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Quotes & Misquotes: Falling Off of Bridges



  • Thanks for the Welcome back? But bigger thanks to the amazing Serrice who has abolished all future Brynn misstells to CT!! A blessing from the DIvine might be in order for that hat trick! <3@Serrice
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    edited February 2016

    Vaguely indicating with a talon, @Ferrik wryly adds in mumbled comment, "To be truly forgotten would be the saddest. I do not like sad."
  • edited February 2016
    For context - @Cieth got a new glaive and I asked if he was going to give it a name. He said something cheeky along the lines of "the day the glaive wakes up and introduces itself to me is the day I'll call it by name, and also the day I will question my sanity."

    So naturally, this ensues. (Warning, pun overload.)

    You plant the image into the mind of Cieth:
    A hoarse, gravelly grunt exudes from somewhere in the room.

    Closing your eyes, you reach out with your blood bond and listen to the activities of your progeny.
    You have gained the blood_monitor defence.

    --> Cieth: emote 's gaze drifts around the room briefly.

    You plant the image into the mind of Cieth:
    A deep cough follows, and then several more. It seems to be coming...from your glaive.

    --> Cieth: emote 's lips quirk into a small smile, twisting his head to look back over his shoulder to where his glaive rests.

    You plant the image into the mind of Cieth:
    Your glaive stirs against your shoulder, turning about as if to peer at you - though, of course, its features are unerringly blank on all sides. "Forglaive me, Sir."

    --> Cieth: emote 's lips twitch and he inclines his head as best as he can given the awkward way he faces. "There is no need for apoleogies, my dear glaive. Though I shoulder the burden, it is you who cut to the heart of the matter. And I can always count upon you to be at my back."

    --> Cieth: < You are quite certain you look foolish, standing here speaking to your weapon. Still, you don't mind playing along for a good cause.

    You plant the image into the mind of Cieth:
    "I certainly pole no punches," intones your trusty weapon.


    --> Cieth: sayto Kallianessa (face going faintly red) Ah, something of a complicated matter to explain. My glaive, actually.

    --> Cieth: say (admitting) It started the conversation, in fact

    @Kallianessa tells you, "Cieth is talking to his glaive. In front of me."

    You plant the image into the mind of Cieth:
    Your glaive gives a final grunt of affirmation, the deep tenor somehow seeming to fit its long body. It nestles into your shoulder in support as you attempt to explain your quandary.
  • (Bloodloch City Council): You say, "I'm always down for recruiting more creepy old men into

    (Bloodloch City Council): Zsadist says, "You worry me sometimes, Keeper."

    >_> When @Zsadist is worried...
  • ...please tell me that I'm not the only one who heard this:

    You use Dhuriv Strike on an ornery frost gremlin.
    Your feet moving seemingly of their own accord, you drift sideways, jerking a vicious black dhurive
    upward to slash an ornery frost gremlin open.
    Damage done: 392, cutting, brute
    Health Gain: 78
    Balance Used: 1.70 seconds
    You use Dhuriv Heartbreaker on an ornery frost gremlin.
    Lurching sideways in a flurry of unbalanced steps, you drunkenly jab an ornery frost gremlin with a
    vicious black dhurive.
    You have scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit!
    Damage done: 1728, blunt, brute
    Health Gain: 86
    An ornery frost gremlin says, "I... kill youuu..!"
    Balance Used: 0.80 seconds
    Time to recover: 2.50 seconds

    The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    A figure shrouded by steam says to a figure shrouded by
    steam, "It has been quite a while, aye.
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    edited March 2016
    @Aishia eats the peach in what almost seems to be one bite, turning about the pit is all
    that is left, slurping loudly and chomping down perhaps three times. She seems to
    contemplate what to do with it for a few moments, before handing it over to Valingar, then
    wiping her hand off on his shirt absently.

    @Valingar grumbles something lazily, looking down at his peach-stained shirt, before just
    rolling his shoulders in a shrug. "Handle your own fruit," he demands, but does not expect
    this to yield much result.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Valingar doubts his wish will ever come to fruition
  • That was some low hanging fruit there
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    ah I typo'd there too.
  • (Web): You say, ""most people have 32 teeth. Some have 10. It's simple meth.'"
    (Web): You say, "Omfg."

    (Web): You say, "Dying."

    (Web): @Akara says, "I suppose it's fair to say it cracked you up."

    Thanks for being there to make me choke on my coffee Akara <3
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    The effect of your chameleon fades, and you return to your own identity.

    You take on the likeness of Aiden.

    @Didi morphs and stays the same.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • VolkaVolka Lurking behind the beakers....
    Sethrin, the ore merchant says, "Where is that damned shipment?"

    (Clan): Didi says, "Classified."
  • The Blood Craft.
    ----------- v2905 -----------


    [$] [$] [$]
    \ | / |
    - - - - - - -[+] [$]
    \ |
    \ | [H]
    \ |
    [ ] [ ]- - - - -[ ]-
    \ / \
    [ ] [ ] [ ]-[H] [H]
    | /
    [ ]
    ----------- 3:5:0 -----------

    Flecks of shale fling from a colossal earthen guard with each ambling motion he makes. A dark-haired vampire stands here, an array of creepy and odd-smelling flowers piled in his flower basket. An imperious hemic savant is here, leaning upon her scythe. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. Inviting closer inspection, a monument of bone displays an informative plaque. Its inside gleaming with polished copper, an ornate bowl is here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, south, west, and northwest.

    This bowl's interior is simple, polished copper, gleaming beneath present light. The exterior, in
    turn, is a vibrant and ornate display of kiln enameling. Thin wires have been soldered onto the bowl,
    acting as barriers for the pigmentation glazed within. Intricate radial motifs circle the bowl,
    symbols for the constellations pairing with the seasons they gain or lose power within, while
    totemic faces peer out at the cardinal points.
    Juliette, a black-eyed child looks weak and feeble.
    She is undead.
    She weighs about 72 pound(s).
    She is loyal to the City of Bloodloch.

    Wait, what? I guess we're now turning even bowls into vampires.
  • So, @Zaila has the unfortunate distinction of being Faerah and Ingram's daughter. She screwed up a bit and came in to apologize to her mother for "being a disappointment" and said something to the effect that they "should have killed her in her crib." Then:

    Faerah pauses a bit, glancing over at Ingram. "I have not been about," she slowly says before she returns her attention to Zaila with a quirked eyebrow. "As I have told you... Several times... You are only a disappointment because I know that you can do better."

    @Ingram steps over and wraps an arm around Zaila's shoulder. "And honeeey.. We wouldn't kill you in your crib even if we could," he whispers. With a peck against hers temple, he steps back to your side and adds, "We'd have sold you."

    They should write a book on parenting.
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    edited April 2016
    (Web): @Toz says, "I made Viho pretty."

    (Web): You say, "OH YOU SON OF A ***** YOU DIDN'T."

    (Web): You say, "I SWEAR TO GOD TOZ."

    (Web): Toz says, "Ahaha."

    (Web): You say, "If I type tattoos."

    (Web): You say, "And see."

    (Web): You say, "A single."

    (Web): You say, "*******."

    (Web): Toz says, "Wel."

    (Web): Toz says, "You'll see more than 1."

    You have the following tattoos:
    Body: Moon
    Body: Tree Uses left: 50
    Body: Shield Uses left: 33
    Body: Mindseye Uses left: 75
    Head: Cloak Uses left: 17
    Head: Firefly Uses left: 133
    Torso: Boar
    Torso: Mountain
    Left arm: Firefly Uses left: 133
    Left arm: Firefly Uses left: 133

    Right arm: Firefly Uses left: 133
    Right arm: Firefly Uses left: 133

    Left leg: Tree Permanent
    Left leg: Firefly Uses left: 133
    Right leg: Book Uses left: 7
    Right leg: Firefly Uses left: 133
    H:6021 M:4540 E:100% W:100% B:38000 (100%) | B:0 Evening [csdb eb] Soul: 100%
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.


    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Hey that's my thing. Except we don't talk about it cause then people notice. Not very subtle.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Toz said:
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Haven said:


    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    Right Leg Balance Used: 2.79 seconds
    You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    Right Leg Balance Used: 2.79 seconds
    Time to recover: 5.58 seconds
    You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    Right Leg Balance Used: 2.79 seconds
    Time to recover: 8.36 seconds
    You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso breaks from all the damage.
    You are afflicted with torso_damaged.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    Right Leg Balance Used: 2.79 seconds
    Time to recover: 11.15 seconds
    You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    Right Leg Balance Used: 2.79 seconds
    Time to recover: 13.94 seconds
    You use Tekura Sidekick on you.
    You pump out at yourself with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 9.74% damage.
    You connect to the torso!
    Health Lost: 1122, blunt, brute
    You have been slain by misadventure.

    Little modest little tweaks to Tekura here and there.
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Ask for monk nerfs, monk gets upgraded. GG
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
  • @Falthus says, "I'm kind of ugly but it's part of my charm."

    @Falthus makes an ugly yet charming face.

    Gon' fit right in, boi.
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    edited April 2016
    This vial is simple and functional, only distinguishable by a capital letter 'A' stamped
    into the wood.
    It has 36 weeks of usefulness left.
    It weighs 8 ounce(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of a personal journal.
    Distinctive, indeed.
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • Draiman said:
    And now everyone knows the secret to why Ascendril is the most patriotic class in the game.

  • Sorry @trikal and @Toz But this is the truth:
    (Tells): Viho tells you, "//xenia my bffl wtf."

  • Xenia said:

    Sorry @trikal and @Toz But this is the truth:
    (Tells): Viho tells you, "//xenia my bffl wtf."

    Damn that's cold.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

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