage with new people in some way.
@Atarah, @Piper, @Kelliara, @Xenia: As some of Teani's best friends and family, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I want you to know that whenever we interact, you always bring something to the game, a smile to my lips and a warm feeling in my chest.
Last, but definitely not least: @Tiur! You are a delight to work with in every possible way. You brighten up the place with your humor and altogether pleasant attitude. Keep up the good job!
The list of people I should be thanking was getting larger and larger, it was about time.
@Mariena : Favourite cat. Lady Mariena. The fortune teller. Sometimes partner in crime. Never dull a moment with this one.
@Cardie : Professor has been kind of an interesting figure all the time for Kalak. Personally I find him like Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect 2, makes me expect that he will say "Let us be goddamn heroes!" and then we will blow some shit up.
@Teani : Characters are generally headbutting to high-heavens and sometimes you make me feel like some kind of Aetolian Donald Trump, but that does not mean I do not appreciate occurring things.
@Atarah : The story shifts a lot and I can never be sure where it will lead to. Just one day I fear Kalak will muck things up for good.
@Magnhild : Possibly one of the few Mages who truly see eye to eye on matters of magic with Kalak, she is always great to RP with.
@Oisynne : If Harley Quinn was playing Aetolia, possibly she would name her character as Oisynne.
@Tekias : If he was a PvPer possibly he could play a cold-blooded killer. Instead he is a professional bureaucrat who is hellbent on collecting titles!
sometimes you make me feel like some kind of Aetolian Donald Trump
Not wanting to start anything here...but Kalak IS a human supremacist who has zero experience in the field he ran for, won via weighted votes even though he (likely) lost the popular vote, and strives to make Shadow great again...pretty apt analogy, actually. >.>
Now, onto the actual topic at hand...
@Teani - For helping Tekias get to where he is, both in rank and in personality. I make each character as a blank slate with formal, polite leanings, and let RP go from there, and playing with Teani has been invaluable to his current character.
@Amarita - For putting up with me and Tek when Tek goes stupid.
@Kanivara - Despite the very rocky start (to put it lightly), having a friend to talk to and confide in.
@Zaila and @Eowyn -- For making me feel welcome and wanted! I miss Aetolia because of you two. Seriously. No matter how many times I leave (not of my own volition! I'm-sorry-college-took-a-lot-of-time), you're there for me when I come back. I'm so lucky to have unfailingly wonderful friends. @Valingar -- On those rare occasions when we stop derping around, I get glimpses of your beautiful writing and I love it. Damn, dude. @Tenshyo -- Always the first person to notice when I come back, and always incredibly patient and sweet. @Erzsebet -- So excited for incoming RP. @Pazradym -- The nostalgia is real. You're literally a part of my childhood coming back. I may have made a very unattractive noise of excitement when you pinged me. @Lexen -- Moar RP pls. Makes me very happy. @Noxis -- For humoring a total stranger with an hour of RP and being such a good sport about it. Love seeing that the community is still so strong. @Benedicto -- I'm always thrilled to see Bene around. There's something ineffably sweet about him and I just want to put him in my pocket and carry him everywhere.
There are some more of you who I very much want to hit up, but haven't because I'm a wimp. Please come find me if I don't pluck up the courage to initiate. I promise that I'll love and appreciate you.
Thanks to ALL of you for being a consistently fun community to be apart of. Even if I don't RP with all of you, I'm fairly certain I RP with someone who stays at least in part because of RP with you, because the community is interconnected like that.
Also a special thanks to @Tiur for general awesomeness, doing what he says he'll do, and for tolerating my apparently infinite well of questions.
@Arbre - We have been playing together for so long now. You are such a big part of Mariena's life that I can't imagine a game without you in it. Thank you
@Xavin - You are another constant in Mariena's life. Even though Mari and Xav go through growing pains, they always seem to find each other in the end.
@Nahuaque - My favorite Archivist. You challenge Mariena, you make her think and make her work and I very much enjoy that. I love watching their story grow.
@Zaila - You are bold, blunt, and have such depth. I am so happy that Mariena's her go to shopkeeper because playing with you is a joy. You also let me indulge in being a stylist and I love that too.
@Kalak - You certainly stir pots, sir. Despite the large amount of drama that your coup caused, I have enjoyed watching it. I also love the Gazette.
@Neoma and @Zenobia - Joining Bouchard again is like coming home. Mariena has been on a journey that has come full circle, back into the Blood and back into Bouchard. You two have made it seamless and fun. Thank you both for being wonderful and for allowing me to badger you as much as I do.
@Estheld - You're Mariena's first child in two hundred years. I am so glad you were the first, too. You're smart, you've a love for crafting, and your rp is stellar. Thank you.
@Siaern - I do not understand Siaern but I do enjoy your rp. You are a zealous follower to a level that isn't often seen in Orders and while Mariena might have my general reaction to being so into -anything- at that degree (skepticism), please know that I very much like watching it.
Sciomancer Speed Round: @Nibos - You are a new novice and your rp is interesting. I want to see more!
@Magnhild - I don't know how to read Magnhild but your rp is absolutely solid and I like that she brings a different perspective to anything and everything.
@Kodaza - You let me indulge my inner Stylist too, thank you. Rping with you is fun.
@Evastiana - I haven't rp'd with you yet, I'm sorry, we should. You're doing great though!
@Oisynne - You've not been on as much and that's a shame. You are so bright and a little crazy. I love making candies for her.
@Cardie - You've not been on as much either. I really adore Cardie.
@Emir - EMIR! You're fun, I wish you'd come around more.
@Tekias - You have the coolest Idreth form now and your administration skills are stellar
@Amarita - You sweetheart, I'm glad you've come back to the Scios.
@Teani - You've had a lot of challenging rp thrown at you recently and your posts have been composed and beautifully done. It's impressive and I commend you for it.
@everyone else in Scios that I may have missed: you all
Spinesreach Speed Round:
@Fezzix - Thank you for liking my shop and for indulging my tarot readings
@Kelliara - Thank you for coming around my shop more! I like getting to know you a little better.
@Xenia - Thank you for coming around my shop more! I like getting to know you a little better, too.
@Eydis - Thank you for selling my shop to me years ago and for being a continual solid source of friendship.
@Kanivara - Our characters have bickered and have had misunderstandings in the past but I still very much admire you and the work you do in Spinesreach as a Senator. Thank you for indulging my tarot readings.
Just a quick shout out to @nenelos for frequently nudging me oocly if I'm trying to RP or fish or generally lingering unwittingly in a combat area cause he knows I'm not a combatant. Other people do this too, but he's the one who does it the most and I don't remember other specifics
@Trager@Chakrasul@Iriden and many others, including Neron and Raixen, thank you so much. You've made a very harrowing and difficult time (full of difficult, gut-twisting RP) so much better, and turned moments where I legitimately didn't want to log into the game into ones where I wanted very much to stick around. If it weren't all so political, I'd desperately want to post some logs, but know that these folks are S-Rank and help make the game worth playing.
Seriously, thanks so much. And with all the recent dialogue about volunteering being a thankless job, @Chakrasul , let me go out of my way to shower you with praise and thanks. The way you handle things is so stylish, so mysterious, and so delightful. Even when you just send ambient messages or vague phrases, you leave so much room for me to interpret them and devour them hungrily. You seriously rock so hard. @Tiur you lucked out. But you deserve some thanks, too, even if you haven't killed Soon(TM) yet.
A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
@Rijetta I don't know how coincidentally bashing the same area at the same time led to so much. But even after we parted, things continued as Kodaza tried to explain what had happened to people back home. All told, I feel like I was roleplaying a single continuous scene for something like 12 hours? Thank you for taking an inch and running a marathon, and for understanding all the AFK breaks for food, article-writing, and sister-management.
IG - You treat Sigmund with respect, and it comes back in spades to you via how Sigmund perceives the old Spirean. You only speak to him in really brief intervals, and the content of whats said is exactly what it should be. Fezzix also gives Sigmund enough rope required to hang himself in regards to his actions, and that screams proper leadership.
OOC - We dont speak OOC, or engage in idle chit chat. I cant thank you enough for that.
Thank you for taking my character on as a pupil. Sigmund will be sticking around for years to come.
"He made a pop-up book about his struggles. Draaaama."
EDIT: I'm including pictures because dear lord.
***As just a general blanket statement: all ya'll are great at RP, and halfway through this I realize I probably don't need to say that for ALL of you so it doesn't seem so repetitive.***
@Chakrasul - Any time you come around, I have just the most amazing time. I don't know where things with Chak are going at this point, but even just being on the outskirts looking is absolutely fantastic. I love it all.
@Nola - Hot Stuff! Westie! You've not been around much, but even when you just pop in for a brief bit of back and forth, it is always wonderful. Zaila and I miss you!
@Koda - Saver! Oh man. I haven't complimented you sufficiently. Trying to keep up with the quality of your emotes that you throw out so effortlessly is always a challenge and I love every minute of it. You don't complain when I bust in on whatever Koda's up to with whatever drama Zaila's complaining about that day and it's just amazing.
@ingram - Dad. Oh gosh. I am just so thrilled you've been back lately. You're always amazing to RP with - fantastic writer and willing to roll with whatever I throw on you. Having Zaila's dad around again has done so much for how I play her and I've just been loving every minute of it.
@Benedicto - Blizzard! I've gushed about how great of an RPer you are plenty, but I always feel like it isn't enough. I'm pretty sure my RP shenanigans have taken a few years off poor Bene's life span, turned his tentacles gray? Is that a thing? Anyway! Absolutely anytime Zaila and Bene are around each other, I know I'm about to have a ton of fun and it is just amazing.
@qephah - Pops! One of Zaila's older friends, and a marginally bad influence in the funnest ways. Any time they run into each other, SOMETHING fun will happen. Invariably.
@rasani - Mountain! Another of those "long time friends" who is always up for Zaila to waltz in and talk at (or with). You play Rasani so consistently, but not to the point where Rasani comes across as stale and uninteresting. I love playing off of Rasani with Zaila since they are quite different people.
@jaymi - Headhunter! Although they don't talk tremendously often, Jaymi has become an important person in Zaila's growth since she has joined Enorian: possibly to a point Jaymi has no idea.
@jami - Cheeks! A much newer friend into Zaila's life, but you absolutely put me in stitches so many times with my terrible attempt to keep up with your banter. Jami's managed to be happenstancingly be around for some of Zaila's deeper drama lately, so diving head-first into a deeper friendship there has been very fun as well!
@lin - Formerly:Tramples. New name pending. They're really only RP'd a couple times at any length aside from conversations that make the 12 year old in me titter like an old lady. That said, I am very much enjoying Zaila and Lin getting to know each other and have nfc where it is going to go (which is half the fun sometimes)
@lehar - Boss/Sapphires! Even though Lehar is younger than Zaila, Zaila looks up to Lehar as a bit of a maternal figure. Lehar has helped Zaila grow tremendously from the sidelines by being consistent, patient but unwavering. And it is great!
@kelliara - Aunty Chair! I definitely need to harass you more, because you put in 90% of the work keeping up with Zaila and I always love it and feel bad that I don't pester you enough! I always love having people "From the other side" to interact with, and especially having the familiar connection and the only person Zaila has left that really reminds her much of her mother means Kelliara is very very dear to Zaila (as much as Zaila might try to hide this fact)
@xenia - Aunty-Poo! Zaila's other aunt! I love that Z's relationship with both Aunts is really very different, but both of you are just tremendously enjoyable to interact with! Although there hasn't been much lately, I always love indulging in getting to mix "family relations" with "weird holy disputes". You just handle it all so smoothly I'm always just wildly impressed!
@Mariena - Kitten! Aside from being Zaila's go-to crafter of choice, Mariena is Zaila's go-to 'I have some darkie questions I know I won't be judged for' as well as Zaila's stylist and confidante after being there to help Zaila though some very rough times.
Now that I've exhausted all original ways to compliment people, I want to add in the following list as "I love it so much every time you so much as wander by or send me a tell, you enrich the game for me even with small snippets!"
@Atarah @Daishin @Lexen @Shaith @Karhast @Kanivara @frithen @maite
-I- love you.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
(Spinesreach): Rurthina says, "Shold we investigate?"
(Spinesreach): You say, "Always investigate strange sounds! Just make sure someone expendable leads the way."
(Spinesreach): Rurthina says, "Get over here Vash."
Thanks @Rurthina
@Drestyn @Emelle @Karhast @Mariena @Mephistoles @maizin
@Tekias: Teani's rock and close friend. He's dependable, subtle and fun to interact with. I'm amazed at how well the two characters have always gotten along, and it's been fantastic to have him there, as a solid presence in the storm. Also, huge thanks for being so patient with me during my time of writing my thesis. It's been difficult keeping up with everything, but you've never failed with your support.
@Amarita: The times have been few when Teani has ever considered children or a family of her own. Her life has been complicated and it's just not felt like it would fit. However, I think adopting Amarita was the best decision she has made in a very long time. Reluctant as she was to start with, having a daughter has lifted her up. You've also managed to make my own playing experience much more interesting. As above, thank you for being patient during the thesis-writing.
@Xavin: Stepping up to the plate despite having -a lot- going on IRL, and providing assistance with important things that had been neglected in the guild for far too long. You have a solid and interesting character and I'm glad I get to interact with you (more now than I ever did in the Ascendril guild).
@Vash: A breeze of fresh air that has brought a smile to both my character's face and my own. It's fantastic to find someone so enthusiastic about RPing even about the little things. You make me push myself to provide fun and engaging interactions. Keep that up, please!
@Cardie and @Oisynne for the support and patience through the quite turbulent spring. I know neither of you are around much at the moment, but you should know that what you have done has been very appreciated by me. Just wish you were around more!
@Jaymi: For the brief interactions concerning exploring. It's not been a lot, but it's something and it's always interesting to engage with new people in some way.
@Atarah, @Piper, @Kelliara, @Xenia: As some of Teani's best friends and family, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I want you to know that whenever we interact, you always bring something to the game, a smile to my lips and a warm feeling in my chest.
Last, but definitely not least: @Tiur! You are a delight to work with in every possible way. You brighten up the place with your humor and altogether pleasant attitude. Keep up the good job!
@Mariena : Favourite cat. Lady Mariena. The fortune teller. Sometimes partner in crime. Never dull a moment with this one.
@Cardie : Professor has been kind of an interesting figure all the time for Kalak. Personally I find him like Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect 2, makes me expect that he will say "Let us be goddamn heroes!" and then we will blow some shit up.
@Teani : Characters are generally headbutting to high-heavens and sometimes you make me feel like some kind of Aetolian Donald Trump, but that does not mean I do not appreciate occurring things.
@Atarah : The story shifts a lot and I can never be sure where it will lead to. Just one day I fear Kalak will muck things up for good.
@Magnhild : Possibly one of the few Mages who truly see eye to eye on matters of magic with Kalak, she is always great to RP with.
@Oisynne : If Harley Quinn was playing Aetolia, possibly she would name her character as Oisynne.
@Tekias : If he was a PvPer possibly he could play a cold-blooded killer. Instead he is a professional bureaucrat who is hellbent on collecting titles!
@Arbre : Second favourite cat. Apologies!
@Xavin : Third favourite cat. Discussions among characters on arcane and mundane matters really help a lot.
@Tiur : For not exploding me yet. That means I should be either doing everything right or...extremely wrong.
Now possibly I could go on and on but exhaustion takes its toll. I may have forgotten some names, please humor me.
@Fezzix @Alathesia @Daishin @Amarita @Ellenia @Rasani @Sibatti @Zuly
Now, onto the actual topic at hand...
@Teani - For helping Tekias get to where he is, both in rank and in personality. I make each character as a blank slate with formal, polite leanings, and let RP go from there, and playing with Teani has been invaluable to his current character.
@Amarita - For putting up with me and Tek when Tek goes stupid.
@Kanivara - Despite the very rocky start (to put it lightly), having a friend to talk to and confide in.
@Tiur - You know why, you beautiful unicorn you.
I know I missed a lot of people. I suck at these list things. Plz take no offense.
@Valingar -- On those rare occasions when we stop derping around, I get glimpses of your beautiful writing and I love it. Damn, dude.
@Tenshyo -- Always the first person to notice when I come back, and always incredibly patient and sweet.
@Erzsebet -- So excited for incoming RP.
@Pazradym -- The nostalgia is real. You're literally a part of my childhood coming back. I may have made a very unattractive noise of excitement when you pinged me.
@Lexen -- Moar RP pls. Makes me very happy.
@Noxis -- For humoring a total stranger with an hour of RP and being such a good sport about it. Love seeing that the community is still so strong.
@Benedicto -- I'm always thrilled to see Bene around. There's something ineffably sweet about him and I just want to put him in my pocket and carry him everywhere.
There are some more of you who I very much want to hit up, but haven't because I'm a wimp. Please come find me if I don't pluck up the courage to initiate. I promise that I'll love and appreciate you.
Also a special thanks to @Tiur for general awesomeness, doing what he says he'll do, and for tolerating my apparently infinite well of questions.
Happy Midsummer!
Also, @Zaila, we need to rp more.
@Xavin - You are another constant in Mariena's life. Even though Mari and Xav go through growing pains, they always seem to find each other in the end.
@Nahuaque - My favorite Archivist. You challenge Mariena, you make her think and make her work and I very much enjoy that. I love watching their story grow.
@Zaila - You are bold, blunt, and have such depth. I am so happy that Mariena's her go to shopkeeper because playing with you is a joy. You also let me indulge in being a stylist and I love that too.
@Kalak - You certainly stir pots, sir. Despite the large amount of drama that your coup caused, I have enjoyed watching it. I also love the Gazette.
@Neoma and @Zenobia - Joining Bouchard again is like coming home. Mariena has been on a journey that has come full circle, back into the Blood and back into Bouchard. You two have made it seamless and fun. Thank you both for being wonderful and for allowing me to badger you as much as I do.
@Estheld - You're Mariena's first child in two hundred years. I am so glad you were the first, too. You're smart, you've a love for crafting, and your rp is stellar. Thank you.
@Siaern - I do not understand Siaern but I do enjoy your rp. You are a zealous follower to a level that isn't often seen in Orders and while Mariena might have my general reaction to being so into -anything- at that degree (skepticism), please know that I very much like watching it.
Sciomancer Speed Round:
@Nibos - You are a new novice and your rp is interesting. I want to see more!
@Magnhild - I don't know how to read Magnhild but your rp is absolutely solid and I like that she brings a different perspective to anything and everything.
@Kodaza - You let me indulge my inner Stylist too, thank you. Rping with you is fun.
@Evastiana - I haven't rp'd with you yet, I'm sorry, we should. You're doing great though!
@Oisynne - You've not been on as much and that's a shame. You are so bright and a little crazy. I love making candies for her.
@Cardie - You've not been on as much either. I really adore Cardie.
@Emir - EMIR! You're fun, I wish you'd come around more.
@Tekias - You have the coolest Idreth form now and your administration skills are stellar
@Amarita - You sweetheart, I'm glad you've come back to the Scios.
@Teani - You've had a lot of challenging rp thrown at you recently and your posts have been composed and beautifully done. It's impressive and I commend you for it.
@everyone else in Scios that I may have missed:
Spinesreach Speed Round:
@Fezzix - Thank you for liking my shop and for indulging my tarot readings
@Kelliara - Thank you for coming around my shop more! I like getting to know you a little better.
@Xenia - Thank you for coming around my shop more! I like getting to know you a little better, too.
@Eydis - Thank you for selling my shop to me years ago and for being a continual solid source of friendship.
@Kanivara - Our characters have bickered and have had misunderstandings in the past but I still very much admire you and the work you do in Spinesreach as a Senator. Thank you for indulging my tarot readings.
@Anyone that I'm missing:
Thanks to @Magnhild @Evastiana and @Fezzix for making this a very unique experience.
And thanks to @Sciomancers for the buildup (whether you wanted or not, you are all a part of this experience and deserving of thanks)
@Tiur You the man! Enough said!
Also, there's so many people I've rp'd with that I owe thanks to, and when it's not 2am, I'll mak another post.
Our community is great!
Seriously, thanks so much. And with all the recent dialogue about volunteering being a thankless job, @Chakrasul , let me go out of my way to shower you with praise and thanks. The way you handle things is so stylish, so mysterious, and so delightful. Even when you just send ambient messages or vague phrases, you leave so much room for me to interpret them and devour them hungrily. You seriously rock so hard. @Tiur you lucked out. But you deserve some thanks, too, even if you haven't killed Soon(TM) yet.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
(except I do)
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
@Mariena @Atarah @Magnhild @Evastiana @Deandra @Kanivara @Tekias @Cardie @Rurthina @Fezzix @Tina and anyone I might have forgotten.
A special thanks to @Eowyn for being awesome.
IG - You treat Sigmund with respect, and it comes back in spades to you via how Sigmund perceives the old Spirean. You only speak to him in really brief intervals, and the content of whats said is exactly what it should be. Fezzix also gives Sigmund enough rope required to hang himself in regards to his actions, and that screams proper leadership.
OOC - We dont speak OOC, or engage in idle chit chat. I cant thank you enough for that.
Thank you for taking my character on as a pupil. Sigmund will be sticking around for years to come.