Considering selling out and being a hypocrite. IRE in general has a pretty solid stance on artifacts and I can't afford them, so this is just to gauge whether or not anyone would be interested in purchasing any of the following offenses I have:
Indorani - Herb
Couple of things you should be aware of if I do decide to do this:
1 - I don't know if they're compatible with Source/Tripwire/Oasis/Serenity/Mazzion's System/etc etc. This includes pretty much every system out there that isn't mine.
2 - I will not edit them to be compatible with any of those systems.
3 - I will only offer support for them for 1 week. You best get to bug testing immediately after I sell it to you.
4 - Vampire and Templar are the only offenses that require minimum input on your end to be successful.
Currently, none of these are in a position for me to just sell them, so while I see if there's any interest I'll be working on making them all plug and play.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

What I'm more interested in is tearing it apart to see where I'm going wrong, if it's even an offense issue on my end, or a defense issue versus the classes I have issues against (who you happen to have offenses for).
You don't need to purchase my offenses for either of those. If you can dig through the logic of the code then you can get the same details from reading fight logs.
But what I mean by that is not the "pull yourselves up by the bootstrap" crap. I mean more this: if EVERYONE is using amazing, out of the box systems? It's awfully hard for me to have a good time building something crappy, being pretty happy with myself for figuring some stuff out, and having a ball at one of your Ylem falls. Because EVERY noob that shows up is going to be using any one of the amazing out of the box systems that already exist, and I am going to be the worst member of any team if I do. By a lot.
Sure, I can try to convince myself "well, this is my personal goal", but now, it's going to take me a LOT of time and effort just to create something I could have just downloaded my first week. It's going to feel pretty discouraging.
That said, I probably won't pay for code in muds again.
- I paid for Lanira's one years ago (citadel? I forget what it was called) right before he disappeared and so it never worked for me.
- I paid for Tripwire, which was okay for a short time, but became unusable because of bad code leading to self-induced system lag.
- I paid for Oasis, but the version I had is from months before Ash quit the project, and I've never been able to get my hands on the release version. Yay.
- I paid for one Oasis offense (sentinel) because I wanted to see how to script for Oasis, and also because sents are a bitch to script offenses for. But it's useless without the release version of Oasis.
I say all that just to make it clear that from my experience, it's just not worth paying for either amateur code, or professional code on an amateur business model. I will certainly never pay for obfuscated or otherwise protected code again.