My grandmother has always been a very active woman, going to seminars, on educational trips, concerts and whatnot. She's got seasonal tickets to the local symphonic wind ensemble (among others) and naturally, when she got sick, she didn't want anything to go to waste. Long story short, I was handed the tickets and told "Use them" and so I have.
Today I got to listen to some interesting Concert band jazz music, which was amazing to say the least, and I wanted to pay my grandmother back in some way for the fantastic opportunity. I'm not a shy person, so after the performance, I went to speak to the staff at the concert house, asking them what they were planning on doing with the flower arrangements on the scene. If they were going to throw them away, could I perhaps take one to give to my sick grandmother instead?
They barely hesitated and I got help to remove one of the huge things from the scene, carried it with me and tomorrow, when I go visit my grandma, she has some warm, heartfelt greetings from the concert house where she's been a loyal customer for years.
OMG @Teani she is going to absolutely love it. Your grandma from what you have told me is an absolutely wonderful woman. Just remind her each time you see her about the joy she has brought to others. Those flowers are beautiful!
Lots of hugs across the ocean for Grandma! Shes a fighter, having taken care of many people who have dealt with similar things I have seen how it can effect folks, just gotta keep it as positive as you can no matter what
I the everloving daylights out of being part of the Oasys Clan...the curing system may no longer be supported or updated..or even available, but I'm always glad to have the guys in the clan who are happy to help with coding questions! I just wrote a basic toggle for one of my skills with their help!
Looking forward to sticking around and expending my creative energies again.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
Been really busy the past couple of months moving in with the boyfriend, getting our place renovated, and trying to get a business up in the air, but been very happy and stress-free. And said boyfriend proposed to me today on our trip to Niagara Falls with his grandmother's ring. Couldn't possibly be happier right now. >w<
I work for a Greek family, and they have what I think is illegal Mexican immigrants working for us cus occasionally one disappears and a new one appears in their place. My favorite old lady midget Rosa has to go back to Mexico so last night was her last day. She barely speaks english but we teach each other terrible words.
We all gather, she comes from the back and we all clap and yell, which makes her bawl hysterically (not love, it was sad, I love her). Liz, this nitwit is carrying the cake the owner got her, freaks out that she's crying, flails over to her and drops the cake face down on the floor in slo-mo. Everyone starts cracking up, then turn around to my very pregnant coworker squatting down with her preggers belly eating off the top of the not-floor touched cake.
She did warn us 5 minutes prior. Owner bought us all food, and she said 'YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO FORAGE FOR YOUR OWN FOOD BEFORE YOU SEE A SIDE OF ME YOU AIN'T NEVER SEEN OR WANT TO."
Don't think I've ever laughed so hard. I love comic relief in sad situations, I'm not good at sadding.
I suppose I always manage to post something like this every couple of weeks, but after one of the worst/strangest days off work I ever had yesterday, I got to hang out with @Callidora again. She called in some Buffalo Wild Wings takeout that I went and got for us on the way, and then we had a blast eating chicken and chili con queso while watching Netflix and talking all evening. It's funny to me how we always end up talking about Aetolia in person, just as much as we do in texts or online. I love this lady dearly, and she always makes and refreshes my mood to a much better place after we hang out, for the rest of the week.
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
The fact that brain-wave based controls are still being worked on, this plus the VR tech being worked on means that there's an actual chance that within the next 30 years, we'll be looking at something akin to Fulldive Technology, where you put on a headset that encompasses your entire head, and reads your brainwaves to control an Avatar that you are looking through the eyes of, heh.
@jensen Omfg. I seriously just want to nuke a bag of popcorn and marathon Lord of the Rings snuggling that horse on the couch. Ahhhhhh I need one for miiiine!!!!
Also really love the awesome RP lately, with the coin and the cold and the bloops and things. to @Damariel and whichever of you is being the sneaky voice. It is awesome.
Also Oleis for being his usual rockstar self.
And my Templar, you new folk (yeah that includes you @Isande and @Sevaan and @Aulin) have been awesome.
It's done, I've survived finals. I'm tired and exhausted and worked for 14 hours yesterday between my two jobs on top of like no sleep this entire week, but I've only got one more finals week to deal with next semester and I'm done forever.
Time to go into a coma. Loljk I have work in a few hours.
It doesn't even matter though, because it's over. Oooover.
Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
Came back from a visit to my grandma a while ago. All the grandchildren were there (or represented) as my grandma wanted to hand out some jewelry as memories of her. It's so like her to want to give things away while she can still see the joy with which they are received.
They had prepared sets and put numbers on them and to make it random who received what, we all had to draw closed numbers from a box (grandma being fair as always). My lot turned out to be a lovely charm bracelet that almost brought tears to my eyes. She and I have the same birthstone, which was represented among the charms. She also makes snowmen whenever there is enough snow around for even a token one to be assembled, which is represented by two pearls. There is also a small golden shoe her father had once found, giving the bracelet even more personal value. It's beautiful!
My lot turned out to be a lovely charm bracelet that almost brought tears to my eyes. She and I have the same birthstone, which was represented among the charms. She also makes snowmen whenever there is enough snow around for even a token one to be assembled, which is represented by two pearls. There is also a small golden shoe her father had once found, giving the bracelet even more personal value. It's beautiful!
Who is cutting all these onions? Seriously, that sounds wonderful. It's truly a blessing to have time to share with family like that.
My own Love today is from setting off on an inspired adventure to a town an hour away that I've never been to before to pick up an order from someone since the last time they shipped it, it arrived broken and I missed their text when they were in my town. The drive is my favorite part so far, as I sit here in my car waiting, passing through beautiful Oregon countryside.. Rolling hills with farms, orchards, grapes, llamas-! I absolutely love how green it is here! Today is a good day.
(Web): You say, "I know there's something I'm forgetting.." (Web): Sevaan says, "You forgot to border the letter with macaroni art?"
Saw the Weasley Twins today. It was fantastic. James' patronus would be a hedgehog because he likes to go in thinking he can handle things but then he can't and he curls up into a ball. Oliver's would be a sloth because he's so laid back. They were really sweet and really good with the fans, it was really neat to see. Really. So many for reals.
Summer Glau and Hayley Atwell both smiled at me, said my name and Summer and I had a short convo. Fun past 4 days, hopefully next year as just as fun, and I don't act like an idiot next year. Also, I got super close to Stephen Amell, and got a few pictures of him. His wine mixer was super fun, the band that played was awesome, lead pianist/singer is such an awesome guy and knows Stephen and would even pass along a message from me. I also made 2 new friends who I talked Doctor Who with. Made a few other friends, but it ties into me being an idiot.
I love that continents and shitty Internet away, a certain lady had managed to keep me enchanted. I love all of you and she's done a great job of making me remember it, but mostly I just love @asaraii.
Today I got to listen to some interesting Concert band jazz music, which was amazing to say the least, and I wanted to pay my grandmother back in some way for the fantastic opportunity. I'm not a shy person, so after the performance, I went to speak to the staff at the concert house, asking them what they were planning on doing with the flower arrangements on the scene. If they were going to throw them away, could I perhaps take one to give to my sick grandmother instead?
They barely hesitated and I got help to remove one of the huge things from the scene, carried it with me and tomorrow, when I go visit my grandma, she has some warm, heartfelt greetings from the concert house where she's been a loyal customer for years.
Lots of hugs across the ocean for Grandma! Shes a fighter, having taken care of many people who have dealt with similar things I have seen how it can effect folks, just gotta keep it as positive as you can no matter what
I especially wanna say thanks to @Trikal!
We all gather, she comes from the back and we all clap and yell, which makes her bawl hysterically (not love, it was sad, I love her). Liz, this nitwit is carrying the cake the owner got her, freaks out that she's crying, flails over to her and drops the cake face down on the floor in slo-mo. Everyone starts cracking up, then turn around to my very pregnant coworker squatting down with her preggers belly eating off the top of the not-floor touched cake.
She did warn us 5 minutes prior. Owner bought us all food, and she said 'YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO FORAGE FOR YOUR OWN FOOD BEFORE YOU SEE A SIDE OF ME YOU AIN'T NEVER SEEN OR WANT TO."
Don't think I've ever laughed so hard. I love comic relief in sad situations, I'm not good at sadding.
Sword Art Online: Here We Come.
Also really love the awesome RP lately, with the coin and the cold and the bloops and things.
Also Oleis for being his usual rockstar self.
And my Templar, you new folk (yeah that includes you @Isande and @Sevaan and @Aulin) have been awesome.
And tomatillo enchiladas.
I've got one more night (tomorrow) of getting almost no sleep, and then I too will be freed of the finals shackles. Soooo close I can almost taste it.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
Time to go into a coma. Loljk I have work in a few hours.
It doesn't even matter though, because it's over. Oooover.
They had prepared sets and put numbers on them and to make it random who received what, we all had to draw closed numbers from a box (grandma being fair as always). My lot turned out to be a lovely charm bracelet that almost brought tears to my eyes. She and I have the same birthstone, which was represented among the charms. She also makes snowmen whenever there is enough snow around for even a token one to be assembled, which is represented by two pearls. There is also a small golden shoe her father had once found, giving the bracelet even more personal value. It's beautiful!
Seriously, that sounds wonderful. It's truly a blessing to have time to share with family like that.
My own Love today is from setting off on an inspired adventure to a town an hour away that I've never been to before to pick up an order from someone since the last time they shipped it, it arrived broken and I missed their text when they were in my town. The drive is my favorite part so far, as I sit here in my car waiting, passing through beautiful Oregon countryside.. Rolling hills with farms, orchards, grapes, llamas-!
Today is a good day.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
Long distance be over soon please.