Hi folks,
Once upon a time we had a contest of sorts where we asked you for your (serious) ideas on new artifacts we can put in. That contest is making a return!
Post ideas here for that artifact you've always wanted. If we like the idea, and decide to put it into the game, you'll get a copy of that artifact for free! This offer will only be running for the next couple of weeks (I'll post when it's closed).
In order to encourage thought-out ideas, I'm going to be limiting it to 5 ideas per person. So don't just go suggesting ideas willy-nilly in the hopes you'll get lucky and score that free arti!
Some disclaimers and so on:
* The first person to suggest the closest thing to the artifact we end up releasing will receive credit.
* Ultimately, the above disclaimer is up to our discretion. As an example, if you were the first to post 'increased exp gain' as an idea, and someone later posts a more elaborate artifact that includes exp gain amongst it powers, they'll likely be the ones we give credit to.
* Only suggestions posted to this thread will count.

Artifact 2: An artifact that, when worn or in your inventory, should the owner be the one tapping/controlling a minor/lesser, the amount of ylem collected will be doubled (this can be stacked with the white orbs to further increase ylem gain). This item WILL ONLY work for the owner.
Artifact 3: This artifact can go one of two ways...
-First way: A tiered pot/cauldron that allows the Concoctionist/Reanimator to put in larger amounts of ingredients. Tier 1: 750, Tier 2: 1000, Tier 3: 1500
-Second way: The pot/cauldron simply is larger and holds double the amount of ingredients, up from 500 at a single time to 1000.
Artifact 4: An artifact similar to that of Telepathy Glance. It allows the user to look into the target's room and see what they see, so long as they are in the same area. (Something akin to the way the Beast's mirror worked in Beauty and the Beast. Don't judge me.)
Artifact 5:
Environment Multiplier: Make an entire area overgrowth/sanded with no willpower drain for 5 minutes. Usable once per aetolian day.
Artifact 2: An artifact that lessens the time it takes to regain control over a Minor focus after it has been tapped and left behind. I'm not certain if it would be possible to code this, but possibly also a Lesser focus, if you were the one who originally tapped it.
Artifact 3: A tip jar that can be placed in shops for people to leave gold in, should they wish to tip their waitresses. Can only be emptied by the shop owner. It could be made even more elaborate by making it possible to link this to the paying of shop taxes. Should there be enough gold in there to cover them, the dues are paid automatically.
Artifact 4: A filing cabinet, with limited space, that makes it possible to store papers, scrolls, cards, and letters like in a library, without them decaying, but without having to turn the room into a library.
Artifact 5: Cleats. When worn or put on the mount, these provide enough traction for the traveller to gallop or dash over ice-slick ground without slipping.
Artifact 2: Arm Wrestling Table: Place this anywhere and challenge someone to an arm wrestling match(A man can dream, right?)
Artifact 3: A one time use coin that adds x(5k? 10k?) amount of rep towards a certain faction. Only usable after the first rank in said faction
Artifact 4:
Artifact 5:
a venatium tool box
holds all your crafting tools if you have any. Think weaponbelt for things used in crafting like pots, crafting boons, kegs... basically to declutter your inventory if you're a mondo crafter like Eleanor/Erzsebet! Extra bonus of slow decay for things kept within maybe.
idea 2:
Banner of Leadership
Gives a 15% xp boost to everyone following you and/or in web, if in PvE. 5% bonus in PvP. Must be worn (on back) to function. Yes, this idea was spawned by the commander's seal. Alas, I am broke, and could not bid on it. So behold! Something similar but not exact enough to be annoying.
idea 3
compact mirror
Allows you to store 2-3 extra character descriptions so you can swap between even more at will. Great for performers and people who change description between outfits. Beyond what's there I mean.
idea 4
ancient, crumbling linguistics tome
Lets you learn a discontinued language. One-use, pricier than the language tokens for Iron Coins. -OR-. One-use and only gets you halfway through and you have to finish learning by reading/speaking.
idea 5
a bag of venatium caltrops
once-per-day non-classed crystalforest. Bypasses levitation?
Or maybe it could just slow a person down like backstab but for a shorter duration, because stepping on sharp things sucks but not as bad as getting stabbed in the butt.
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
Oh! new idea, A fishings records book that updates with all the World Records, the hole caught for each fish and the person who caught it!
Riftwalking Shoes: You can teleport to any room in the game by using the vnum. 4 hr cooldown and can't be used on monoliths.
- A punching bag. TRANSFORM BAG to turn it into a person token that you can hit with all skills like they were in-room with you. Doesn't do anything to the actual player, just lets you collect offense lines on it.
- A polished kibble bowl: instantly age a warhound to old enough to breed with, usable 1/RL week.
- An artifact tinderbox. I hate when that thing decays, because I never notice - not like it shows up on pipelist etc.
- Goggles of fogsight, let you see through fog (why whitesight but no fogsight?)
- A scholar's chest, cart, or the like that works like a library, but is mobile and accessible from your inventory. If set down, it can operate somewhat akin to a mobile shop, allowing others to access it.
- A mechanical chirurgeon. Has a random chance to cure and heal you or to cause one of several ailments once a howling. "When it works, it works great! When it doesn't, it breaks all your bones. I once had to rescue a novice from it before it extracted her liver." Could be fun to write all the terrible ways it fails. Possibly when it works, it grants some sort of small buff/buffs?
1. A one time use artifact that you can consume to grant you Tri Trans access to any class you choose for 24 hours.
2. Environment Multiplier: Make an entire area overgrowth/sanded with no willpower drain for 5 minutes. Usable once per
aetolian day.howling.3. An artifact that just lets you understand any language when worn, including other endgame languages or others that are otherwise inaccessible.
4. Riftwalking Shoes: You can teleport to any room in the game by using the vnum. 4 hr cooldown and can't be used on monoliths.
5. An artifact that allows you to revive mutual allies from anywhere on the continent without requiring their corpse on hand. Works only if they died via PvE and the corpse will be destroyed on revival. Heroes neva die.
a wooden coronet
* Decreases equilibrium costs for one class's skillsets by 7%. Once chosen, this class cannot be changed.
Idea #2:
a crystalline glove
* When using crystalism, eliminates the need to outcache and spin crystals - as long as you have the necessary crystals in your cache or inventory, they will automatically be spun and embedded into the desired vibration. The length of the vibrations created by the glove are doubled. Also allows you to use the focus vibration without spending crystals.
* The dominion crystal power CAN be added to this artifact, and only this artifact, in which case you end up with a crystalline dominion glove that's also capable of embedding vibrations right from the crystal's facets.
Idea #3:
a trident brooch
* When attacking multiple foes simultaneously, you gain 1% of the damage done to every foe beyond the first as health. Critical hits, in the case of PvE, can affect this percentage.
Idea #4:
Idea #5:
This would allow the harvester to pick more than one specific type of plant to harvest if they don't want to harvest only one or all plants in a room.
For example: Sickle all myrrh ginseng
A greenhouse environment, a room that allows you to plant X amount of flowers/vegetables, etc. Which after a short time, will grow in the room to be harvested. Can be harvested once a rl day, will continue to produce until the owner digs them up and replants the area with something else. Owner, simply must find what they want to grow in the world and plant it. For every one plant planted, the owner would get 2-5 that could be harvested. After planted, owner must water it once for it to grow. No tedious upkeep, just plant, water and wait then harvest and wait for more to be produced.
A saltwater aquarium - similar to the aquarium in the game now, only with saltwater fish. Clowns, star fish, octopi, shrimp, snails etc. That provide room messages occasionally of the fish swimming. The artifact one, holds more fish and has a greater variety. Could even have it linked to fishing. That you must catch the fish yourself and add it. But each fish added would have it's own custom room message.
An artifact that allows you access to two mercantile skills instead of one.
An ice chest - Allow players to drop it in homes. Food/drink placed within is kept fresh longer. (slows decay time of food/drink only.)
A manaleech charm: Similar to rune of the leech, this item would give 5% of any targeted damage the player deals to that player in the form of mana.
Stormlord's barding: an artifact that can be put on and removed from mounts, would allow the rider of a mount equipped with it to spur mount skywards.
An intricate essence syphon: A single use artifact, similar to crystals of rebirth. Could be used by Azudim or Yeleni to revert to Tekal.
A delicate elemental brand: this artifact would give the owner access to an elemental language (like the ones that you could get briefly from that quest a few years ago), and (possibly) could be used a few times per season to summon elementals like the elemental globes.
#2: Artifact book tattoo.
#3: An artifact power that delays automatic resetting of the item by 1/2/3 hours.
#4: The ability to GUARD another player, intercepting all attacks on them by mobs (would not work against area attacks or against player-loyal mobs). Or what Zsadist suggested.
#5: The ability to grant yourself a blessing once per season (in addition to the Ylem power).
2) A harvester's spade - wielded while harvesting, doubles the number of plants that you get for HARVEST ALL ([plant]|plants)
3) Titan's Heartstone - allows for the owner's stats to go above 21 when not actively engaged in PvP
4) Draekathi Vacuum Chamber - ATTACH this to your ylem binding gauntlet and it will automatically absorb ylem as it appears in the room.
5) Lubricating Grease - Gives you 7% balance gain bonus, does NOT stack with racial enhancements. (Just frees up a point to be put somewhere else.)