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  • Spotted this in the comment section of a news article that speaks of what I posted about earlier:

    Absolutely sick to my stomach at such a response and blatant attempt at bullying/disrespect by somebody none of my family knows. Luckily the Interwebs is a small place, and within a few minutes I was able to find his employer and said employer's email address. Suffice to say they've started receiving a number of emails boycotting their business while they allow somebody to represent it in their public actions in such a way.
  • @Buford What an ass.. I have experienced a similar thing when a friend died. Makes me sick to see how little respect people can show. My thoughts go out to you and your family, especially the boys who lost their father. Digital hugs to you all.


  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    You know, I openly acknowledge my status as an asshole and relish it most of the time, but damn. That guy is just a piece of shit. I'm sorry for your loss, @Buford.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    edited June 2016
    I'm so tired that I don't even realized I typo'd something until like 30 minutes later when I casually glance back over. Simulator? No, I typed simular because let's just cut out those extra letters--those extra vowels. We don't need them.

    Now I'm secretly dreading that I typo'd like crazy in one of my projects, but I'm so tired I can't even determine if it IS a true typo. Went to bed at 3am, woke up at 8:30am, and went, "huh, I'm WIDE AWAKE but VERY TIRED". This is some firstworldproblems crap, but I'm like spinning at this point.

  • KerocKeroc A small cupboardAdministrator, Immortal
    Hadrak said:

    I'm so tired that I don't even realized I typo'd something until like 30 minutes later when I casually glance back over. Simulator? No, I typed simular because let's just cut out those extra letters--those extra vowels. We don't need them.

    Now I'm secretly dreading that I typo'd like crazy in one of my projects, but I'm so tired I can't even determine if it IS a true typo. Went to bed at 3am, woke up at 8:30am, and went, "huh, I'm WIDE AWAKE but VERY TIRED". This is some firstworldproblems crap, but I'm like spinning at this point.

    Did you decide you'd like try out my life a little?
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Keroc said:

    Did you decide you'd like try out my life a little?

    Literally so tired, I'm not even sure what you just said to me

  • I'm fried on pk. It's nothing personal, but Jesus could the deck be any more stacked. Better ranged dps (crossbow sentinel doing more than snipe, plus lifers can get snipe), shaman's entire kit a flaming pile of bullshit (disable telepathy at will/make a room indoors/rubble, their damage scaling so well, blackout on-demand, pull people through everything but triple block and a sacrificed virgin, I can't even count the extra stuff that's ridic), monk damage still insane and I can't get any artiwhores to play it on the darkie side because @trikal is a bitch, firewall/convo to summon people is monstrous despite nerfs, can summon each other, can still follow through jpk, LUNGE.

    I look at the numbers, look at the skills, and I have no idea what to do to counter them. So goodbye. Maybe for the night, maybe for a few days. Fuck the pk balance in this game with a rusty nail, especially when my shaman report got shot down as 'unnecessary' yet any time a shaman shows up our monks may as well jump off a cliff.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • Xandren said:

    , but with it not supporting FALLOUT 3 (SERIOUSLY, I can forgive not supporting Morrowind, but FALLOUT 3. YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU CAN'T SUPPORT FALLOUT 3?!?!)

    Windows 10 can run Fallout 3 and Morrowind.

    If you're having a problem with the launcher not starting the game properly, you probably need to install Games For Windows Live.

    Not sure what's wrong with Morrowind, my friend plays it fine on Win10. You might have to disable DPI scaling on high settings under properties/compatability if you're having issues with the janky picture or something.

    Your laptop crashing is probably caused by your current power settings, which might have got jacked when you installed win10.

  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    Being sick during summer. At any other time of the year it's to be expected, but summertime is the WORST.
  • Toz said:

    I'm fried on pk. It's nothing personal, but Jesus could the deck be any more stacked. Better ranged dps (crossbow sentinel doing more than snipe, plus lifers can get snipe), shaman's entire kit a flaming pile of unicorns (disable telepathy at will/make a room indoors/rubble, their damage scaling so well, blackout on-demand, pull people through everything but triple block and a sacrificed virgin, I can't even count the extra stuff that's ridic), monk damage still insane and I can't get any artiwhores to play it on the darkie side because @trikal is a unicorns, firewall/convo to summon people is monstrous despite nerfs, can summon each other, can still follow through jpk, LUNGE.

    I look at the numbers, look at the skills, and I have no idea what to do to counter them. So goodbye. Maybe for the night, maybe for a few days. unicorns the pk balance in this game with a rusty nail, especially when my shaman report got shot down as 'unnecessary' yet any time a shaman shows up our monks may as well jump off a cliff.

    Normally, people get mad at me when I talk about this stuff... in any case

    Welcome to Who's Side Are You On, where the spirit classes get every advantage that can possibly be gleaned and the shadow side just doesnt matter. No, the shadow classes just don't matter.
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    edited June 2016
    Some idiots broke in to my school and into the office I share with one other person. They smashed a window, spreading glass, gravel and dirt all over the room. School is out, but we're there because we're holding summer school. Extra tutoring. We couldn't touch anything before police came around to check on things, and even after, we had to wait for cleaners because there was a layer of tiny shards on all our papers.
    What massive wealth did they get away with? Two absolutely worthless laptops, which have been registered in case they are stolen, which can't be accessed without formatting because they were prepped for school work only. The information is even saved on separate servers, so they didn't even get to any of that. They'd have gotten more out of the heist if they'd stolen the pens, papers and office chairs! Instead they disrupted a day for students in need of more lessons and damaged things for a lot more money than what they got out of it.

    Unicorns. <- language filter didn't work.

  • That post is exactly why people don't listen to you when you say things like that, @zsadist.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Plus there is the other side view which presents many relevant points and arguably could offer an entirely different conclusion/opinion. But we're not supposed to talk about Aetolia stuff here :pensive:
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    edited June 2016
    My coworker was sick over the past weekend--sore throat, runny nose, coughing, exhaustion. I didn't really have much of an appetite the past few days, felt pretty tired, and now I've got all her other symptoms. Just roll me down a hill at this point.

  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Emelle said:

    Being sick during summer. At any other time of the year it's to be expected, but summertime is the WORST.

    Heeeeeeey I got a sickbuddy. Let's be miserable together. (although I'm miserable enough for both of us lbr)

  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    Hadrak said:

    Heeeeeeey I got a sickbuddy. Let's be miserable together. (although I'm miserable enough for both of us lbr)
    Solidarity. Mine came from my partner, who got it from his brother. Exact same progression, just delayed by a few days. I have swollen lymph nodes and a sore throat and I'm stuffed up and hgghh
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Hadrak said:

    Heeeeeeey I got a sickbuddy. Let's be miserable together. (although I'm miserable enough for both of us lbr)
    That's kind of weird. Everyone out here has been getting sick too. I've no idea what the hell is/was wrong with me, but I was literally knocked out cold in my bed for 2 straight days. I didn't even eat that whole time, and then some. It felt like an awful combination of food poisoning and the flu. I filled up a jug with water, refilled it from the bathroom sink which is like a hop and a skip away from my room, and kept it cold in my minifridge next to my bed. Whatever it was, it took a lot of energy out of me because i slept for a -solid- 20 hours according to my girlfriend. I woke up the next day and didn't even REALIZE it was the next day, which i proceeded to sleep through as well. That was on Wednesday and Thursday.

    I'm usually not a pathophobe, being a nurse and all, but it had kinda freaked me out considered I'd watched this video about this woman in the US contracting some sort of virus that is completely immune to every antiobiotic known to man, even the last resort ones. Then everyone i knew started getting sick and i'm like "Lawd JAYSUS help it's contagion irl." At any rate, i'm feeling much better now, and it feels like i'm getting over a regular old cold.

    Double plus: I've been taking care of the same guy for 3 years now. I'm always the first one he calls when someone else calls in sick, and i just about always say yes. If I were to ever call in sick, nobody could/would replace me. I work 6 days a week, every week, only getting Saturdays off. Job is mostly cool, considering i get to sleep, play video games, etc. but it's not fun and games about 70% of the time. This is the first time, in the past 2 years, that i've ever had more than my usual 1 day off. Usually if I get sick, I'll just go in anyway cause i can sleep it off there since i practically live there anyway. But it's been really nice, for once in my life, to have 4 straight days off.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Called out of work yesterday, left early today. Still dizzy/tired/groggy as hell. For all my misery though here's Genji lookin' real comfy

    Dat Genji.

  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    So, we decided that for Father's Day we'd take my father-in-law out to see a Revolutionary War re-enactment that was being held today because apparently he likes that sort of thing.

    We spend the next few hours wandering the village in 30 degree heat and when the time for the re-enactment rolls around, father-in-law is nowhere to be found. We didn't find out until an hour later after running around taking photos that he had gone back to the car and didn't even watch the battle at all.

    On top of all this, my in-laws spent pretty much the entire car ride there and back arguing with each other. I feel like I completely wasted my Sunday. Dinner with my parents is more pleasant than day trips with my in-laws. 
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    My hair is green, which is awesome. But so are my arms, neck, and bits of my face. >.> Long hair is apparently a bitch to dye alone.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    I've hit a standstill at losing weight and I still have a lot more to go.

    The place I got my dog from has a very nice website. They have paired over 150 dogs in their few years open. Of those, on the front page of their website, they have three recipients featured. Guess who's one of the three. >.< This is in rage because my picture makes me look gross fat and I hate it. I intended to ask the website admin to replace the picture when I lost weight but, as above, I can't seem to lose enough to be satisfied enough to waste her time.

    I don't even EAT that much. I have another appointment with voc rehab today, pushing forward the process of them helping me get a job. Maybe a job will help me get out of the house and lose some more weight.
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    edited June 2016
    Took two benadryl in an attempt to relieve my sinus pressure and stop my nose from running after waking up. Passed back out like, two hours later--ty benadryl--for another four hours. My cold or w/e it is has spread to my eye. It hurts so goddamn bad. Boy, they're gonna love me at work.

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    edited June 2016
    Arbre said:

    I've hit a standstill at losing weight and I still have a lot more to go.

    The place I got my dog from has a very nice website. They have paired over 150 dogs in their few years open. Of those, on the front page of their website, they have three recipients featured. Guess who's one of the three. >.< This is in rage because my picture makes me look gross fat and I hate it. I intended to ask the website admin to replace the picture when I lost weight but, as above, I can't seem to lose enough to be satisfied enough to waste her time.

    I don't even EAT that much. I have another appointment with voc rehab today, pushing forward the process of them helping me get a job. Maybe a job will help me get out of the house and lose some more weight.

    Not eating a lot will cause you to retain weight. Your body goes into 'store energy' mode, and stored energy is fat. I eat steadily all day every day, and since I started exercising I've lost 7 pounds. Started at 237, down to 230 right now. I also use www.myfitnesspal.com to keep track of what I eat and my exercising, so I can get an idea about what is what during the day. I find it really helps me keep from eating too much sugar and fat and stuff like that.

    If you end up using it let me know, you can add me on there.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Ishin said:

    Not eating a lot will cause you to retain weight. Your body goes into 'store energy' mode, and stored energy is fat. I eat steadily all day every day, and since I started exercising I've lost 7 pounds. Started at 237, down to 230 right now. I also use www.myfitnesspal.com to keep track of what I eat and my exercising, so I can get an idea about what is what during the day. I find it really helps me keep from eating too much sugar and fat and stuff like that.

    If you end up using it let me know, you can add me on there.

    I've been not eating a lot for a year and a half now, so I should be past the 'store energy' mode phase. I did lose about 65 pounds, but then I just hit this slump and haven't been able to climb out of it and start losing again.

    My username on myfitnesspal is arbreaquila, but all I do on it is track when I DO lose weight, I don't keep up with food and exercise and whatever else it tracks.
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    I look like Patient Zero at this point. When I get sick, I don't go halfway. OH NO.

  • edited June 2016
    Illidan said:

    That's kind of weird. Everyone out here has been getting sick too.

    So I've felt from just slightly off to really unicorns horrible for the past month. I found out I'm really, really diabetic. My A1C was 11%.

    What scared me into getting a meter was waking up with blurry vision more than once... along with everything else. It's the only symptom that was completely unique from a cold/flu and what I knew was directly tied to diabetes. Even now I wake up every now and then with the vision switching; today I'm farsighted, a few days ago I was near.

    I've been on Atkins+ and jogging since I first tested my BS and got 340. Took a week to get it under 200. Just got my Rx today and I'm going to see if it can't keep the good thing going. I was 280bl 2 months ago. I'm now 245.

    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    That my fellow countrymen have voted to leave the EU. Deeply frustrating. It's already had an impact on my wedding which is in Greece next year. Who knows what the future holds.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Benedicto said:
    That my fellow countrymen have voted to leave the EU. Deeply frustrating. It's  had an impact on my wedding which is in Greece next year. Who knows what the future holds.
    Looks like Scotland wants to use his as a chance to sucede and join the EU independently.  I'm also curious if this could spark other northern nations who are tired of supporting southern Europe to follow in the UKs footsteps.  I'll just drink my coffee and watch from across the pond
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    My fiance lost the engagement ring I gave him at some point during the wedding shower we attended earlier. He's way more upset about it than I am. It wasn't expensive, but we had been planning on turning it into a family heirloom. I'm hoping it turns up, but chances are, it's long gone.
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