Purposes of this thread:
1) I want to solicit both IC and OOC feedback about my character and related stuff - no holds barred. If you want to tell me I, the player, am a terrible person because X, Y, and Z, go ahead! Trolling, criticism, and praise are all legal tender here. (Just make it entertaining. If I can insult myself better than you can, I'm going to mock
you instead.

2) Solicit me for RP, because I am terrible about getting out and actually RPing with people.
Okay, for serious - Shachalai is someone that, despite how short they've known each other, and how little outside of their work lives they know each other, Xavin depends on for council. She's solid and reliable and seems to be constantly striving to improve, especially when confronted with ideas that are contrary to her own positions.
+1 more rp plz.
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
On a less creepy note, I've been singing your praises to some of my Spirean cohorts, so perhaps expect more of them to find excuses to bump into you. Keep up the awesome work, because I thoroughly enjoy the interactions between Kelli and Shachalai.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
I love Shachalai, she and Rasani always have such interesting interactions. Even if they disagree, the rp is always good and complex and they always leave the interaction better for it. It's awesome, what a good little dweeb you've made.
I look forward to seeing where things go, both with you and with any potential interaction between the two characters.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Don't stop.
I hope there will be plenty more interactions between Aymah And Shachalai, and I sure will be looking for them. Your emoting skills are -awesome-.
P.S. Aymah is onto you. Just saying.
I've yet to have a 1 on 1 with Shacha yet, but the group stuff and clan convos we've been involved in have given me a really good impression!
The escort RP I provoked while wandering around Enorian randomly was fun and engaging. Thanks!
Looking forward to seeing more from her.
You're great and I miss having reasons to RP with you!