cables deciding to reform to coils when expected to be loose and then getting "kinks" in them because the parts they are attached to have to be moved intermittenly and fussed with, resulting in damage to the wires and even possibly interruptions of service until those kinks are straightened out, with work to replace them having to be planned even though that's probably going to be a lot more difficult and a pain in the arse than I really want to deal with. >.<
The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
Since when can a state not trump federal law??? Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for casual use, but its still illegal on a federal level. I'm sure if they can trump federal law on a drug, the states can press forward with making it a requirement to have authorization papers for service dogs.
Technically they don't, it is just that our current administration has chosen not to enforce federal law re. marijuana in those states.
Edit: That is to say, sure a state can pass/strike down any law it wants. But if there' is a conflict with federal law, the feds can and do decide if and when to contest it. In the case of marijuana, I think they looked at the rather overwhelming support for legalization in Colorado and Washington, and chose to with it. That ban, theoretically, should be on its way out federally anyway.
Fucking kids, god damn it! I'm driving to BDubs to get my dinner and two preteens jump into the lane I'm driving and run across the street.... causing me to brake and swerve off the road to jump the curb so I don't fucking hit the morons. And to add insult to injury, I see the pricks laughing as I drive back onto the road. Fucking really??
Are all kids this fucking stupid anymore??
Bright side: Nobody was hurt and car is not damaged (I hope).
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
Fucking kids, god damn it! I'm driving to BDubs to get my dinner and two preteens jump into the lane I'm driving and run across the street.... causing me to brake and swerve off the road to jump the curb so I don't fucking hit the morons. And to add insult to injury, I see the pricks laughing as I drive back onto the road. Fucking really??
Are all kids this fucking stupid anymore??
Bright side: Nobody was hurt and car is not damaged (I hope).
Ahh children, nature's speed bump.
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
I have more crafting ideas than time lol. I can't wait until summer so I can bring all of these ideas TO LIFE (and promptly overwhelm the poor approvers).
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
the phrase "You should have thought about that before ..." When the reason why what occurred happened on my end BECAUSE I WAS HELPING THAT PERSON UTTERING THE PHRASE. Total dick move. Helped a family member who was unable to drive one evening because of problems involving medications that were taken. Had to drive, ended up ruining my sleeping habits which I had straight up to that time, was in bed by 10, so on so forth.
woken up at 11 because someone needed me to drive them to six different places due to a medical emergency, hospital for a nursing friend to assist with the emergency, then to a few drug stores, was driving for nearly two hours. My sleep for the night is fucked as a result. Awake the rest of the night, finally fall asleep just a few hours before dawn, sleep the day away. Today, I mention the fact we lack a firstaid kit, and that there were errands I needed to get done yesterday, and that on monday, I will absolutely HAVE to get them done, last chance to get them done. The relative's response? "You should have thought about that yesterday before you slept all day. I would have been glad to help you then, I have to spend today getting ready for work, and monday will be the next time I don't have to work that evening." It took a lot of restraint to not want to smack that person as hard as I can.
The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
Since when can a state not trump federal law??? Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for casual use, but its still illegal on a federal level. I'm sure if they can trump federal law on a drug, the states can press forward with making it a requirement to have authorization papers for service dogs.
Fairly sure the feds could drop down on that harshly if they so chose. They simply choose not to, right now.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Surprise, work is staying open an hour later every day starting yesterday, thanks for the heads up guys.
If someone wants to buy a motorcycle/atv/dirtbike from a dealership, they are -going- to come in during your open hours. Staying open for an hour later is not going to make a world of difference. And apparently, we're going to not have early nights or be able to come in late on alternating days. Working 50 hours a week, wahoo.
@asaraii I live close enough to Wisconsin that I could chant "Harley" three times and wave a $10,000 bill in the air and *poof* a bike would be on my doorstep.
Drove an hour and a half to the VA yesterday, because my back was hurting me a lot. Like...a lot a lot. Get there, wait to be seen in the ER for right around four hours. Get seen, takes 10 minutes. Guy tells me eat 6-800mg of Ibuprofen 3 times a day. Thanks bro. Could've been a jerk, but tbh after sitting for that long and having a lady tell me about how she was faith-healed by gyrating her hips...
I was ready to get gone.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Could've been a jerk, but tbh after sitting for that long and having a lady tell me about how she was "faith"-healed by gyrating her hips...
I love it when people think that they got healed through faith. Makes me laugh. Anyway, here's an acronym I came up with to describe those who believe they were 'faith' healed:
F - Forgetting A - Anything I - Intellectual T - Through H - Humiliation
NOTE: I am not saying faith is wrong, just that its impossible to be healed through 'faith'.
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
In the grand scheme of things this is almost inconsequential, but my Inbox button on my Outlook sidebar has inexplicably moved itself into the middle of the listings instead of being on top and it keeps resetting back their and I don't know whyyyyy.
Im not sure what the rules, laws, and regulations are on service dogs, but now you can get a service dog for just about anything, ranging from depression and anxiety to blindness/other handicaps. Based off your story, it sounds like one of those types of people who claimed their dog was a service dog, but was more in fact, just a trained house dog.... which is probably why it didnt respond to the normal commands a service dog might respond to.
Reason I say that, is because I've seen people claim pomeranians or chihuahuas that are carried in purses as a damned service dog. While its not right, I wish there was some sort of legal form that you had to carry that says your dog is an authorized service dog. Again, not sure if thats a thing or not, but if it isnt, it should be. It would give legitimate owners of service dogs abit more leeway with companies and going in public.
Mmm, pomeranians and chihuahuas...
I'm personally against the idea of having to have a legal form to "prove" your dog is a service animal. There is already a lot of negative stigma associated with disabilities and saying "You need to have paperwork to prove that you're legit," would, in my opinion, essentially institutionalize that stigma.
That being said, current laws state that a business owner/whatever can ask what task the dog is trained to do. They can't ask what your disability is. While I'm not going to pass judgment over these ankle-biters and their owners, I would guess that they fall under the category of an "emotional support animal" which are -not- protected under the ADA. So if Fufu in the purse is just there so you can tote them around and make you feel better, Fufu can stay in the car or better yet at home.
Now, there are a lot of really great things you can train dogs to do! They're amazing at their jobs, given some training! Anxiety a problem? Prone to panic attacks? You can train your dog to cue in on physiological changes associated with panic attacks and they can guide you to a quiet area or make your hand all nasty with wet noses and gross tongues to remind you to take deep breaths and so on. Or take a klonopin. Have a pretty grotesque medication schedule that even those people with amazing memories and awareness of time would fail at taking? Fido can be trained to help you remember to take your meds. They can even sense changes in your blood sugar for people who are diabetic/hypoglycemic/other things that can cause you to pass out from funky blood sugar. Train them to go open the fridge door and grab you a Sunny-D!
Anyways, tl;dr, they're already expensive, adding on official paperwork is only going to add to the cost.
Wait, is that how tl;dr are supposed to work? I don't think so. No new material in tl;dr.
I have all sorts of great crap I could be MADDENING about. I will say that I am most irritated that certain protected classes receive a disproportionate degree of what I'll call "sensitivity" and it quite frankly pisses me off. I had a professor last semester repeatedly tell jokes about disabilities and mental illness in class. I even confronted him about one instance of graphic content being displayed in class without warning and how it might be appropriate to include a heads up so anyone sensitive to such material could leave/be prepared/whatever. Mother fer mocked me to my face. Somehow he didn't even receive any sort of discipline as a result. Had he been telling jokes about people of color I can only imagine there would be protesters outside his office demanding his resignation (since that seems to be the trend around college campuses these days). Straight up pisses me off.
Oh well. At least in his account of the events, apparently I was this irate, towering figure that he had to use words to evaluate my mental state and was able to diffuse the situation with his masterful words. I'll give you that I'm 6'1", and I guess I might appear to be this burly and imposing figure of Hulk-esque raging strength and masculinity in my light autumn windbreaker weighing in at an astonishing 160lbs with little to no muscle definition while wielding my disposable venti Starbucks cup. Yeaaaahhhh baby. I guess I have a future as a bouncer. But then again, when you're reduced to making fun of people because you're so superior and intellectual dominate over people and you're forced to deal with lowly undergraduate students on a daily basis I guess you could be frightened by the shadow cast by a plastic bag blowing through the deserted corridors of your useless departments' building.
Aetolia Forums Talk Therapy. Cheap, effective, and effective. Thumbsup.
My two year old niece decided to do a trust fall off of a coffee table and no one caught her. She was limping around crying, so my sister took her to the hospital. The fractures were bad enough they they're calling in the trauma surgeon and, because of her age, DCF. My sister is freaking out, understandably, and my mother went up to the hospital to be with her. I'm here at home fretting about it and half-a-mind to go up to the hospital myself just so I'm not sitting around here waiting (so I can sit up there and wait). This is really just what we needed. Poor baby girl.
Welp, in a bout of various things wrong with my health, I have Mono....Yay? They are testing me for some thyroid issues, im a bitter party of one right now.
Also @Arbre I hope your niece is okay, my niece did something similar trying to fly and snapped her collar bone, I know the pain of not knowing, I say go be close with your sister and mum for support, sounds awful...hugs to you.
So the girl has compound fractures and they're transferring her to the local children's hospital for surgery. My brother's up there now (it's my sister-in-law, not my blood sister) and Momma's on her way home with their other two kids. Turns out it was the dining room table, not the coffee table, which explains the damage done. This is gonna be a long night.
*hug @Arbre* I know the panic you feel when things happen to kids. Mine was jumping on the couch, tripped and fell with her head first straight at the edge of our marble table. You freak out. It's what you do, but things usually turn out alright.
On another note, I've been at the hospital this weekend. My dad has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and it's been messing with him a lot these last few months. In November he had to go by ambulance and stay a few days, but got better thanks to medication. Two and a half weeks ago, he called me and asked me to drive him up again, because he had trouble breathing. He got the same treatment, but this time it's not helped. So yesterday he called again, and I drove him up to the ER. He was in really bad shape, taking only a few steps between stops to breath.
Turns out his heart is working too hard because of the COPD, causing his feet to swell and raising his blood pressure and pulse to ridiculous levels. He doesn't like staying at hospitals, but he's in there now. Things have calmed down considerably, but it's still not fun watching one of the strongest people you know being helpless. Hoping for improvement. He's not leaving the hospital today, we'll see about tomorrow.
An update for those of you concerned: Turns out she had a spiral fracture, also known as a toddler fracture for how often they happen to toddlers. The doctors at the children's hospital were totally chill about it and explained everything and said there was no reason that the first hospital should have called in DCF, so if they talk to the drs there, they'll tell them that they felt completely confident sending the girl home with her parents. She's in a brace right now and I think she's getting a cast sometime this week. Momma and I spent the day there with my sister helping her clean up and get ready while taking care of the kids for DCF to show up tomorrow. Just gotta survive that and then it's weeks of keeping a two year old off her feet. >.< Poor baby.
The only good Trager is...
Second thoughts he might be missing his bucket for drippings..
Edit: That is to say, sure a state can pass/strike down any law it wants. But if there' is a conflict with federal law, the feds can and do decide if and when to contest it. In the case of marijuana, I think they looked at the rather overwhelming support for legalization in Colorado and Washington, and chose to with it. That ban, theoretically, should be on its way out federally anyway.
Are all kids this fucking stupid anymore??
Bright side: Nobody was hurt and car is not damaged (I hope).
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
woken up at 11 because someone needed me to drive them to six different places due to a medical emergency, hospital for a nursing friend to assist with the emergency, then to a few drug stores, was driving for nearly two hours. My sleep for the night is fucked as a result. Awake the rest of the night, finally fall asleep just a few hours before dawn, sleep the day away. Today, I mention the fact we lack a firstaid kit, and that there were errands I needed to get done yesterday, and that on monday, I will absolutely HAVE to get them done, last chance to get them done. The relative's response? "You should have thought about that yesterday before you slept all day. I would have been glad to help you then, I have to spend today getting ready for work, and monday will be the next time I don't have to work that evening." It took a lot of restraint to not want to smack that person as hard as I can.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
If someone wants to buy a motorcycle/atv/dirtbike from a dealership, they are -going- to come in during your open hours. Staying open for an hour later is not going to make a world of difference. And apparently, we're going to not have early nights or be able to come in late on alternating days. Working 50 hours a week, wahoo.
That's how delivery works, right?
I was ready to get gone.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
F - Forgetting
A - Anything
I - Intellectual
T - Through
H - Humiliation
NOTE: I am not saying faith is wrong, just that its impossible to be healed through 'faith'.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I'm personally against the idea of having to have a legal form to "prove" your dog is a service animal. There is already a lot of negative stigma associated with disabilities and saying "You need to have paperwork to prove that you're legit," would, in my opinion, essentially institutionalize that stigma.
That being said, current laws state that a business owner/whatever can ask what task the dog is trained to do. They can't ask what your disability is. While I'm not going to pass judgment over these ankle-biters and their owners, I would guess that they fall under the category of an "emotional support animal" which are -not- protected under the ADA. So if Fufu in the purse is just there so you can tote them around and make you feel better, Fufu can stay in the car or better yet at home.
Now, there are a lot of really great things you can train dogs to do! They're amazing at their jobs, given some training! Anxiety a problem? Prone to panic attacks? You can train your dog to cue in on physiological changes associated with panic attacks and they can guide you to a quiet area or make your hand all nasty with wet noses and gross tongues to remind you to take deep breaths and so on. Or take a klonopin. Have a pretty grotesque medication schedule that even those people with amazing memories and awareness of time would fail at taking? Fido can be trained to help you remember to take your meds. They can even sense changes in your blood sugar for people who are diabetic/hypoglycemic/other things that can cause you to pass out from funky blood sugar. Train them to go open the fridge door and grab you a Sunny-D!
Anyways, tl;dr, they're already expensive, adding on official paperwork is only going to add to the cost.
Wait, is that how tl;dr are supposed to work? I don't think so. No new material in tl;dr.
I have all sorts of great crap I could be MADDENING about. I will say that I am most irritated that certain protected classes receive a disproportionate degree of what I'll call "sensitivity" and it quite frankly pisses me off. I had a professor last semester repeatedly tell jokes about disabilities and mental illness in class. I even confronted him about one instance of graphic content being displayed in class without warning and how it might be appropriate to include a heads up so anyone sensitive to such material could leave/be prepared/whatever. Mother fer mocked me to my face. Somehow he didn't even receive any sort of discipline as a result. Had he been telling jokes about people of color I can only imagine there would be protesters outside his office demanding his resignation (since that seems to be the trend around college campuses these days). Straight up pisses me off.
Oh well. At least in his account of the events, apparently I was this irate, towering figure that he had to use words to evaluate my mental state and was able to diffuse the situation with his masterful words. I'll give you that I'm 6'1", and I guess I might appear to be this burly and imposing figure of Hulk-esque raging strength and masculinity in my light autumn windbreaker weighing in at an astonishing 160lbs with little to no muscle definition while wielding my disposable venti Starbucks cup. Yeaaaahhhh baby. I guess I have a future as a bouncer. But then again, when you're reduced to making fun of people because you're so superior and intellectual dominate over people and you're forced to deal with lowly undergraduate students on a daily basis I guess you could be frightened by the shadow cast by a plastic bag blowing through the deserted corridors of your useless departments' building.
Aetolia Forums Talk Therapy. Cheap, effective, and effective. Thumbsup.
They are testing me for some thyroid issues, im a bitter party of one right now.
Also @Arbre I hope your niece is okay, my niece did something similar trying to fly and snapped her collar bone, I know the pain of not knowing, I say go be close with your sister and mum for support, sounds awful...hugs to you.
On another note, I've been at the hospital this weekend. My dad has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and it's been messing with him a lot these last few months. In November he had to go by ambulance and stay a few days, but got better thanks to medication. Two and a half weeks ago, he called me and asked me to drive him up again, because he had trouble breathing. He got the same treatment, but this time it's not helped. So yesterday he called again, and I drove him up to the ER. He was in really bad shape, taking only a few steps between stops to breath.
Turns out his heart is working too hard because of the COPD, causing his feet to swell and raising his blood pressure and pulse to ridiculous levels. He doesn't like staying at hospitals, but he's in there now. Things have calmed down considerably, but it's still not fun watching one of the strongest people you know being helpless. Hoping for improvement. He's not leaving the hospital today, we'll see about tomorrow.