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  • I can completely understand not liking world events. I can also completely understand liking them. I guess for everybody that plays an intolerable perma-troll jester, there's someone who enjoys their private RP and doesn't want to have their time forced into something they're uninterested in.

    That being said, I don't think I'd like, log off or anything. Or turn off the world emotes because hey, reading that stuff is cool even when you're in the middle of a five person party that includes four of the hottest women the Mermaid's Bower ever trained.
  • IngramIngram Alaska
    Gotta let it go, man.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    The only reason I log off, is because it's a break of character to ignore world-implosion in favour of whatever personal-level, or even house/org-level roleplay thread I have going on, on like 98% of my characters, even though I as a player have no interest in world events whatsoever. I refuse to sacrifice my roleplay integrity, so most of the time I log off when events would force me (if I were to be true to my character anyhow) to participate.

    I get why other people like events--by no means am I asking the admin to -stop- running them. They make the world a lot more involved and immersive for some people, they're certainly not a bad thing on the whole, they're just not -my- thing, and I'd prefer to be able to ignore them entirely. Is unlikely to be something they implement though, so, alas.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    edited June 2015
    Are you asking them to make you a perfectly isolated instance of all of aetolia that can let you cling to your outdated and selfish RP where you can be Aetolia's queen of sparkles and roll around in obscene pools of...'shinies'?

    There are plenty of games you can play where the environment wont so rudely interrupt your values of what you see important in a game, I am just saying, it comes off very...almost self-centered the way its being explained even with the apologies being presented.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    I'm not asking them to do anything, and there's nothing wrong with my roleplay. I'm not the Queen of sparkles, of Aetolia or otherwise, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop following me around threads to randomly insult me for no apparent reason. You don't have to agree with the things I say, or with the things I value (or don't) in Aetolia, but it's not selfish or self-centered of me to say that large-scale events aren't my thing and that I'd rather not deal with them at all. I'm not the only one with this opinion, I'm just the only one in this thread at the moment. I'm not saying that you guys shouldn't like them, or that events in this game suck (they don't, and I know the admin put a lot of effort into them to make them spiffy cool for those of you who do enjoy them) or anything even remotely close to that.

    Ffs, I made an offhand comment, someone asked why, I answered, it wasn't meant to start a bunch of stupid drama.

    Moving right the fuck on, back on topic, ideas: Make AW searchable like wares are? Isn't, entirely. A lot of stuff is only searchable by 'piece' instead of 'eye' or w/e it is.
  • edited June 2015
    If the emote is not seen, did it even happen?

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Also auctionhouse related--could we up the number of auctions that are allowed at once? Considering that you roll about 3-4 of the lesser relic pieces in a single chest, six is a terribly small number. Think like ten would be a more reasonable number, with like a reasonably cheap artifact to double it from there, maybe?
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this what I just read in this thread:

    Post 1 - Areka asks for global tag for world emotes.

    Post 2 - Angwe asks if players can global emote.

    Post 3 - Erz answers and expresses her desire for a way to config them off.

    Post 4 and onward - Aetolia blasts the shit out of her.

    I get a lot of you have beef with her in crafting clans or in other threads or even this thread or w/e, but you all jumped the gun in jumping down her throat about this particular topic.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Let's go back to talking about/agreeing with my amazing ideas.

    Next up: for crafting gnomes, a way to massproduce beverages from brewing into containers. MASSPRODUCE (# vessels to fill) (brewnum) IN (vessel#).
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.

    Well we could have made it about monk damage and gotten a -really- cool reaction out of you.
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • Snark! SHAME! 
  • To be fair, I actually defended Erzsebet's position to Ingram in a not so subtly snarky fashion!

    @trager Jeez, just parry the monk damage. C'mon.

    @xenia If an emote falls in the forest and nobody sees it, it did indeed happen. But only if you post a RP log. (Which apparently @draiman really hates.)

    @areka Brewing makes me grumble. Why can't I just brew the drink. Wai does there have to be a 7 step process and 15 containers? Agree to mass produce. Agree to simplify. :(

    Ok, now I'll get out of bed and make a coffee.

  • Rashar said:

    @xenia If an emote falls in the forest and nobody sees it, it did indeed happen. But only if you post a RP log. (Which apparently @draiman really hates.)

    If a darkie did it, it wasn't actually RP. Just warming up the pk balance.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • With the new way to purchase artifacts, it seems that chalices were removed from the list. Was this intentional or just an oversight?
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    It would be grand if WHO HERE was alphabetical.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Areka said:

    It would be grand if WHO HERE was alphabetical.

    Remind me later.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Install reflectors on top of the Temple that will let you focus the Great Flame's light on someone and burn them to a crisp.
  • edited June 2015
    Serrice said:

    Install reflectors on top of the Temple that will let you focus the Great Flame's light on someone and burn them to a crisp.

    We will be doing something very much like this. It's always been a part of the planned release.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Be able to learn proficiency for weapons from other players that have it mastered (and perhaps are Trans Weaponry).
  • With the changes to time, it might be a good idea to tweak the Harpy part of the vamp cure. Waiting a few days for winter to end could drag on before, and now it'll drag on 4x as hard! We wanna keep people logging in and having fun, not logging off as they wait a few RL days for that to be doable.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    IDK there could be lifer vampires. That would be cool and twilighty.

    Okay maybe it wouldn't be that cool.

  • KerrynKerryn The Black Flagon Inn
    Aldric said:

    With the changes to time, it might be a good idea to tweak the Harpy part of the vamp cure. Waiting a few days for winter to end could drag on before, and now it'll drag on 4x as hard! We wanna keep people logging in and having fun, not logging off as they wait a few RL days for that to be doable.

    The cure needs redone from the ground up, in my opinion or it needs to be made that the person seeking the cure is the ONLY one who can do it. It was made so people thought twice about going undead/vampire. So that people didn't bounce back and forth, a consequence for going vampire. Now, it's only the lifers who have to do it while often times the vampire sits and waits for the person to do all the work. Lifers are told over and over and over and over that it's our 'duty' to save them, so we're force to spend an hour of our time doing the quest only to have the person go back to being a vampire a week later and asking to be cured -again- a few months later. It is heavily one sided. If we refuse to help, we're the 'bad' guy suddenly. If we make them help and they screw up a step? Guess the person wanting cured will log off till tomorrow when we can try again.. because they are stuck in limbo.. vampires pissed, hunting them. Lifers can't welcome them because they're still a vampire.

    Should it be -easy- to rid yourself of vampirism? No.
    Should it be extremely hard or overly time consuming? No.
    Should it be fun? Sure, why not? Your character is making a life altering change.
    Should the responsibility be dumped on others instead of the one person that made the -choice- to go down that road? No.

  • Kerryn said:

    The cure needs redone from the ground up, in my opinion or it needs to be made that the person seeking the cure is the ONLY one who can do it. It was made so people thought twice about going undead/vampire. So that people didn't bounce back and forth, a consequence for going vampire. Now, it's only the lifers who have to do it while often times the vampire sits and waits for the person to do all the work. Lifers are told over and over and over and over that it's our 'duty' to save them, so we're force to spend an hour of our time doing the quest only to have the person go back to being a vampire a week later and asking to be cured -again- a few months later. It is heavily one sided. If we refuse to help, we're the 'bad' guy suddenly. If we make them help and they screw up a step? Guess the person wanting cured will log off till tomorrow when we can try again.. because they are stuck in limbo.. vampires pissed, hunting them. Lifers can't welcome them because they're still a vampire.

    Should it be -easy- to rid yourself of vampirism? No.
    Should it be extremely hard or overly time consuming? No.
    Should it be fun? Sure, why not? Your character is making a life altering change.
    Should the responsibility be dumped on others instead of the one person that made the -choice- to go down that road? No.

    Also if the Vampire have to do the Cure.. it means it can be opened up so more then 1 person at once can run the cure.. Since it will only work for the person doing the cure.

    So instead of 3+ people all waiting a day or two for someone to run the cure for another person, It can be do at anytime, just not winter..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Or you could roleplay with a lifer god.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    Or suck it up and strut with your fangs!!

    But yeah the quest is a bit lame.

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • KerrynKerryn The Black Flagon Inn
    edited June 2015
    Ishin said:

    Or you could roleplay with a lifer god.

    It is not the lifer Gods job to do it, often they simply tell their order to cure the individual. So no it cannot be done with reasonable reliability.

    The Gods have enough to do, without curing Bob for the umpteenth time because he's sure this time he'll really stay lifer.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Gods cannot cure vampirism, its not possible for them to.
    They can cure undeath however.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited June 2015
    Think a tweak would work for the short term, til they find the time to overhaul it completely.

    Think it would be neat to be able to learn languages from other people too, including endgame racials from other people with linguisitics and the desired language, (would require you to have linguistics).
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Sanctioned raids:

    During a declared state of war between two orgs, one org can commit troops to raid another city.

    The raiding city chooses to commit the raiders and a varying level of NPC supporting troops. Supporting troops are used to distract the guards of the defending city, which are thinned based on the number of supporting troops you commit.

    Once preparations are complete (this is done from the war room), the raiders are teleported to an 'in-transit' room, where they have to wait for a couple of minutes. During transit, they might be attacked by groups of enemy scouts. The longer that the raiders take to kill scouts and the larger the commitment of supporting troops, the earlier warning the defending city has, with a bit of randomness.

    As soon as the defending city has warning of a raid, they can begin activating their org's super defense, which is essentially a maximum time limit that the raid can last. Early warning thus enforces a reduction in the length of the raid. The super defense is also activated automatically when the raiders make contact with the city. It can be unique for each org (Great Flame death ray, Citadel ylem megalaser death ray, flying Abhorash death ray, Great Oak Dendara death ray, etc.)

    Each city will have an impregnable zone that can't be breached. For example, the Temple of the Gods, or the Citadel, or the Great Oak. People who don't want to PK can shelter there. War rooms should be relocated to these areas if they haven't already. Mechanically, they'll count as separate zones.

    The goal of the raiders is to raze rooms, performing a number of short eq/bal actions that progressively damages a room, creates rubble, changes the desc, and awards raiders experience and loot. They have to contend with whatever guards are left, as well as PC defenders. Raiders can lose loot by being killed.

    A city during a raid is basically locked down to anyone that's not of the same tether, so raiders who leave the area for whatever reason won't be able to come back.

    The raid ends when there are no more raiders in the city. The loot raiders picked up is tallied and a chunk goes to the raiding city. For defenders, the super defense will remain active for a period of time, during which it would be very very unwise for a member of the raiding org to step foot in the defending city. Ransacked rooms will also repair over time, a process that can be accelerated using gold or a 'loot-from-dead-raiders' fund.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    I posted the sanctioned raids thing in another thread a few months back @Serrice - IIRC correctly it did not get a great response, I would love to see this, SO MUCH, I think it was in that guards thread where people were talking about removing or something...I dont remember for sure, but yeah...I WISH.
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