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  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Phoenecia said:

    This month has been turning out to be horribly stressful. My boyfriend's grandmother died this past Sunday, and I wasn't able to attend the funeral with him today because we both work at the same place, and there's no one else to cover. My boyfriend's 13 year old dog also looks like he's about to kick the bucket soon too, which is piling on further stress.

    I'm also planning on moving in with my boyfriend very soon, but I've been running into objections from my mother, which is another major point of stress for me and my boyfriend. There's no real good way to bring up the fact that I'm moving out whether my parents like it or not.

    Coughing fits also came back, and my inhaler isn't helping as much; not fun feeling like you're going to cough up a lung or suffocate. I'm also not looking forward to the six-day work week I'll be having for the next two weeks. All because the regional manager decided to not hire a prospective employee that we had already interviewed because she didn't have a car. Just...bleh. Fml.

    People dying always sucks. C'est la vie.

    I think your Ma's probably just going to have to get over it. I don't really know any details, but I'll tell you one thing I learned - do what makes YOU happy. If it turns to shit like your mother warns, the worst she'll be able to do is say 'I told you so.'. You, however, will have grown as a person and learned something.

    I get it from my Ma a lot too. 'I'm telling you, Marty!' Then I just give her the look. She'll then say, "I don't know why I bother, you never fucking listen to me anyway! Never have!" lol. :D

    As for breathing, try sitting somewhere quiet, and just concentrate on breathing. In, out, steadily, all that crap. Kinda like meditation or something.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • There has been a big story in the news for a while around here of a man who left his baby in a car all day in the summer and the child died. We just found out they are not going to press charges on him, this makes me physically ill...
  • I understand your response, it seems terrible that such a behaviour isn't being held accountable legally. I don't remember the story you're talking about, @azzello, so I can't really speak on that particular case. But, as someone who deals directly with grieving families, those families are absolutely devastated. They will never do anything like that again. What benefit would be gained by prosecuting that man? It wastes money, time, resources, and brings even more strain on a family that is at its wits end.

    I just hope it helps to know that I have never once met a family who lost a child (from neglect, accident, illness, etc.) who weren't internally tortured for at least short while and changed forever. Can you imagine living with that knowledge?

    I realize there are exceptions to ever rule, but hopefully he is not one of them.

  • I haven't been able to be on in the last few days (after I was just starting to come around more) because our floors are being torn out and replaced at my grandparent's, who I live with. This has all been very stressful for my grandmother, with her heart and health declining further (another mad about that, they found another valve leak that because of her age, there 'is nothing they can d').

    The guy doing the floors was hired on by my mom, a new resident in town. Very very talkative, needs a lesson in silence and humility. Otherwise seems like a nice guy. Also, -very- young. He kept making promises about the timeframe things would get done. Sunday he was supposed to be finishing (today).

    He has only laid the kitchen floor so far. All the carpet was torn up Thursday. But somehow, only the kitchen has been laid. He gives it up to the one slanted angle.

    He hired on one of my mother's workers from her landscaping business. Never once seen this guy get heated. They had an agreement on the work. He had already worked all of yesterday helping. Dude in charge of it decides he wasn't good help and wants to just lay him off without even paying him for the work he did do. Wasn't having that. They agreed on half the original pay, probably because he was about to get his ass handed to him if he didn't go through with part of his word.

    I'm tired. My family is tired. My entire room is in the garage right now. I have more math homework and a quiz due tonight that I will have to do in my phone. I don't have a bed to go and lay down in, so I have to move around places to stay, while I have a head cold.

    Tldr; guy doing our new floors, hence my aetolian absence, isn't as good as he says he is. I also don't like being sick and my grandmother is steadily fading from another valve leak.

    -- also going to talk with our district manager today, because yesterday I ran at least 100 people by myself from 4-6 with no less than 8-10 people in line the entire tine as I was the only person able to ring people up because my coworker (a lead at our store) left while things were busy because that's what he was scheduled. But the reason we couldn't get anyone in to cover was because of people going into overtime which happened because said coworker calls out sick on a regular basis and leaves early constantly.
  • Just found out Sam Simon died on the 8th, I'm on board with @Areka, 2015 sucks.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I view death oddly. Celebrate their accomplishments and additions to this world. Things they've done, things they stood for, and how they made you feel. Don't let their final chapter ruin your whole year because everything has an ending.
  • CarivahCarivah Tremble, little lionfish
    Different deaths affect people in different ways.

    Losing Leonard Nimoy was very sad, for example. He did a lot for the genre and we can wish more actors were like him. Him being gone leaves a lack, but he was getting there and I think I, at least, was ready to hear it. Pratchett, too, felt like I was holding my breath and expecting it for some time now.

    But Maurice Sendak put me in tears for two days, and Robin Williams completely destroyed me for a while. Relationships with the auteur are always so bizarrely amorphous.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    @Carivah - that is exactly the pain I am feeling with Pratchett's passing. His worlds were fairly vital to me and got me through some really difficult periods of my life, I went on a journey with him, his imagination, and his wit, so it is a much more personal loss.

  • Getting a tooth pulled around my birthday... and one of the rules I have to follow when its first out... no alcohol. >: (
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Rules are meant to be broken
  • Aniko said:

    Getting a tooth pulled around my birthday... and one of the rules I have to follow when its first out... no alcohol. >: (

    I don't know how much of a risk it really is. I'm not recommending you be an irresponsible person that doesn't listen to people with college degrees, but I have never followed their "no alcohol" "no smoking" and "chew on the other side" rules and never had anything bad happen.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    @Rashar is one of our medically inclined Aetolians, his advice probably won't kill you.

    Also, happy birthday @Aniko! :)
  • White girl wasted... that made me laugh so hard @rashar

  • Corvo pumps out at you with a powerful side kick.
    Your torso has taken 7.49% damage.
    He connects to the torso!
    You jerk your body to the side, lessening the blow.
    Corvo forms a spear hand and stabs out at you.
    Your left arm has taken 3.99% damage.
    He connects to the left arm!
    Corvo forms a spear hand and stabs out at you.
    Your right arm has taken 3.99% damage.
    He connects to the right arm!
    [4005(62%)|4576(99%)|4|98%|99%|15.45%] [cdb --] Kai: [h-p --a ftr] [-30%]

    Really no need for this kind of damage. Especially since it can go even higher if he wasn't punching my arms. I have a 45% blunt audit, too.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    This isn't the place for Aetolia related rages and you know better @Toz.
  • This has been a problem over the last few weeks, I've noticed. Here's another reminder - this is not the thread for Aetolian Rages. In fact, we don't have one because of what tends to happen when we do. Friendly reminder, in mod-colors.

    Now onto my own personal rage - I've spent the last two days on my new PC trying to get Fallout New Vegas modded to my liking. Something like a total of 11 hours spent trying to get it working and it's still not right ;-;.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Obyn said:

    Now onto my own personal rage - I've spent the last two days on my new PC trying to get Fallout New Vegas modded to my liking. Something like a total of 11 hours spent trying to get it working and it's still not right ;-;.

    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    My laptop is derping and I've had this thing for maybe a year. :\, honestly, compared to my last laptop, the only pros for this one are a bigger harddrive and Batman: Arkham Asylum not derping on me, but my last one last for about 3 years and only messed up because my family broke the adapter connector. I really don't want to replace this thing, but depending, I might have to, and trying to transfer things will be a pita for sure, especially as I can't remove the harddrive as easily as the last onbe.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • @Setne can you tell if it's a hardware thing or a software thing? If it's hardware, most laptops come with a 12 month warranty, at the very least, so you can likely get it repaired. If it's software....try a fresh install of the OS.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    Obyn said:

    @Setne can you tell if it's a hardware thing or a software thing? If it's hardware, most laptops come with a 12 month warranty, at the very least, so you can likely get it repaired. If it's software....try a fresh install of the OS.

    Most likely hardware, but I think I fell out of the 12 months last month, as seems to happen with a lot of things. I'll see what I can do on either Friday or Saturday and go from there.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • Love / Mad.

    Got my assignment notification today. I'll be leaving for NC in late August/early September. Love Washington, love my job, love my team and the work. But I'll take a three year stint teaching and being stable and a couple of hours from my son (for the times he isn't with me) for what it is, and be happy. Washington will still be here when I return. Hopefully.

    That saaid, cross country trip in September. I'm looking at you, @trager, @aldric, @asaraii, @emelle, @ashmer, @all the other cool people I could potentially swing by and creep on for lunch or a beer. Am willing to zig zag!
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Come to Philly!
  • Setne said:

    Most likely hardware, but I think I fell out of the 12 months last month, as seems to happen with a lot of things. I'll see what I can do on either Friday or Saturday and go from there.
    Good luck. Hopefully it's nothing too expensive :-/
    Ishin said:


    Also, I got it working finally so HA.
  • Rashar said:

    That saaid, cross country trip in September. I'm looking at you, @trager, @aldric, @asaraii, @emelle, @ashmer, @all the other cool people I could potentially swing by and creep on for lunch or a beer. Am willing to zig zag!

    You've got my number sir, shoot me a text a bit closer to the time and I'll make sure to take a day or two off of work to properly get arrested have a nice, calm, relaxing day hanging out.

    My rage is kinda half rage, half love too. Evidently the head pharmacist of the pharmacy I've been working at in our chain has gone spouting off to everybody else about how well I've been doing, and now one of the other pharmacies has me booked for two days a week of work.

    I'm working every day but Friday and Sunday now, and she's planning on snagging me for Fridays starting at the end of this month. I'll be getting a promotion, which is nice, but 45 minute drive to each of the 3 pharmacies I'm working at on top of a full course load at school and another job on top of that has me absolutely beat.

    My schedule is pretty much wake up, go to class, go to work, come home and go to bed. Rinse/repeat.

    So HNNNG no free time, no social life, but not so HNNNG dat money.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • Just cut out the rinsing part and you'll have so much more time for Aetolia.
    Trager[Deleted User]AldricTeani
  • My storage unit was broken into tonight. They stole two of my running motorcycles, three parts bikes and thousands of dollars worth of tools. I don't even know how to feel.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Azzello said:

    My storage unit was broken into tonight. They stole two of my running motorcycles, three parts bikes and thousands of dollars worth of tools. I don't even know how to feel.

    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Met with the storage unit owners this morning to look at the tapes. They came in with a panel truck, parked right between my unit and the camera, someone knew what they were doing. God this sucks.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Question is, how'd they know to hit yours in the first place.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
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