Date: 9/14/2015 at 20:48
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Iron Coin artifacts
Hey folks,
I've released a handful of new iron coin artifacts. You can find them under AP LIST IRON COINS and
+++ New Minipets +++
A direwolf pup 70 iron coins
A miniature alpaca 60 iron coins
A white-coated chinchilla 50 iron coins
A yellow-breasted meadowlark 30 iron coins
+++ New artifacts +++
A few of these have no corresponding item, so you will need to purchase them directly onto an item.
If you do not have an artifact to add powers to, most player-crafted items will take them.
colour_write (no item)
Cost: 50 iron coins
Allows you to WRITE on books/letters with colour! Refer to HELP WRITING IN COLOUR.
librarysearch (no item)
Cost: 50 iron coins
Allows you to LIBRARY SEARCH while in a library to perform a search of all its books
contents. Has a 3 second cooldown between searches.
librarylink (no item)
Cost: 50 iron coins
Allows you to LIBRARY LINK while standing in a library, to be able to access that library and use
library-related commands for it from anywhere.
warp (no item)
Cost: 100 iron coins
Allows you to WARP, teleporting you to a random room that you can path to normally from your
location. Does not work if recently involved in combat. Will not take you through doors.
pocketwatch (a brass pocketwatch)
Cost: 30 iron coins
The TIME command will show the exact time it is in the world of Aetolia, e.g. "Twilight has
overtaken the light in Aetolia. (21:03:30)".
artifact_pike (a venantium pike)
Cost: 30 iron coins
This pike (and whatever head is attached to it) will never decay. Will reset to your inventory after
one week once dropped somewhere, but can be articalled back earlier.
vortexentry (a chaos crystal)
Cost: 30 iron coins
Speeds up movement to and from the Shattered Vortex, decreasing the channel time to 5 seconds.
A crystal of the Aztob Cult
Cost: 5 iron coins
You can CRACK this crystal to be unenemied to the Aztob.
A crystal of the Demonsbane Revolt
Cost: 5 iron coins
You can CRACK this crystal to be unenemied to the Demonsbane.

Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
PS: It doesn't seem to work for a GHELP I edited, with or without the in-game editor. I'm confused.
colour_write (no item)
Cost: 50 iron coins
Allows you to WRITE on books/letters with colour! Refer to HELP WRITING IN COLOUR.
Couldn't this theoretically be done using the plethora of inks/dying materials already available to us from an RP standpoint? People already RP with forms of text with prefaces or what have you that it's colored, and technologically Aetolia is at a point where it shouldn't take a magical property to be able to write in color.
librarysearch (no item)
Cost: 50 iron coins
Allows you to LIBRARY SEARCH while in a library to perform a search of all its books
contents. Has a 3 second cooldown between searches.
Something that's been asked for for years now as a basic library capability. Seems like kind of a cheap move to make it something you have to pay for rather than an innate feature of an already somewhat unwieldy library system.
pocketwatch (a brass pocketwatch)
Cost: 30 iron coins
The TIME command will show the exact time it is in the world of Aetolia, e.g. "Twilight has overtaken the light in Aetolia. (21:03:30)".
I can see how this could be more of a convenience that you pay for in terms of benefit to vampires knowing exactly how much time they've got until dawn/midnight, but to have this be the sole way? Seems somewhat cheap with no alternative method available that would otherwise make sense from a roleplay perspective (ie your city has a clock in it).
The first and third ones are slightly more excusable, slightly, but making library search an artifact you have to pay for is kinda low. What's next? An iron coin artifact that lets you submit an additional liaison report per round? Putting a cap on the amount of food you can eat in an IG day and providing an artifact that lets you bypass that? Requiring an additional credit investment to unlock just your transcendent skill in a skillset?
Also if we have a time command already why would we need a watch?
(Clocks for major cities as a purchaseable addition from Delve may be a better choice)
but really the library one should be a normal skill, if you are in a library you should be able to search it and not have to pay to do so....
I didn't get the impression that these artifacts were added to screw us over. Rather, it seems like Aetolia has gotten to a point where administration doesn't want to add new stuff that could impact bashing/combat since those two aspects are hard enough to balance already and you need artifacts that appeals to the rather large group of people that has no interest in either of them. What's left?
Quality of life (more slots for allies and enemies, knowing the exact Aetolian time, faster travel to and from the Vortex, etc), cosmetics (shield tattoo has elemental messages, worn minipets, ambience tokens, etc) and roleplaying-enhancing perks (writing in colour, vox iterators, etc). These are made available for rather small investments (compared to level 3 sip, etc) and when they are, people feel like the features should have been implemented for free. I agree with you - these are features that most people are not going to pay for and they're extremely convenient for a majority of us - but I can also see where they're coming from.
Moving off topic:
I would absolutely love to see a thread where Razmael/Oleis talk with us about artifacts, the thought process that goes into making new artifacts, how they're implemented (credit artifacts, iron coins, promotional, auctions, cryptic chests, etc), artifact sales (which are really, really rare compared to credit sales), how they gauge the usefulness of newly implemented artifacts, statistics (I'm slightly curious about if anyone at all except me bought the residual expand artifact), and so on and so forth.
One cool thing would be to just see a huge list of all the artifacts in the game (including the limited ones from auctions and promotions) and how many people own them. There's some artifacts that seem really oddly priced too (either too cheap or too expensive).
pointlessinteresting, but I can see why they do it, sort of. Additionally, in regards to your question about the residual expand artifact, I think you are the only one who has bought it. Reason being, 30% increase to reserves is nowhere near enough to warrant a 1000 cr investment. Thats completely irrational and utterly insane with how quick you can burn through 100% reserves.... having 130% will make absolutely 0 difference. Personally, I'd rather see the residual expand become leveled to 50/100/200... THAT would be worth a lot more cr than 30% for 1000cr.Additionally, can we get a coin artifact that allows off plane communication?? Thanks to changelog 1026. it makes bashing off plane kinda lonely.
In terms of a vague statement of items, the residual needs fixed, pray_mat, charm, master_bombcrafter, staff of illusion, and rune_leech.
This is not to say our admin are to blame because they are not, but artifacts are becoming plain odd now and broken.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Submit a bug or more importantly an issue if it involves a credit investment on your behalf. Forums aren't really the place to bring these things up if you want a response/fix.
To be honest we need to find a way to convey this that does not place blame on you guys because you are not to blame it is more the culture of things presently (player-wise) and the need to see some of the older things looked at once more to ensure the money put into the game is continued for all involved. However this can only be addressed if it is opened to discussion in a way that works not only from the top down but the bottom up too.
I hope that makes sense.. I am a bit tired
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
If you guys wanted start a thread about cost vs benefit for artifacts, then I'm pretty sure none of us upstairs would mind that. In fact we'd probably love to hear about it. If we can make artifact purchases more worthwhile then there's not much reason not to.