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Artifact ideas



  • I like that, @reux. Not so much the honors as the looking, but they're both neat.
  • Obyn said:

    However, in-role vamparism is different and is specifically something that our gods are not able to cure. It's unlikely that we will give orders something that mimics the vampirism cure. However, we are well aware that something needs done regarding the vampirism cure.

    Any chance of getting a way to cure vampirism without curing undeath? Abhorash intimated at one point that he could sever someone from his Bloodline if they wanted, but I've not met anyone IG who knows if he actually can.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Something in enchanting that lets you enchant clothing items to give more protection against weather! More fancily, something in enchanting that makes clothing WARMER in warm weather and LESS WARM in hot weather.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I actually meant to just post that in IDEA IDEAS not artifacts oh well.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Something similar to the cache_extension artifact for flower caches?
  • A one time use artifact that would allow you to switch to another class. I don't mean like the class switch command or multiclassing either. I mean like my little Templar only has Templar at the moment. I buy this artifact, I use it, it goes poof, and now I have Sentinel class and no longer have Templar class. If I want Templar again I can buy another artifact and do it again and poof, I gain Templar and lose Sentinel. Full lessons transfer for class related skills and make it dirt cheap. I mean something I can buy every payday without skipping a car/house payment or forcing myself onto a diet of Ramen, unlike the total cost of picking up a new class through multi classing or the current cost to drop a class and pick another with lesson refund.

    I mean if you did that I would seriously be buying these things like crazy on my alts. But the total cost to drop a class or start another without making a new character and then dealing with those inconveniences (being level 1 again and novicehood and ugh) is super off putting because it's not something I can do immediately. I have to add it into my budget and plan around it and save up and ain't nobody got time for that. But dropping $20-$40 to change things up? Hell yeah. I still think the benefits of permanently gaining the classes through multiclassing and the artifacts that go with it would still be better in the long run, but I think some of us would rather have immediate satisfaction for less benefits.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • I know a @trager that would buy about 3 of those a week.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Draiman said:

    A one time use artifact that would allow you to switch to another class. I don't mean like the class switch command or multiclassing either. I mean like my little Templar only has Templar at the moment. I buy this artifact, I use it, it goes poof, and now I have Sentinel class and no longer have Templar class. If I want Templar again I can buy another artifact and do it again and poof, I gain Templar and lose Sentinel. Full lessons transfer for class related skills and make it dirt cheap. I mean something I can buy every payday without skipping a car/house payment or forcing myself onto a diet of Ramen, unlike the total cost of picking up a new class through multi classing or the current cost to drop a class and pick another with lesson refund.

    I mean if you did that I would seriously be buying these things like crazy on my alts. But the total cost to drop a class or start another without making a new character and then dealing with those inconveniences (being level 1 again and novicehood and ugh) is super off putting because it's not something I can do immediately. I have to add it into my budget and plan around it and save up and ain't nobody got time for that. But dropping $20-$40 to change things up? Hell yeah. I still think the benefits of permanently gaining the classes through multiclassing and the artifacts that go with it would still be better in the long run, but I think some of us would rather have immediate satisfaction for less benefits.

    A lot of our discussions about artifacts boil down to an intersection (sometimes a conflict) between the health of the game and the health of the business. What you've suggested is undeniably bad for the health of the business, as class-hopping is generally a good motivator for a new purchase. I'm not sure I'm convinced that it would be an improvement for the health of the game, though. Paying 50-100cr for something that usually costs 450cr just doesn't suss out.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • Can we get an artifact for off-plane communication? I mean, I get being off-plane means you're isolated, but I'd still like to be able to talk to people when I'm bashing off plane. Likewise, make the item toggleable so that if I don't want to talk to people and just bash, I can.
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    edited September 2015
    450cr is a pretty steep price I feel. I won't pretend like I know anything about Aetolia's income and which types of sales generate the most revenue, I just feel that everything needed for anything is super costly and one of the big reasons most of my purchases are done grudgingly or not at all. 

    Edit: And I don't mean costly in comparison to other artifacts. I just mean like literally everything is expensive. I could drop $100 in this game on a new character and wouldn't even feel it in game, but definitely feel it in my wallet

    Edit 2: This could be because I'm omni on Drai and take a lot of things for granted, but I remember pretty vividly how I was super excited about my first credit purchase ever, and I didn't even get to envenom in weaponry and was pretty meh about it. 

    Anyways, was just an idea I developed mostly because I don't want to shell out that much money to play Sentinel on Dreth. XD
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Can I have a wench-summoning bugle?
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Draiman said:

    450cr is a pretty steep price I feel. I won't pretend like I know anything about Aetolia's income and which types of sales generate the most revenue, I just feel that everything needed for anything is super costly and one of the big reasons most of my purchases are done grudgingly or not at all. 

    You could make an argument that a 50% lesson loss is too steep. I certainly didn't love it as a player. What you've suggested is just far too drastic a change on something that is our bread and butter.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • @Oleis how comes now its 50% across the board and not like it was before, 50% if you're gr3 otherwise its 80% (I think it was 80)

    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Nalor said:

    @Oleis how comes now its 50% across the board and not like it was before, 50% if you're gr3 otherwise its 80% (I think it was 80)

    It's still like that with your main guild skills.

    For example, given a Sciomancer named Cletus who forgets the Sciomancer class:
    - 100% return if he's a novice
    - 90% if he's under GR3 and isn't masterful in the class
    - 50% otherwise

    For any other class, he loses 50% regardless.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • I didn't realise til recently that the 'other class' loses 50%. Thanks for explaining it better tho :)

    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Wait, what? You lose 50% in all classes you have when you leave a guild, not only the guild's class? What if I joined the Sciomancer guild with trans Syssin skills, then leave the Sciomancers again... will I lose 50% of Syssin as well as Sciomancer skills?

  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    No, that's not what Oleis meant. You only lose lessons from the class that you forget.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Alright. I came to the realization that the market is saturated with crud like grimstims, phoenix hearts, bull's eyes, research tokens, etc. etc. etc. etc. Thus, the value of consumables on the secondary market is absolutely nil. So I thought to myself, "Self, instead of working, how about you think about a solution to this problem in Aetolia."

    And, like many great ideas, I think stealing one from somewhere else could work brilliantly. So, I give full credit to the place I stole it from.

    Item: It literally can be anything you want it to be. A little vodun thing, a stove, a cauldron, there is a great deal if flexibility as to the actual item itself, and you could even allow people to customize them if you wanted. So if @Kerryn wanted a three foot tall nutcracker as her item, so be it!

    Actually, I like the idea of a nutcracker for the item. We'll dub this the nutcracker. Lets crack some nuts.

    Concept: The nutcracker is hungry. Naturally, it will eat any consumable (and perhaps non-consumables) in Aetolia. So, any of the aforementioned things are items the nutcracker will consume. There are secret recipes that must be discovered via trial and error. But, your hard work and whatnot will be handsomely rewarded with buffs. Because who doesn't love buffs. There can also be one-shot effects, like transporting you to your cities portals from anywhere (assuming not in or recently in combat).

    Example Recipe:

    phoenix heart + phoenix heart + stack of 5 ginseng = +endurance regeneration for 1 hour

    Now, you're going "Demarcus, that type of buff is so worthless why would you even include it?" Well, it's a dang example, here are a few more:

    2 snake skin + bull's eye + 4 feathers = transport to city portal's from anywhere reasonable (not in combat/recently in combat/etc, kind of like the Explorer's Compendium except to your city's portal. Because I'd like to get back to picking pine cones and petting squirrels without having to run across the continent!)

    grimstim pill + grimstim pill + grimstim pill + research token = +3% crit chance for 1 hour (Not stackable with normal grimstim)

    blue ink + red ink + yellow ink + purple ink + green ink = Turns your speech into a raaaainbow for 5 minutes

    You could include annoying things in there too, like...

    (too tired to come up with ingredients that make sense) = Transformed into a frog for 5 minutes! Get a kiss and return to normal before timer is up.

    Or perhaps one-shot recipes where the first person to discover it gets a unique minipet or something.

    Flexible system would allow for the addition of new recipes in the future. I'd recommend there be things like a +1 stat boost for an hour or something reasonable that doesn't stack with other stat boosts from the item. That way there is for sure something people may legitimately want from the item at any given time. If you're concerned with imbalance, perhaps make each recipe only combine-able on a cooldown after a successful synthesis. You know, once every Aetolia day or whatever is standard.

    As for distribution, I'd suggest making it a holiday-month prize, or have Ironbeard give it out on his first (and only?) visit to someone in the month of December in addition to a giftbag. Since it is a nutcracker, and all. Then make it an iron coin artifact after that to drain even more money from people.

    The items are destroyed with a successful or unsuccessful recipe regardless. So you get tons of destruction while people try and find useful recipes, along with sustained destruction as people use the recipes. A fun little item that I think could have a reasonable impact on the economy.

    I reckon this type of system would take a lot of effort to code since I have zero insight into what Aetolia's code stuffs looks like, but if you're looking for this year's December promotional giveaway... ::nudge nudge::

    Feel free to flame away and tell me how horrible of an idea it is to implement. Cheers!
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Lim said:
    Huh? Never played it. If you get buffs for recipes from an item in the like +5% ore gain then yes. 

    I was actually thinking of a different text game I used to play. I'm sure it's have played it and maybe recognize the item concept. Already stated not original but just saying it could have a place in Aetolia to help fix the economy. Gold sink! 
  • Eh really? I thought I guessed it. Well it's similar. In minecraft you build things with a crafting table. They vary in terms of ingredients, as well as the shape/placement of each item on a grid of 3x3.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Lim said:
    Eh really? I thought I guessed it. Well it's similar. In minecraft you build things with a crafting table. They vary in terms of ingredients, as well as the shape/placement of each item on a grid of 3x3.
    Think of it like nutcracker alchemy. This and that combine for tada! temporary effect. Just and idea of ways to get things that exist en masse to exit en masse in a meaningful way.
  • Oleis said:
    It's still like that with your main guild skills. For example, given a Sciomancer named Cletus who forgets the Sciomancer class: - 100% return if he's a novice - 90% if he's under GR3 and isn't masterful in the class - 50% otherwise For any other class, he loses 50% regardless.
    For artifact ideas, this may be better suited to an iron coin idea. Especially as a rare prize in giftbags.

    'regrettable cocktail' - Drinking this consumable item will assist you in removing those bad memories of your current class, regaining all but 10% of invested lessons. 

    (I strongly suggest an 'Are you sure?' prompt on use)

    Here's my math based on a transcendent class:
    Total lesson investment 5208(or 5211, I rounded up 3 lessons) lessons, which is 868 credits.

    A non-guilded class forgetting cost 50%: 2601 lessons remaining, or 434 credits (And equal losses).

    This artifact would leave someone with 4688 lessons with a loss of 521 lessons or 87 credits. That would save them 2080 lessons, or 347 credits. 

    If the artifact cost 150 iron coins, the net cost will still be 237 credits and save them roughly 200 credits. It could even be worthwhile at 250 iron coins, just less so, saving around 100 credits (and feeling better about their choice to try something new). Spending is usually encouraged by savings.

    Naturally, the value of the item (and the humorous reference to binge drinking and mistakes) gives people options based solely on their effort-to-cost system. It has a higher impact on players who are more casual and have less disposable income. It promote the sale and trade of currency that can not be obtained in numbers out of game. It also encourages more gold spending or out of game credit purchases for trading. 

    As the environment of Aetolia changed from solitary guilds with single classes to a multi-class system (Such as the Illuminai hosting two unique classes now), frequent class changing is a normal experience. The game continues to profit, just taking slightly less profit (but no losses) at face value, but overall more in growing frequent class changing.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    edited October 2015
    Demarcus said:
    You know, as I was sitting in a neurophysiology lecture, contimplating not neurophysiology, I realized a system like this kind of exists already. Relics! I don't know how viable implementing something like this into the current system would be, but the concept is at least there.

    So my no-longer-an-artifact idea would be to introduce a transmutatalchemification system that consumes non-decaying consumables for a variety of effects, like temporary stat boosts, temporary damage reductions specific to a particular type, enhanced health regen, etc. To get those dang phoenix hearts out of my inventory and make them do something useful!

    And to clarify the "Stupid Stuff" I was trying to be cute and quote myself as saying stupid stuff, not Lim or anyone else. I'm making fun of myself and calling myself stupid. I just had to edit and clarify that. Also, I'm trapped in a quote box. HALP!
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    A Templar-class artifact that lets you have two Auras at once, not one.

    I could see some combination restrictions being applied (not able to have two stat-modifying ones, or two aff-inflicting ones, etc).
  • Dear Sirs,

    I would like an artifact, similar to the bottomless letter satchel, that provides an endless supply of pikes.

    Thank you.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited November 2015
    A Mechanized Beaver, a rare Delvian ware.

    Just be careful what wood you feed it.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Areka said:

    A Mechanized Beaver, a rare Delvian ware.

    Just be careful what wood you feed it.

    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Demarcus said:

    Alright. I came to the realization that the market is saturated with crud like grimstims, phoenix hearts, bull's eyes, research tokens, etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Partially unrelated, I like my pills, hearts, and what not. Can these smaller items be made cacheable?


    The buffin' stuffs.

    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • An artifact that lets you have more than six auctions at once. Though honestly, think 6 is low for a starting number to begin with. Maybe bump base up to 10 and have an artifact that doubles the number?
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