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  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Rivas said:

    v13114 in Mostyn would probably be a good one.

    @Obyn I can see how these would get crazy if we have 3 or 4 people suggesting all the same areas.

    v54460 on Tcanna Island (The end of the dock) could be a fun spot. The room description says there is no guardrail so you could just fall into the water below! I want to be able to sit and dangle my feet over the edge and fish to my heart's content with the jellyfish.

    v15140 'Shallows in a Pond' in Arbothia

    v9716 'Open ocean near the Flower Sands Inn' and v9747 'Lake Reftapo' in Tasur'ke. Isn't Tasur'ke a fishing village? Or am I thinking Shastaan...
  • I feel like it's hard for beginners. I can't find a lot of spots that I can fish at, and the ones I've tried are empty and fished out.

    Maybe more Beginner spots, or have those spots respawn fish faster?



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    I just did the daily quest twice with the same fish. Like, the same ACTUAL fish. I had the same daily quest both times, but when I turned it in the first time it didn't take/consume the fish I had for the quest. Probably should, or somehow make fish caught only AFTER you take the quest up count for the quest itself.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • LimLim
    edited July 2015
    Beryl sea at raim vale 21036
    Also 58698

    Spring. v9738. Small pool in crack of the cliff

    River. v4615. End of the crystal river
  • Would it be possible to clean up the bit about what's there? This is kind of a pain to read through...

    The cave waters teem with a cave salamander, a colorless blindfish, a white sucker, a white sucker,
    a white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a rams-horn snail, a white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a cave
    salamander, a white sucker, a white sucker, a colorless blindfish, a colorless blindfish, an olive-
    hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail, a colorless blindfish, a white sucker, a
    white sucker, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail, a colorless blindfish, a cave salamander, a
    cave salamander, a rams-horn snail, an olive-hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail,
    a rams-horn snail, an olive-hued walleye, a white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a rams-horn snail, a
    rams-horn snail, a rams-horn snail, a white sucker, a white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a white
    sucker, a white sucker, a white sucker, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail, a white sucker, a
    white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a rams-horn snail, a rams-horn snail, a colorless blindfish, a
    white sucker, a white sucker, a cave salamander, an olive-hued walleye, a cave salamander, a
    colorless blindfish, a white sucker, a white sucker, a colorless blindfish, a colorless blindfish, a
    colorless blindfish, an olive-hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, a colorless blindfish, a cave
    salamander, a white sucker, an olive-hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail, a white
    sucker, a colorless blindfish, a rams-horn snail, a colorless blindfish, a cave salamander, an olive-
    hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, an olive-hued walleye, a colorless blindfish, a cave salamander,
    a white sucker, a white sucker, a white sucker, a cave salamander, an olive-hued walleye, a rams-
    horn snail, a white sucker, a rams-horn snail, a cave salamander, a colorless blindfish, a white
    sucker, a colorless blindfish, a white sucker, a colorless blindfish, a colorless blindfish, a white
    sucker, a cave salamander, a cave salamander, a colorless blindfish, an olive-hued walleye, an olive-
    hued walleye, a rams-horn snail, an olive-hued walleye and unfamiliar creatures.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Maybe have it print out a number for the number there? Like..

    The cave waters teem with 2 a red snapper, 3 a white sucker, 17 a rams-horn snail.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • RazmaelRazmael Administrator, Immortal
    Ishin said:

    Maybe have it print out a number for the number there? Like..

    The cave waters teem with 2 a red snapper, 3 a white sucker, 17 a rams-horn snail.

  • So much better. Thank you!
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    <3@Razmael & @Oleis
    Please feed @Obyn some extra treats in his cage tonight, hes been a good Celani.

    All seriousness though, you guys have been real quick with fixing and updating and bugs, kudos to all of you up there for ironing out the wrinkles with us and making a new fun thing to play with.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    edited July 2015
    Within a shallow bay (v5656) and every other room in Polyargos. C'mon. It's an island.

    Also, a red snapper does not exist. It is a frickin' unicorn, and not the filtery-swearword kind, like the actual mythical being that doesn't exist. The quest thing *says* it's possible to complete it as 30 people have, but it is a ruse. People are out o get me. And they're doing it with fishing. For seriousness.

    So you're doing a REALLY good job of making sure people can't advance by both making the daily quest mandatory to raise standing, and making it almost impossible to do. I've been told 'Libey Cay' but I've fished it out four times in the last 12 hours and nada.

    Anyways. Also, another bug, AB FISHING (ability) does nothing. I'd either take out the tidbit says do this to gain more information, or put in more information. I like consistency.


    Saaik raises his mug with a roar, "Well done, pup! Well done! That's a beauty you've
    You have completed the FISHING_DAILY quest!
    [Gold]: You have gained 500 gold.
    You have received 500 gold sovereigns for completing the quest.

    And I never caught a damn Rahn's Mace crayfish, either...

    Also, I gave my bucket away thinking that was how I completed the quest. Now I am kind of sad and want it back.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    I have done the same, but they do exist the quest fish just sometimes are some of the more rare ones, they do pop up though!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    ************[ Contents of Bucket #6264 (a rusted fishing bucket) ]*************
    Appearance Weight Hole MtD
    a Rahn's Mace crayfish 12 oz.
    a Rahn's Mace crayfish 28 oz.

    a red snapper 50 oz.

    They exist :)
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Point of clarification from @Obyn if possible:

    You carefully investigate the area, looking for details about the fish you might find.
    You are standing within the .
    The river waters teem with a silvery minnow, 2 of a dark brown crayfish, a drab toadfish,
    and unfamiliar creatures.
    You sense that you will be unable to catch any of the fish that remain here. Your Fishing
    ability is not yet advanced enough!
    You have fished here before.
    Equilibrium Used: 2.00 seconds

    I just caught a bunch of silvery minnows, a crayfish, a bunch of toadfish... so why can't I catch those 4 fish? I guess I'm not quite sure what the "your ability is not yet advanced enough!" means. Do I need a better pole because those fish are monstrous!?
  • Someone more versed in the code of how the system actually works than I will have to answer that. I would presume that it has to do with the weight or rarity of the unfamiliar fishes, but I can't say for certain, and even that is pure speculation.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    @Obyn is correct. Those fish are likely too heavy for your pole.

    After looking at things, I -am- going to up the respawn rate of fish and the average max capacity of the fishing holes globally. Fish are a little too scarce for my liking.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Oleis / @Obyn - Certain areas of the western wilderness, please!
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Are the daily fishing quests things we can abandon/restart? I've been stuck for 3 hours now trying to catch a snapper - none in Libec are spawning, haven't seen any in any of the other shallows, and not able to level up to access ocean.
  • RazmaelRazmael Administrator, Immortal
    You can abandon it, but you won't be able to take a new one until the next howling. I uploaded some changes a couple of hours ago that should make the quests a little easier to do anyway.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    OK. Thanks!
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Other than something to do with full buckets, it'd be great if probing buckets gave you a quick summary of how full it is, without having to look at the full list in FISHING BUCKETS.


    It has 14.37 months of usefulness left.
    It weighs about 5 pound(s).
    It carries 87/100 fish.
    It bears the distinctive mark of Angler Hagriphim.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Yay turning in fish!

    Lake rooms: 9743 (shallows), 9744, 9746, 9747
  • Ishin said:

    @Oleis / @Obyn - Certain areas of the western wilderness, please!

    I've been out pretty much since 11:00 am this morning and only just got around now. If it hasn't been done, could you toss in a couple of the room names/vnums and I'll have a look?

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    The underwater area of Khauskin (Said with a Jersey accent)
    Where the Klikken are located.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    So uuuuuuuh...I was really really drunk last night(lol) and seem to have abandoned my daily quest. 'cept I can't go reacquire it. Is there any way to have abandoning a daily-type quest set it to make it so they can give it back to you, instead of having to wait?
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Ishin said:
    So uuuuuuuh...I was really really drunk last night(lol) and seem to have abandoned my daily quest. 'cept I can't go reacquire it. Is there any way to have abandoning a daily-type quest set it to make it so they can give it back to you, instead of having to wait?
    You'd have to wait for the daily timer to tick over. There is currently no way to aquire it again after abandonment in the interim. If you're still unable to pick it up even after it ticks over, make sure you bug it and.throw a msg up on here 

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Hadrak said:

    You'd have to wait for the daily timer to tick over. There is currently no way to aquire it again after abandonment in the interim. If you're still unable to pick it up even after it ticks over, make sure you bug it and.throw a msg up on here 

    Okay :(
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Could I check if the daily quest assigned can be above your ability?

    I'm at 100% Adept, at the cap where I can't progress unless I get enough faction points.

    Blessing has me at 53% skilled.

    I've been assigned a king salmon.

    Trikal tells me he caught one while ice fishing, and hasn't seen it elsewhere.

    It is possible that blessings/favours are causing the quest assignment to be above your ability?
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    @Lim - you can catch some of those fish in other areas, though they just tend to be ALOT more rare and it takes a bit of time, finding an area where they show up. Snapper can be the same but caught in shallows rarely.

    At least in my experience.

    Also...how is Trikal to Ice fishing already... I dont know about that.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    edited July 2015
    Blessing, probably.

    Also, I kinda really like fishing so far. It's something I can do and let it run while I code and occasionally chat in web/clan. It's kinda like a reward for working on my system instead of just doing it and seeing no immediate reward. I guess I'm just shallow like that :D

    Edit to ask:
    You use Fishing Discern.
    You carefully investigate the area, looking for details about the fish you might find.
    You are standing within the River Zaphar.
    The river waters teem with a white sucker, a bluefin killfish, an oak toad, 40 of a bighead carp, 2
    of a mottled pike, and unfamiliar creatures.
    You sense that you will be unable to catch any of the fish that remain here. Your Fishing ability is
    not yet advanced enough!
    You have fished here before.
    Equilibrium Used: 1.86 seconds

    Right there, it shows me all the kinds of fish I can catch there, but it tells me I can't catch any here? Is that a bug 'cause of my blessing or something else??
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
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