I finally got moved into my new house late last night, and am getting set up with things like internet and unpacking and all that good stuff today and this weekend so that I can actually start feeling like I -live- here. New house!
Headlights are the worst for me. It's not that it is particularly complicated or technically difficult, it is that they apparently assumed that anybody changing the headlight bulbs would have both the hand size of my two year old nephew and the grip strength of the incredible hulk.
Yeah I had to like, stick my hand in and twist my upper body to put my fingers at the right position to twist the plastic lock-washer thing lol. I was like damn what is this.
Yeah, it's not like the old Volvos where you could basically stand in the engine room and change stuff, easily reaching everything with just about any tool you had at hand. Or the older models of Ford for that matter. Changing the fan belt with nothing but a lug wrench (for leverage), a normal wrench (for the bolts), and a hammer (for extra force) had some heads turning in the parking lot, but I had fun! The good old days... Thankfully I have small hands, so reaching the headlights are usually not that much of an issue.
So this is not really your typical LOVE post, but eh.
Found out today that a long-time family friend was killed in a car accident in Texas. Her name was Janiva Willis, she was a world-class athlete who played softball for my dad, then the Canadian national team. After finishing playing there, she dedicated her life to working with disadvantaged youth. For 8 years she was a counselor and role-model, and was biking from California back to Charlotte, South Carolina to raise money and awareness for her I Dream In Colors program. I remember being in middle school when she was going to college/playing ball, fighting her for shotgun when we went to go get food after working softball camps together. When people asked if I knew Janiva, I always told them of course I did, she was my sister. So I guess to wrap up whatever this is, I'm glad I got to know her for as long as I did, and hope I can be a thousandth of the person she was. Thanks, Jay.
I'm so glad I'm going home tonight after over a week of ups and downs. A miracle happened - my mother-in-law was on deaths bed, expected to live for days, and is now on the mend enough to at least see my sons first birthday. Plus, I got a promotion at work that'll take affect in a few weeks. Just wish my son wouldn't have gotten a sinus infection from staying in an old, country home. All-in-all, I love sitting here sans the baby and husband for a few hours while my sister-in-law watches my boy and my husband takes his PE.
While I know some aspects of the game have been rough lately. I just wanted to say I absolutely love how people are also coming together, and some new faces are throwing themselves fully into the game and engaging with it. The interactions, enthusiasm, and care have been incredible to watch.
While dealing with a job change, the end of undergrad, looking for yet another job, and the family drama @Zarni, @Corvo and the Syssin have really been there for me oocly. They've even put up with gradzilla me. I know this is both a love and a thank you but I recognize everything you do and I appreciate it
Edit: Oh, -somehow- I left out @Mariena and @Kelliara. You both are p great.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
I'm coming to accept that Cabalists in combat are like players in Super Hexagon. The stage gets easier or harder depending on the status of the Cablist.
I this game. I've been playing it during breaks at work on my phone.
Ten guesses who got to watch, live and only a few feet away, Patrick Rothfuss DM a game of D&D. This girl.
Just got back from PaxEast and had a grand time. Finally finished my collection of Tanto Cuore and got a new gaming mat for my card games. Also watched a few awesome tournaments and saw Protoman live.
Ten guesses who got to watch, live and only a few feet away, Patrick Rothfuss DM a game of D&D. This girl.
Just got back from PaxEast and had a grand time. Finally finished my collection of Tanto Cuore and got a new gaming mat for my card games. Also watched a few awesome tournaments and saw Protoman live.
There are not enough 'likes' on this whole fucking forums for me to click like for you getting to watch PR DM a game of DND. I love his books so much. I can't wait for the next one to come out
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
@Hadrak Yeah, the expo was brilliant this year. It's one of the few conventions that I highly recommend going to!
@Ishin It was awesome. He's usually just a player for Acquisitions Inc but he blew the crowd away by standing up to DM. Typically it's C. Perkins that DMs (he's amazing, too) but this year, they switched things up. When it comes out on the intertoobs, I'll post it up for everyone.
To be completely honest, the Con is great but I really only show up to watch AI, check out the indie games, and board games.
Here's from last year's PAXeast. Basically, PR plays Kvothe.
I really wish I had the time to watch more of the D&D streams online like Acquisitions Inc with Perkins. I've caught a few episodes here and there especially with his work on the Curse of Strahd (YAY RAVENLOFT), but keeping up with Critical Role has been monumental as is and I have a hard time dropping it with my love for the entire group.
I'm goin' to a concert in May! I haven't been to one in ages, and for awhile I thought I'd never be able to go to one again because of the dog, but we've been practicing and he's getting better, so here goes!
It's not a big one, it's just something at a large church, but still! I've just recently discovered Plumb and tripped upon that she's playing a couple of towns over, so I'm excited! Here's a picture of Nitro in the ear muffs he'll have to wear for your viewing pleasure.
Man, @Hadrak. You're going to be hurting when I tell you that that same group is starting up a series in June. They announced it after this last weekend after they cut the streaming.
The dude and I are planning on starting up Critical Role at some point soon. It's just hard to follow something new, as you already know, when your time is already busting.
@Asaraii I KNOW! When he stood up to DM, both my boyfriend and I started squealing like children going 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!' I'll msg you the link when I post the link if you want to watch him DM. It was HILARIOUS and wonderful.
I'm coming to accept that Cabalists in combat are like players in Super Hexagon. The stage gets easier or harder depending on the status of the Cablist.
I this game. I've been playing it during breaks at work on my phone.
That is one of my FAVORITE games to play. Good choice!
Put an offer on a house and it was accepted! Our lender is known for being able to close within 28 days so if all inspections go well we should be moving in by the end of the month!!!!!
ETA: This was also my 500th post. Milestones. Yep.
Found out today that a long-time family friend was killed in a car accident in Texas. Her name was Janiva Willis, she was a world-class athlete who played softball for my dad, then the Canadian national team. After finishing playing there, she dedicated her life to working with disadvantaged youth. For 8 years she was a counselor and role-model, and was biking from California back to Charlotte, South Carolina to raise money and awareness for her I Dream In Colors program. I remember being in middle school when she was going to college/playing ball, fighting her for shotgun when we went to go get food after working softball camps together. When people asked if I knew Janiva, I always told them of course I did, she was my sister. So I guess to wrap up whatever this is, I'm glad I got to know her for as long as I did, and hope I can be a thousandth of the person she was. Thanks, Jay.
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
Edit: Oh, -somehow- I left out @Mariena and @Kelliara. You both are p great.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
Dolsot bibimbap is too good for this terrible earth.
Just got back from PaxEast and had a grand time. Finally finished my collection of Tanto Cuore and got a new gaming mat for my card games. Also watched a few awesome tournaments and saw Protoman live.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
@Ishin It was awesome. He's usually just a player for Acquisitions Inc but he blew the crowd away by standing up to DM. Typically it's C. Perkins that DMs (he's amazing, too) but this year, they switched things up. When it comes out on the intertoobs, I'll post it up for everyone.
To be completely honest, the Con is great but I really only show up to watch AI, check out the indie games, and board games.
Here's from last year's PAXeast. Basically, PR plays Kvothe.
It's not a big one, it's just something at a large church, but still! I've just recently discovered Plumb and tripped upon that she's playing a couple of towns over, so I'm excited! Here's a picture of Nitro in the ear muffs he'll have to wear for your viewing pleasure.
The dude and I are planning on starting up Critical Role at some point soon. It's just hard to follow something new, as you already know, when your time is already busting.
@Asaraii I KNOW! When he stood up to DM, both my boyfriend and I started squealing like children going 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!' I'll msg you the link when I post the link if you want to watch him DM. It was HILARIOUS and wonderful.
Spoiler- Perkins plays as Drizzt
ETA: This was also my 500th post. Milestones. Yep.
Come on, Bandai. You know you want to release this here. (I mean, w/e, they won't--but that sweet, sweet 90s anime blu-ray quality)