How does a vampire fight vs. 4 aff reclamation behind blackout?
Here are the options I have discovered:
Every time I'm hit with boosted overload, I sear whatever icewall there is, and leave, getting into the stupidest game of tag ever. Leaving the room resets the fight. Attrition is fine until it becomes something tedious and stupid like that, until it becomes the only way to win a fight.
Play a game of chance with Elder Shaman, Rhythm, and Tranquility, and dwhisper Epilepsy/Berserking. If Rhythm is up, berserking was a dead whisper. Epilepsy has to bypass the resist. That 8% chance to fail is too much for something like this. We're not talking about a lock attempt or building momentum, we're talking about them killing me when I'm unhindered. If it goes through, there's still Tranquility. Again, I'm fine with rolling the dice on shit like dodge, but when it comes down to killing me after hardly no set up, you can shove those dice up your ass.
Buy more artifacts so he doesn't get me into 6s reclamation territory + the unstoppable shit in 30s. This is not an acceptable solution.
Roll over and die! - Also not an acceptable solution.
Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

12s + unstoppable under blackout you have to be timing their cures so you know they're channeling before they get to the second message. Throw out a quick lock then get out of the room ASAP. Which is admittedly a lot harder for vampires now that Fade has been neutered with the movement changes. Best bet is probably to keep topped off on ylem before every fight so you can use Combustion to get clutch icewall destruction when you need it. Shamans will singlehandedly create the ylem receptacle market. Important to note that Reclamation will NOT STOP just because you left the room, it only fails when it ticks and you're not there. So whatever you do, don't go back into the room after getting out. Just Lure them out or something.
All that said Shamans are a Praenomen hardcounter. Elder Shaman proccing on 2/3 of your aff output, Rhythm Oath disabling berserking (which is a Praenomen's one and only answer to rebounding). Theoretically it shouldn't be possible for a Shaman to lose to a Praenomen since if they got pressured at any point they could simply stop attacking and sit behind rebounding. The Elder Shaman problem sorta balances itself out in that Praenomen are the easiest confusion-stacking class so each is potent at slowing down the other, Rhythm is just unbeatable however.
Fix plz @Keroc you are the only hope. Rhythm exists to allow the Shaman to feasibly get off unstoppable Reclamation but it's totally destroying this matchup. If it's at all possible to make Rhythm instead have Reclamation ignore berserking ticks only if the Shaman is channeling it that would be the best thing ever. Aff immunity just shouldn't exist when it is a core aff of a class.
This part I agree is a complete pain in the ass for Prae, though, since their rebounding strip relies on being able to use berserking.
@Valinga if I tumble then I lose the long game as Praenomen. This is the only class I have problems with this as. Ted had a good idea about combustion though, I had completely forgotten it exists.