I think as a population in a game we usually discuss in a manner things that are out of our control that we would like to do and really wish that there were other options, Abhorash often being the center of this discussion. Many believe the -need- for this character existing has long expired and really do wish he would just go away. This is not to reference who plays Abhorash whatsoever, moreso a poll to see if the characters existence has and should expire if we had the choice.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Pretty sure that there is already a plan for what they (The Administration) are and will do with lore and progression of the gameplay, but I think for metrics polling can be a useful tool.
For Example, all you ever hear on the forums is OMG ABHORASH IS TERRIBLE.
So far this poll is saying that the loudest voices are not always the majority.
Furthermore, seeing OOC threads about 'this IC element should go in X, Y, and Z direction' really makes me a bit jaded and cynical towards the setting as a whole. I don't want OOC to influence IC, particularly not as far as admins/Divines are involved. At least let me keep the illusion that this game moves in accordance to peoples' in-game hopes, ideals, actions, etc.
Sorry, I just guess this stuff sort of takes away from my immersion of Aetolia as a whole.
Anyway, in regards to the 'So far this poll is saying that the loudest voices are not always the majority' comment, I'd personally take the results of these sorts of polls with a grain of salt. Currently, ten people have cast their votes, which hardly can be said to be indicative of the playerbase as a whole. Additionally, I'd claim that the playerbase as a whole should not weigh in on this subject, but rather the people that are directly affected by Abhorash's role (like, vampire characters and such).
I personally think Abhorash's destruction if played out as a Bloodloch arc could be really interesting, fun, and engaging, but destroying him just for the sake of destroying him really doesn't contribute to the game at all.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Actually... I honestly think a major overhaul could do the Dominion good even in the current situation, but that's a bit off topic.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Me, new to Aetolia, loves that there's admin played RP 'leaders' for several reasons. Makes me not dislike another paying player for sucking at promoting RP (Abhs doesn't, if you stick to the role, fyi. Deal with having a superior already). Knowing there is a volunteer trying to make my game playing experience more entrenched - rocks. Try not being 10+ years jaded and bitter, and think of how us newcomers might feel. Where Abhs is kinda a mystery/badass. We want to talk to him but know he's the don juan and we shouldn't just storm the room and say whaddap son. All the negativity and complaining is ruining it for new people who browse and are looking for something interesting.
Think the topic of Abhs on the forums is a dead horse and we should stop making it all so negative. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
I'm sorry if I sound rude. I'm blunt by nature. And tired of hearing people who don't offer me any better RP or depth to the Vampire world, being the biggest complainers.
There is a solution for that.
Regardless this has been a good social study and has been nice to see @Asaraii from what I hear around you are doing the Vampire thing the right way, by engaging with the newer people and thriving to represent the vampire community in a light that isnt absolutely awful, keep it up and set that example!
For years we've been accustomed to being the absolute top dogs, but the world is evolving and new elements are being introduced that show us we're honestly just small fries. And y'know what? That's exciting.
....I was, anyway. >_>
I could do with some advice from other players on some matters. Because at this point I am not sure how to handle it and I have been left feeling pretty upset by it all.
Firstly I recently came on here and had a huge rage over the way I felt things had been going and after doing it I felt bad that I had allowed it to get to the point where I acted so childish. Because I am by nature a very calm person IRL and it was not the norm for me to lash out like that. However over several real months some things have begun to grind away at my personal enjoyment in Aetolia and I am not able to process it as it feels like it is bordering on abuse so I cracked and again acted foolish by being abusive on the forums. Which I still regret even now! So posting this is not something I do out of spite but because I honestly need some help resolving this.
It kind of requires I prattle on a bit so I can give a bigger picture so forgive me for dribbling
So what started with snide remarks and the general hum drum you get from other players turned somewhat cruel, well at least from my perspective. I am not going to drop names here either as it is not appropriate or would only flame it further so I will just speak in general terms to save them any backlash.
Now all this bitterness has recently reached a point where it has crossed that thin little redline we all have causing me to consider whether or not I should act in one way or another over the matter. I even messaged Razmael in a bit of a fluster over it before and explained in a haphazard manner that I felt what has been going on currently was crossing a line from a little IC game fun to OOC abuse. Which I was not really comfortable with and I wanted his help as he is in a role that allows him to look at these matters and act in a manner that is fair.
So what is this all about?
Well a while back a returning player to Aetolia got upset that they could not get there way and they took what should have been a great opportunity for rp in a direction that made it OOC and very belligerent in nature. I kind of just rolled with it as they have a -very long- history of this kind of thing towards players in the past and sadly a few of these players even quit the game over their behaviour. Yet I tend to see the good in people and so I hoped it would pass for them and they would simply stop. Perhaps even gain a degree of empathy or at the very least separate IC from OOC.
Sadly it did not happen and instead it got worse with verbal abuse and general ooc nastiness that resulted in me making a decision to remove Riluo as house leader in the hope it might help if someone else was the leader instead. I was very happy to do it as it was made clear by this person that OOC the admin/primus wanted me to step down, and was again I was happy to let Conner take over as he seemed happy/active and had some drive. (Conner is not the person by the way).
This was my first mistake as I later found out that the admin had never stated anything of the sort and I was left feeling very foolish for falling for these lies and should not have taken these people on face value. This was then followed by a series of a lot of personal assaults on my character (which I could deal with –IF- it was IC and used to advance player driven storylines). Again I was foolish and overly trusting as the things I has shared ooc had been turning into IC accusations of theft over something that was purchased for the house in the form of NPC upgrades. Sadly these upgrades had been shelved for several real months due to important things going on in the pools and the fact the upgrades were not a priority. I explained this to this person and others OOC and made it clear that it was something I could not fix IC and could still take a while to be sorted. Unfortunately this OOC info was then used IC in such a manner that portrayed me in a bad light. Frankly I felt this was a bit cruel to use this ooc info about what was going on in the pools in such a manner. It kind of came of as pretty vindictive and I tried to handle it IC Riluo style with an arrogance he would use because it felt smarter to just use it as a chance for rp and not allow their insults to drag me down.
Thankfully Razmael corrected the NPC issues for me when he was made aware, which thankfully made a few people open their eyes and say, “sorry mate.” But the harm and abuse had already occurred (which is frankly rather upsetting) and from an IC perspective I could not really share the ooc info about why it took so long.
I then go the feeling that perhaps if I could run for Overlord it might be a fun way of gaining some respect back. I even got my house to support me which was nice. I did not win but the fact they all seemed to be happy to support me was enough for me
Then today I logged on to find out that an admin ran character had stripped my Elder rank in the House by order of a few house members? As you can imagine this is odd at best and I felt kind of bordering on abuse of power to utilise an admin character to deal with ooc grievances and IC player politics (something that could have resulted in some rp if done right. Instead it was removed from me and I do not know how to state it but put in the hands of those who I feel should not be pushing player politics nevermind the fact all of this was being done ooc with the hope of removing me from the House.
Am I wrong to feel this way? Is it just foolish or am I right to think this was kind of wrong and badly handled by people?
I can be sensitive and sometimes I wonder if it is just me not understanding the role of admin in player driven things or the fact that so much ooc abuse has been going on that when this happened I have simply taken it wrong?
Anyway I will stop here as I have prattled on long enough and just say this. To remove Riluo was not possible until now as he was a House Elder meaning he can not be thrown out. Because he had gained the privilege under the last Iosyne/Abho player for playing such a positive role/influence in vampire culture over the last 10 real years. However after today with Abho removing it I can be removed?
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
2015/10/19 01:51:08 - Riluo > Thank you all for not voting you maggot fucks.
2015/10/19 01:53:55 - Riluo > You have just made Nebre'seir the weakest of the Houses by refusing to support your own. I will not forget that.
Aside from the blatant violation of our language rules, your actions were sufficient to motivate a response - namely, one that got Abhorash involved. House Elder grants someone the immunity from punishment within the House, and while the concept of that is nice, sometimes it lets house members act against the interests of the house without allowing the leaders of that house any possible recourse. In this instance, you overstepped the boundaries of decorum which we expect of players who have been given that level of in-character clout, which motivated our decision to remove you as an Elder.
While you are certainly free to criticize how Aetolia's administrators portray the characters that have been assigned to them, in this case your in-character actions incited a reaction. As we say in our disclaimer, this is a functioning world, your actions have consequences, and the actions of others can result in consequences for you. That's a policy we stand by in this instance.
However saying that the issue still is this. When is it right for people to use admin as a tool to further abuse people after all the ooc rubbish being directed at a player?
Is it right for admin to get into player politics at all when a select few players want to force someone out of the game and this a fact I clearly shared several time with people and was very clearly raised as a concern several time in the last few months ooc?
Honestly even if this did not stink as a lame move by a few nasty people trying to causes issues by circumventing personal ooc grievances through ic means it is a bit spiteful. Seriously I have pretty much just been told suck it up they used admin and we will not back down?
I just find it offensive and wrong on so many levels that it is being ignored.
But sure I can just let roll on.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
No one is "getting involved in player politics" on an administrative level and certainly no one is trying to force Riluo-the-player out of the game. Abhorash is leading the organization he's in charge of. That thing this thread wavers between wanting to abolish and wanting significantly more of.
We zap (or softvoice or mute) people who shout inappropriate things when we're there to hear them. @Lim is correct that you should be pursuing an issue against this person, Riluo (with logs and as much proof as you can find of the abusive behavior), but I think the missing step here is also to admit that you did something wrong after a lot of justified frustration, and your character is seeing the repercussions of that outburst.
Also using 'swear' words in logs is frowned upon as not everyone in your house likes the behaviour, in Shouts, WT, Ct, GT is kind of fine within reason as a few tells after it disappears and not really 'logged' like a log is.
And as Lim said ^ if its ooc abuse then issue the person about it.
Although this bloody 58 hour curse is sucky IE lost my skills. That kind of annoyed me
In terms of admin trying to boot me .. No it is not you guys so please do not think I meant you or anyone.. god no! Honestly despite my rage right now I like you guys 100% and respect you more for what you must have to put up with. I just feel it is a grey area that is kind of odd right now with everything going on. Although honestly I can not do anything to change that so I just have to suck it up.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Its also nice to remember, that Issues cannot be used for IC punishment, so if you get punished for issuing then the admins are sure to jump in.