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  • ElyniElyni New Zealand
    Jensen said:

    Animal kingdom wise? Doubtful

    Introducing: The quoll.

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Elyni said:
    Introducing: The quoll.  There needs to be an American equivalent to qualify

  • CorynCoryn Spokane, Wa
    @Jensen It's called a squirrel.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    If it was called a squirrel it wouldn't be called a quoll
  • Quolls: They're really really cute, and then they open their mouths and you realise they're full of sharp teeth, ready to rip the flesh from your bones.
    Now with 253% more Madness.
    Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Why is your country so lethal.
  • Everyone knows Australia is just a giant prison, so anyone there has to be able to fend for themselves, animals included. The cute ones that can't fight back just get taken advantage of. It's all trying to kill you there.
  • Good luck and safe travels, my friend. Australia is not as bad as people make it out to be.... though the laws and whatnot are weird. I'm heading back to the States myself.

    Enjoy your time there!! I know I did! :)
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • avoid walking under trees of a height that might obscure dropbears! they target those who lack austrailian accents after all.
    The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
  • IraeIrae Six feet under.
    edited August 2016
    I'm getting a bit anxious thinking how much it must've cost to move there. The prices for shipping from the US to Australia must be absurd. Along with airfare, and everything else.
  • IraeIrae Six feet under.
    Yay got a new teapot
  • I love this dog.
    It gave me far more amusement then anything should at 6:30 in the morning

    Thinly coated, this grey dog stands here proudly upon his long, agile legs. Some marks and wear are visible upon its aged body. Wise, blue eyes stare out from his narrow face. His ears, while alert, have a distinct droop to them; a thing inevitable in his years. His thin tail is usually kept in something of a spiral near the tip. He is called 'Underdog.'
    A sleek, nimble grey dog has an air of extreme strength.
  • IraeIrae Six feet under.
    Sincerely enjoying my time back in Aetolia since I started playing again about a month ago. Thanks to any and all who've interacted with Irae, hopefully you guys enjoy it.
  • Irae said:

    Sincerely enjoying my time back in Aetolia since I started playing again about a month ago. Thanks to any and all who've interacted with Irae, hopefully you guys enjoy it.

    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • IraeIrae Six feet under.
    Free Shmurda, but more importantly free Max B.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited September 2016
    Irae said:

    Free Shmurda, but more importantly free Max B.

    My ninja. You invited to the cookout.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Put Gucci Mane back in jail so we can free him too!
  • IraeIrae Six feet under.
    edited September 2016
    Edit: Ew nvm my emoticons were lost and now its ruined T_T
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited September 2016
    Lin said:
    Put Gucci Mane back in jail so we can free him too!
    Guwop made his album from prison anyway!
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Just listen to Deltron 3030 till good hip hop comes back
  • Knuck if you buck.
  • Yup in my white T.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • edited September 2016
    I love that a rune-painted moose is one of this month's Wheel of Fates mounts. Now if someone could be so kind as to win one and let me buy it/trade for it...

    Edit: @Aisling is THE BEST.

    You blow hard into the whistle, producing a clear tone. Promptly a rune-painted moose comes into view and nudges you with its head.
  • Excuse me, you better show me your Heroic Archie chieve, breh.

  • edited September 2016

    Edit: Well, I realize that's not showing Heroic, but I've done it and I have the moose, SO NEEEEER.
  • Okay, carry on.

  • edited September 2016
    my birthday....and my luck

    HAPPYBIRTHDAY= 25 credits - 1 token spin
    1st spin = arti pipe = 32/33 credits = 1 token + 7 credits
    2nd spin= cryptic chest= comms+ bull's eye+ 4 arti vials= 140 credits total = 5 wheel spins

    3rd spin= 200 lessons
    4th spin = relic pieces
    5th spin = celestine target dummy
    6th spin = cryptic chest = grimstim + chalice
    7th spin = Whistle for Icewyrm

    I'm done now. I don't think there's any way my luck can top that.

    edit: THis above here isn't the first example of Xandren's ridiculous luck. Can we PLEASE finally have a god of luck so that Xan can join his/her divine order? I think it's the only thing that's appropriate. They'd be neutral too, 'cause Luck doesn't give two shits about Rhythm, XD.
    The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
  • Y'call that luck? I got ore on my first spin on an alt. Then used those credits for 8 more spins. :> I'll save you the details of those. BUT CONGRATS, that's still pretty good.

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