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  • Not sure if I've posted this one yet, but finally got my tech school diploma last month. Now I just have another three years of schooling as per my apprenticeship contract, and I'll be a bad-ass welder and pipefitter.

    tl;dr I no longer have to go to school four nights a week, just two! (and I don't have to go back till September. Wooooop!)
  • Angroth said:

    Not sure if I've posted this one yet, but finally got my tech school diploma last month. Now I just have another three years of schooling as per my apprenticeship contract, and I'll be a bad-ass welder and pipefitter.

    tl;dr I no longer have to go to school four nights a week, just two! (and I don't have to go back till September. Wooooop!)

    Additionally, this video:
  • After having slept on an air mattress all week, I get to sleep on a real bed in a real room for the next two nights. SHIVERSSSS.

    Don't get me wrong though, got to spend all week with my BFF and her kids so it was like the best time in the history of everrrrrr. Extra love for that.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    ... @Hadrak does not get vacations, who allowed this, what...what is happening to the world as I know it.

    All honesty aside, this is a LONG deserved vacation, after you do stuff, remember to do nothing at all.
  • Love falling asleep!

    with headphones in listening to music like,

    to drown out the workers who were rewiring my house!

    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • Nalor said:


    I once worked for a traveling fair and all the workers slept in the trucks. First week, I tried listening to ballads, and it was terrible. Difficult to fall asleep because I kept tossing and turning. Week two, I tried ballads again, but after a few hours, I got tired of it and decided that if I am going to be awake most of the night, I might as well listen to good Music. I put on some Slipknot, Disturbed and similar Music and I fell asleep in 3 songs. This is the Music to listen to if you want to sleep, is what I am trying to confirm.
  • yes, its better tho in headphones as you dont hear nothing else.. the builders was In my room doing stuff while I slept lol
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • From my experience, the more "white noise" like the music is and the more gradual/consistent the rhythm and range within the upper/lower tones, the better it will help get and keep you to sleep. Also, the harder it is to make out specific words for your brain to latch onto helps, too. That means stuff like that is decent to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Even if you don't really LIKE the music, as long as you don't actively dislike it, you should be OK for sleepy times I would imagine.

  • <3 werecroc bashing right now. omg so good
    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • VeovisVeovis Florida
    Reux said:

    <3 werecroc bashing right now. omg so good</p>

    Why is it that good? :D
  • edited July 2015
    2.65 slashes. The faster attack affects so many aspects of pve it's wondafa.

    Shapeshifters already didn't  suck before; I hate the low physical audit and high endurance drain, but vocalizing makes up for that even at low levels, and artis should be needed for Tcanna/Volcano anyway.
    I mean, you know, an amount.

  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    It helps with PvP too! But I'm glad it also improves lycan bashing. :)
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Getting the chance to hang out with @Oleis , @Trigru , @Ethne, Varian and Matt and even all the Lusternia/Achaea/MKO types was a lot of fun. I'm really glad I talked Reux into coming out, you guys are all pretty awesome.
  • VeovisVeovis Florida
    Trigru said:

    Never had a modern (read: has parts that are less than 5 years old) computer in my life! Today I shelled out around a thousand bucks for a pretty sexy discount beast on NewEgg. Hardly cutting edge, but I could play brand new games on great graphics settings no problem. I'm so excited - I have literally no idea what to do with a high-end PC.

    I just replaced my 5 year old Phenom II X4 build with a new Core i5 with a 290x. I can game at 1440p, so naturally the first thing I do is load up Mudlet...
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Valve's website streaming for the International. Holy crap it is nice.

  • KerrynKerryn The Black Flagon Inn
    Love the new Esterport Humgii.

  • Love Kleenex. Thanks @trigru and anyone else involved in getting this guy together.

  • TrigruTrigru the Bumberton's Delight
    Xenia said:


    you did not
  • Well, autocorrect doesn't like Kleines' name, it turns out.

  • I love the RP I got out of an NPC earlier tonight, whoever it was. Thanks, it was super exciting!

    I also love that they fixed the bug with learning Fishing and I got to explore that today, that's a lot of fun too.

    And finally I just love that I had some free time for once in an evening to be on Aetolia. :)
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • Much love and thanks for @Dristin. Love all the baby clothes sent. You're a  godsend.
  • Periluna said:

    Much love and thanks for @Dristin. Love all the baby clothes sent. You're a  godsend.

    I'm glad! I may end up being able to send you some three month old clothes within the next few weeks. Oswin is growing like a weed!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Dristin said:

    I'm glad! I may end up being able to send you some three month old clothes within the next few weeks. Oswin is growing like a weed!
    That's what little boys do. We grow like weeds. Some other things you have to look forward to...

    Us learning how to pee while standing up.

    Us having pissing contests up a wall in Kindergarten to see who can pee the highest.

    Us hitting teenage years and eating $200 worth of groceries in 3 days and then being like Ma, I'm hungry.

    Us eating 2 or more helpings at dinner time, and not leaving any meat or potatoes for dad who hasn't gotten in from work yet.

    That's just a few!
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Oh God, if those were the worst offenses I subjected my poor mother to. She would be a decade younger.
  • Ishin said:

    Us learning how to pee while standing up.
    before that I think @ishin means, its peeing while your changing the nappy and you're not expecting it..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    edited July 2015
    Man my mom has stories of me as a kid:

    Standing on the dishwasher door and shouting I was doing dishes (I was pissing on them)

    My fish were cold so I turned up the temperature in the tank and cooked them.

    I gave my little brother a bath in tuna fish and crisco

    I thought I was popeye and ate dandelions from the yard and then threw up green all over the white furniture.

    I electrocuted myself alot putting things in light sockets.

    [Just to name a few]
    Baby boys are fun though, reckless...but fun, Enjoy!

    Also in regards to what @Ishin said - Three teenage boys in my house, all athletes, 10 pounds of potatoes were dinner.
  • Nalor said:

    before that I think @ishin means, its peeing while your changing the nappy and you're not expecting it..
    Oh, he's pooped and peed in my face. Multiple times. Funniest thing that's happened? He pooped and blew out the diaper. So, go to change him. He poops in that diaper immediately. I go to get a new one and he poops AND pees on the towel I had been changing him on. Good times.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    How does something that small generate so much urine and feces!?
  • Serrice said:

    How does something that small generate so much urine and feces!?

    Because of this, which I posted on Facebook a bit ago because I realized it:

    Around 2 weeks old: https://goo.gl/YwJ0Yk
    Today, day before he turns 12 weeks: https://goo.gl/cZ1fQj
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