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  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Just give me this RPG (and comic) and stick it into my veins.

    I can't stop posting this I am so excited for it (also I love these character designs woaaaaaa)

  • I love that a certain baby likes peas, just like me. Huzzah!
  • Welcome to what it feels like to be a female ALL THE TIME.
  • I love the father/daughter rp with @Ishin.

    Ish sent this to Eydis after she won the election in Spinesreach-


    (Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Asaraii said:

    Welcome to what it feels like to be a female ALL THE TIME.

    To which I reply @Asaraii

  • @Aarbrok I love you!!!! Laughed so hard, ahaha. :D
  • Hadrak said:

    Just give me this RPG (and comic) and stick it into my veins.

    I can't stop posting this I am so excited for it (also I love these character designs woaaaaaa)

  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Goruk said:
    That low hanging fruit. Too tempting.

  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    edited October 2015
    Not a lot of people know but I have been a rally driver in Europe, Australia and Asia over the last few years. I normally get top 30 in my class and recently got 5th. What does this mean? It means if I get a top ten in December I could be heading to Germany for a rally cross.

    Then to top it off I got a retune on my car. To those who understand cars, power to weight etc. I just got 300bhp at the wheels from a 2015 Fiesta ST 3 door (1.6ltr). To those who don't... it goes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoooooooooommmm tsssssst tsssst poooooossss!! -then I yell chopped-



    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Adali said:

    Today, I've been smoke-free for a year. Go me!

    It's hard work, man. I want one right meow, but won't let myself. Forums needs an awesome button for posts like this :)
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • @Ishin Stay strong! You can do it and Believe me, once you hit those milestones, you will feel awesome. :)
  • As someone who recently took up cigarettes, good job!
  • Thank you @Lim for so many fun fights and general combat discussions, especially when overall there's hasn't been too many people seemingly eager for battle (outside of foci). With that said, @Trikal, @Conner, @Dato and @Grawthorg all have my appreciation, for all the accepted Sect spars. :smile:
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Adali said:

    @Ishin Stay strong! You can do it and Believe me, once you hit those milestones, you will feel awesome. :)

    Oh, no no. I haven't smoked in like a year and a half or two years, give or take. I was just voicing the struggle(it's real) and cheering you on :)
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Akara said:
    Thank you @Lim for so many fun fights and general combat discussions, especially when overall there's hasn't been too many people seemingly eager for battle (outside of foci). With that said, @Trikal, @Conner, @Dato and @Grawthorg all have my appreciation, for all the accepted Sect spars. :smile:
    To many more! :) 
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Ishin said:

    Oh, no no. I haven't smoked in like a year and a half or two years, give or take. I was just voicing the struggle(it's real) and cheering you on :)
    You can do it, year and a half not smoking here after 13 years of smoking menthol cigarettes...keep it up, and like Ishin said, Stay Strong!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Aarbrok said:

    You can do it, year and a half not smoking here after 13 years of smoking menthol cigarettes...keep it up, and like Ishin said, Stay Strong!
    Menthol was my choice too T_T
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Congratulations, @Demarcus! Hope you stick around for a bit.

  • 24 hour gym a mile from the house. Regular gym time after a few months of no routine or normalcy. Meeting new people. Getting my stuff soon, and my car, and being able to start feeling like a real hooman again.

    Aetolia related, love the Spines/BL conflict. Promotes activity and political RP. Also all the new people I've had the pleasure of playing with lately - so many awesomes. And @Cariv cus he's awesome and makes me laugh all the time.
  • Whoever wrote those last events posts. Hot dayum were they fantastically written.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    I love how small the world is. In a matter of hours I reconnected with two people from undergrad, one whom was working in a nearby lab (same building) since May, and another who was best friends since childhood with a friend from my program who defended his Thesis this afternoon. These kind of really random connections and seeing people you never would have imagined. Almost like little reaffirmations that I'm where I'm supposed to be.

    Oh, and for the first time my advisor said in our group meeting that the project I'm working on was "going really well." A few weeks ago it was more to the tune of, "expectations are not being met and perhaps we should look at going in a different direction because I don't want to be responsible for your graduate experience dragging on because you suck at life". I added that last part about sucking at life, but it was sort of implied.

    So double bonus! Also, my friend was successful in his defense. So now I can call him Dr.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    The writing in the event tonight was really beautiful.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Woah. This new set up for mobile forums is awesome.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • I love that TWC upgraded our network finally. Mm..over 200 speed be so sexy..
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