Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Just so it is known, since Macavity took over the Teradrim guild he has been nothing but nice to Sarita.  And to my knowledge has never treated her with disrespect at all.   So please do not include the Teradrim in on this rage about the way Sarita is treated.

    Also you want to talk about entitlement....Bahir'an and D'baen along with the other Houses were the main groups in charge of the Imperium, but yet it laid dormant with no one to do anything with it at all.  It took Abhorash to wake and remove it completely for you all to wake up and do something about the Consanguine race.  And now since this four house the rest are out ordeal came to be you actually started to work towards something.  Yet with the way your Houses ran the Imperium into the ground I have yet to hear one apology to Abhorash about it and you all just expected to be part of the Dominion like nothing ever changed.

    I mean I get it, you all dont like Lunare, maybe its because it has one of the highest populations of Consanguine that is awake and does stuff, or maybe its just you all always wanted to get rid of it and now you are all stuck with it.  Whatever the case may be, I would much rather have four Houses that are already active with set guidelines and such, and not have to go into another House that has little to nothing in it and has been dormant for far too long.  There were rules put in place on how to save a House from destruction, Lunare did what was needed and now it should be allowed to stay.  Simple as that.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited March 2013
    While the 'maybe they're jealous' argument may help Lunare sleep at night, I believe the general consensus as to why the House is on the proverbial poopshoot is because the majority of its members and vocal body have been little more than petulant and entitled children being destructive and nonsensical in their arguments, grabs, and roleplay, and have made the gaming experience quite negative for a significant number of players.

    This negative impact comes from both IC and OOC interactions, RP attitudes and implications, and just nonsense (power grabs and brute-force control over orgs, mishandling of orgs, creating a negative atmosphere outside of the group, vamps popping out babies, verbal altercations and language choice pushed to extremes, etc). The balance has tipped. This can be defended and excused away as much as any of the House may like, but there are some serious root issues that have drawn some legitimate and valid ire that very little accountability is being held for.

    Edit: The House has become a mix between Silly Rabbit Trix are for Kids, stop denying the hijinks or admit you want to be a kid, and Swiper no Swiping. This totally makes sense in my head.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited March 2013
    I'm jealous that I wasn't part of that weekly orghead change. I want my metagamed honors line too, damnit! 

    And yes...I want to be the second vampire to produce a child. THE ENVY.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • ChelseaChelsea Australia

    In regards to this whole Lunare drama, everyone knew what they were doing from the start IC, including the whole Paithan/Shinji OOC incident and the Teradrim OOC takeover. Yet none of the Houses have banded together and forced them into submission via IC avenues.

    Then again they still could and in all reality, if people really wanted to put Lunare lower on the pecking order then they should have come together a few weeks ago and induct the city of Bloodloch and her guilds into a few strategic Houses. Not that I am condoning it per say, although it would fit with very comfortably with certain IC Bloodloch strategies of dominance. 

  • edited March 2013
    All this hate. Satomi loved having living people in the House. It gave her people to insult and demean when she got bored. Now she's stuck with all these Old Consanguine who demand respect *cough Macavity cough* :3

    As far as I can say, being in Lunare for me is like watching a movie. It is a bit predictable, but it still makes things exciting when stuff blows up in people's faces. Lunare included.

    Chaos, pain, annoyance.. it is all fun and games. Enjoy it.

    EDIT: Also, marrying a living person was very fun. Satomi being a massive racist against the living and all.

  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited March 2013
    Racist against living. Marries living. Undead can't have babies by administrative decree. Vampire gets another vampire pregnant.

    Lunare ideas always make the MOST sense.

    Also, respect is part of Vampire roleplay. Of course, if Abhorash demanded respect, you either give it, or explode. Don't join an org that your character doesn't believe in. That's just as stupid as a guilded Daru being a citizen of Bloodloch.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."

  • Illidan said:
     Don't join an org that your character doesn't believe in.
    Agreed. Which is why Fenrir's in Bloodloch working up the guts to talk to a certain person in particular.

    Contact established. On to the next phase!
  • Illidan said:
    Racist against living. Marries living...  Lunare ideas always make the MOST sense... Don't join an org that your character doesn't believe in. That's just as stupid as a guilded Daru being a citizen of Bloodloch.
    Illidan, I find it amusing that you think you know how Satomi's mind thinks. I've RP'd her since her creation. You've not even met her beyond the battlefield. So.. kindly shut up about telling me how to roleplay my character. 

    Thank you.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    edited March 2013
    Its best to ignore it, it eventually finds a new door to scratch at for food.

    Lesson be learned...
  • My apparent inability to spell 'map' over Market.

  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    As a person who was with Lunare from very near the beginning and saw it through a lot of BS, I have to say it's always been pretty pants-on-head.  From the sound of it, recent events are nothing new, although they may have reached a new level of intensity since they seem to have more members now than maybe ever in their history.
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Macavity said:
    Just so it is known, since Macavity took over the Teradrim guild he has been nothing but nice to Sarita.  And to my knowledge has never treated her with disrespect at all.   So please do not include the Teradrim in on this rage about the way Sarita is treated.

    Also you want to talk about entitlement....Bahir'an and D'baen along with the other Houses were the main groups in charge of the Imperium, but yet it laid dormant with no one to do anything with it at all.  It took Abhorash to wake and remove it completely for you all to wake up and do something about the Consanguine race.  And now since this four house the rest are out ordeal came to be you actually started to work towards something.  Yet with the way your Houses ran the Imperium into the ground I have yet to hear one apology to Abhorash about it and you all just expected to be part of the Dominion like nothing ever changed.

    I mean I get it, you all dont like Lunare, maybe its because it has one of the highest populations of Consanguine that is awake and does stuff, or maybe its just you all always wanted to get rid of it and now you are all stuck with it.  Whatever the case may be, I would much rather have four Houses that are already active with set guidelines and such, and not have to go into another House that has little to nothing in it and has been dormant for far too long.  There were rules put in place on how to save a House from destruction, Lunare did what was needed and now it should be allowed to stay.  Simple as that.

    See, this is the exact attitude I am talking about. You guys are seriously STILL on about how the rest of us are jealous? Get off your damn high horse, the fact is most of the other Houses would never accept the riff raff you guys let in to attain your score. Get over yourself.

    Hey, guess what, we TRIED to do something with the Imperium. Remember how we told you to get rid of your living? Yeah, if you had listened to us maybe Abhorash wouldn't be so ashamed and angry with you. We TRIED to do everything that Abhorash is currently doing now. And what did we get for it? Your whole House insulting everyone, calling everyone unicorns (I use the word unicorn here because there are far too many cuss words to bother spelling out). We didn't run the Imperium into the ground, it was stupid arrogant self entitlement like Lunare's that proved why the Imperium would never work unless Abhorash came back and ran it.

    And guess what? Abhorash came back. And he did the EXACT SAME THINGS we were trying to do. EVERYTHING he is forcing you guys to do, we tried to. Difference is he has the power to delete your House if you don't comply. So instead of the childish mudslinging and bull**** you flung at us for it, you have to listen to him.

    Chelsea said:

    In regards to this whole Lunare drama, everyone knew what they were doing from the start IC, including the whole Paithan/Shinji OOC incident and the Teradrim OOC takeover. Yet none of the Houses have banded together and forced them into submission via IC avenues.

    Then again they still could and in all reality, if people really wanted to put Lunare lower on the pecking order then they should have come together a few weeks ago and induct the city of Bloodloch and her guilds into a few strategic Houses. Not that I am condoning it per say, although it would fit with very comfortably with certain IC Bloodloch strategies of dominance. 

    Yeah, the rest of us have higher standards than metagaming our way into power through sheer numbers. We'd prefer to handle it ICly like adults but it's pretty hard when Lunare has the same standards of conduct as they do standards for entry. The Houses did band ICly to sanction Lunare but we know how they handled that. And it's very stupid to expect people to pick up another class so we can out-metagame their metagaming.

    You guys -still- don't get the point. You were WRONG (and you cannot argue that, Abhorash is drilling it into you over and over) and you seriously pissed off EVERYONE while doing it. So this "we did what Abhorash asked now give us everything and we'll go on being entitled pricks" attitude isn't going to fly. There's a very valid reason why all the other Houses Abhorash met with were given entry to the Dominion immediately while yours is still on the outside looking in. And you better believe the current Houses in the Dominion are going to do everything in their power to keep it that way until Lunare manages some humility. Why do you need humility? Because you embarrassed all of us with your living loving, your pregnant vampires, your calling of everyone "mom" and "dad," basically everything that Abhorash's Edicts abolished. You are not the victims here, no one twisted your arm and told you to do all that whacky crap, it's time to start accepting that there are consequences for actions.

    Just look at the way posts are received on the forums. Your House is a complete joke IC and OOC to everyone but the members in it. People completely unrelated, in Enorian and Duiran, think it is a looney bin. Maybe start trying to fix that image instead of going on with the same petulant crap.

    And you know what? I -want- to like you guys. There are some genuinely nice people in Lunare - actually the majority probably are. I want to get along; I love Daskalos even while he's killing all my guards. But you guys make it flat out impossible to do so. 
  • See, if I were a mod, I'd totally graft this Lunare derail onto the Lunare thread and rescue the RAGE thread from IMMINENT DESTRUCTION.

    I'd also have an explosion at my back and it'd be totally badass.

  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    Ezalor loves me!



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Daskalos said:
    Ezalor loves me!
    Well -I- like you. Ezalor and Haedyn IC are the Presidents of the Daskalos Hater Club :D.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Rivas said:

    That moment when you catch up to the rest of the game and realize that you've gone beyond playing a "grumpy" character, and unknowingly transitioned awhile back into a character that very FEW other characters genuinely like. When being "tolerated" is the best standard or result that you can hope for for your character.


    Feeling like you can only play Aetolia as a singleplayer game, despite the multitudes of great players on either side.

    It took me awhile to realize I was like that too.  It's unfortunate that I liked bitter, grouchy, entitledbre, but ultimately I had to change her up to make the game fun again.  It's possible, you just have to decide what aspects of your character you're willing to change and what you're not, then slowly start moving toward them.
  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    edited March 2013
    I'm with you there, Arb & Rivas. Learning how to RP Kiyo as a genial, personable character again felt like trying to free a car stuck in the mud. So much effort for such slow movement.

    Also this:
    H:7392 M:5390 E:30900 W:23400 [db|eb]sip bough
    The Ivory Bough contains nothing that is drinkable.
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    In regards to the responses on the credit front--I'm not necessarily saying that they have to give us 5% credits purchased like they do for guilds/cities, I'm saying that we have no way to get credits beyond member donations--quoting the house a 600 credit price for a two-room section of the morgun forest is just ridiculous. We're not even asking that it be private. We want a special entrance or whatever, but it'd be accessible by anyone.

    I rage that literally every Lunare I've talked to in the past week is prone to stupid, idiotic theatrics and that none of them see how moronic they're being despite being generally reasonable, intelligent people out-of-character.

    I also rage that I can't RP/craft/etc in my haven and have it count as activity--some of us do our RP up there. :< And I get that people could set up things to circumvent the system in their Havens, but -really-, you could just rule that doing so is not kosher and punish the people who try to get around it. Tl;Dr: I miss my haven. :(

    Lastly, I rage at people who join my house, get embraced, and then, due to meta-gaming, decide to leave with trumped up bullshit excuses ICly because of stuff they found out about their sire's player ooc. And not even stuff they found out about their sire's player, but grudges carried over from another IRE game. -.-
  • Not having enough time nor help to do anything productive. Also - getting bored. Hate having a mild case of ADD mixed with a major case of OCD. 
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Erzsebet said:
    In regards to the responses on the credit front--I'm not necessarily saying that they have to give us 5% credits purchased like they do for guilds/cities, I'm saying that we have no way to get credits beyond member donations--quoting the house a 600 credit price for a two-room section of the morgun forest is just ridiculous. We're not even asking that it be private. We want a special entrance or whatever, but it'd be accessible by anyone.

    The theory, if I recall reading RL years old HOUSELEADERS posts correctly, was to give the sire credit bonus over to the House soon.
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
  • Just give them a 5% bonus.

    There's no reason not to.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    I think we should wait and see the Dominion finalized first.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • edited March 2013
    Haven said:
    I think we should wait and see the Dominion finalized first.

    From the previous page.

    Fenrir said:
    Erzsebet said:

    Also, rage that apparently a two-room bit of publicly accessible forest in the Morgun for 'kahi will cost 600 credits, which houses have -no- way to acquire. That's just completely ridiculous.
    I see zero problem with House leaders receiving the 5% credit bonus once the final 4 houses are in place, regardless of whether the vampire who's buying them is also in a guild or not.

    If they're putting this much work and effort into improving the houses, they should actually put in some mechanical benefits that can help make them better. This would be one of them.

  • edited March 2013
    Erzsebet said:

    I also rage that I can't RP/craft/etc in my haven and have it count as activity--some of us do our RP up there. :< And I get that people could set up things to circumvent the system in their Havens, but -really-, you could just rule that doing so is not kosher and punish the people who try to get around it. Tl;Dr: I miss my haven. :(

    This. So much this. The other day when I got to RP with Ezalor, I was like, "Weeeell.. maybe I should be doing this outside of my haven so that we'll still be getting points for it."

    Anything that can be rigged up to keep you doing things in your haven can be done outside of it too. Some of us do legitimately enjoy using our havens as a place to RP :(
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    HAHA, I was thinking that exact same thing Aldric. And yeah, I haven't seen the inside of my Haven for the past RL month now :(.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    I keep having to ninja up to get things and it's really obnoxious.
  • So uh, what happened with no personal attacks or trolling? I guess it gets dismissed when its convenient? 

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • How I am apparently not interesting enough to investigate.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    Protip: Stay around for more than two emotes before leaving and making assumptions.
This discussion has been closed.