@asaraii - @kendri explained it pretty well. A strange side-effect of your body shifting to ketone-creation and becoming a fat-burning powerhouse is that you don't break down blood alcohols very well at ALL. You get sicker and drunker faster, and stay that way longer.
The majority of carbohydrate/sugar processing enzymes and etc are pretty much shut down or not being produced/made low priority, so it takes a while for your body to even figure out what is going on with booze. The huge downsides of drinking in keto are both that, getting the alchohol out of your system suddenly takes top priority and you stop burning fat, which can cut you RIGHT off from any energy source, and in the absence of OTHER carbohydrates in your system to push things along, heavy alchohol consumption in Keto can actually put you into a diabetic coma/ severe ketoacidosis.
i did the paleo thing about a year ago for about 2 months and to be honest it worked. I lost about 10 pounds in that time and was doing some minimal working out on the side. The plan I was on had no dairy, no alcohol and no breads or such. It had a cheat day once a week where you could eat whatever you wanted. It was hard at the time since I was on deployment and eating out with friends was a chore almost. I was also very limited to basically eggs, meats, veggies. I love coffee with sweet creamer, but that was out unless I wanted to put almond milk in it, which I found nasty. I may try it again.
not on a diet or anything..or maybe just the "starving college student's diet" if that's a real thing..but I like to note a recipe I discovered actually works well...
Take 2 packages of CHICKEN flavored ramen. cook them, strain them, add chicken flavor. then add about 1-2 tablespoons of buffalo sauce. add more to flavor as needed. I can get 2 packages of chicken at my local grocery store (think family dollar sized business) for about 60 cents apiece, and the buffalo sauce is about 4 bucks for a large container (32 ounces, give or take).
I've found that the Moores brand is the best one to do this with, but others MAY work.
it's simple, not overly complicated..not sure how the calories 'n stuff works, but it does the job of burning really nicely for heat-eaters (like me) and while it doesn't taste EXACTLY like buffalo wings..it's a good ballpark to my tastebuds...
I admit it probably isn't..it's what I reach for when I've got little cash to throw at groceries, and at best have about 10 to 20 dollars to throw at a weeks worth of groceries. Not usually good, but I usually can vary it out with fruits and veggies on a per-fruit basis (think limes and such, which cost 50 cents a pop without coupons). Candy is never really an option for me during those weeks. So my "unhealthiness" is less out of "I choose to eat this crap regularly" and more "This crap is what I can eat regularly, and I can at least enjoy it." I usually see if I can get ahold of a coupon or two to grab some frozen chicken patties. That usually adds to the mixture, or if I can get eggs somewhat cheaper, then I reach for them and make udon instead of just plain ramen..but..yeah. It's mostly just carbs unfortunately. not very healthy at all. Somehow managing to maintain a 250-ish weight on it though.
Guys, I have a question. I want to do a squat challenge thing like you find on pinterest (I want to have the very best ass). But every time I try, my knees sound like bubble wrap. Is this something to be concerned with? It doesn't feel pleasant
@sakyl - If you're interested in cheap-ass, but more nutrient dense food (packaged raman is about as nutrient deficient as food comes) that is filling, I have a couple "I was once poor as shit" suggestions for you.
Potatoes. If you live in continental USA, a 10 pound bag of russets can cost $2-$5. That will last you a few weeks. Potatoes are easy to cook in microwaves, stovetop, or oven.
Bulk frozen chicken is definitely a good thing to add, so good plan there! You might mix it up and also stock up on canned Tuna. It keeps forever on the shelf and has great vitamins & minerals that you're not getting elsewhere!
Chicken stock/beef stock is pretty cheap, and goes farther than just little raman packet seasonings if you really like that flavour.
Like you suggested, spicing things up is a GREAT way to make blah food very appetizing. Sounds like you got that covered!
@mariena - from my experience, a lot of the bubble-wrap sound has to do with stabilizing muscles also being weaker. So, make sure to do other exercises to improve balance, stability, and flexibility in your knees/legs while squatting like a badass.
HIGHLIGHTS OF LAST WEEK: I got into the workout groove -finally-! Worked out >50% of the days! And don't totally hate every minute of it! Switch from trying to do mornings to doing right-after-I-get-home. And this is working spectacularly better!
Additionally, I think I've got my nutrition better even better as well! It is alarming how much potassium you're supposed to consume and how little is in anything I'm supposed to eat!n Eating more fish. Nom nom fish fat.
LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Cheatery cheaterson from cheatersville new cheatery. Gained some, but saw that coming from a mile away. It was baby bro's B-day and he offered me cake. Relatedly, I ate taco bell. I haven't had that in YEARS and years. It was so unreasonably satisfying... Don't regret it for a minute. Deliciously nutritionally vacant goodness.
I like THIS about me! Even though I was cheatzilla, I managed to stick to my guns when "whatever you want from your favourite burger joint" was offered by work for a meeting. And the workout thing! Feeling awesome about that!
@asaraii - @kendri explained it pretty well. A strange side-effect of your body shifting to ketone-creation and becoming a fat-burning powerhouse is that you don't break down blood alcohols very well at ALL. You get sicker and drunker faster, and stay that way longer.
Wait...so you are telling me, if I get healthy I will get drunk quicker? Talk about a money saver.
I have just consumed uncounted amounts of brownies.
If I had to admit to one true weakness, it is the brownies me grandmother makes.
They're just so CHOCOLATE. CLUMPS OF DELICIOUUS BITS WITHIN A DENSE, MOIST CAKEY BROWNIE. While the top is flakey and crisp. Mixed together with pecans.
My addiction is no joke.
To combat the untold damage I have done from this slaughter, I will be going on a sugarfree challenge this week.
This includes everything from aspartame, alcohol, candy, desserts, and most fruits (except bananas).
My truvia packets are about to become my best friend through this time of withdrawal and struggle.
Positives: Well last 2 weeks have been slacktastic, but I've still managed to stay on schedule, which gave me some motivation that I don't have to backtrack. Ate less, flailed around more. With more energy lately, I flail more, which apparently works as a workout. Imagine if I had been running and working out every day, I'd probably have managed to lose a few more pounds!
Negatives: Extreme cold weather makes me achy and screws up my sleep. Oh and drink more. I need to stop that. Contemplating buying some PM meds so that I don't feel the need to drink.
Goal: Get out of this funk. Seasonal depression is killing me. I might need to buy a last minute flight to Florida for a few days, for real. >_>
Guys, I have a confession. I took the month of February off, in terms of weight loss goals, and it shows tremendously. @Aryanne and I were talking on skype, and we have decided that the Month of March will be a getting back on track month.
For the Week of: March 1, 2015 - March 7, 2015
Current Weight (lbs): 245.7
Where I started (lbs): 278
Where I want to end up (lbs): 225
WEEKLY GOALS: Fifteen Minutes (at least) of Leslie Sansone's walk at home vids daily.
HIGHLIGHTS OF LAST WEEK: Oh man, there were no highlights of last week. Uh, I painted my bedroom's lower half. It looks better. I spent a great deal of time cleaning things too.
LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Poisonous thing on wrist/down the veins of arm
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week: I am on top of my schoolwork.
Thanks for the push, @mariena. I was with it for half of February, but totally bailed for going to the convention. I could have eaten -worse-, for sure, but I definitely slipped off the keto hard. Much Like Mariena - it shows.
For the Week of: March 1, 2015 - March 7, 2015
Current Weight (lbs): 180
Where I started (lbs): 191
Where I want to end up (lbs): 150
WEEKLY GOALS: Get back on diet track. I have been toying with shifting my diet from a strictly Keto diet to a "primal" diet for sake of ease of nutrients like potassium.
HIGHLIGHTS OF LAST WEEK: I mean, I had a good TIME last week. But, healthfully speaking, the only good thing is that I got back into working out yesterday after slacking for a week and a half. Hoorah.
LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: My baby brother was selling fundraiser candy and I both bought and ate some -_-. Damn your cute 9 year old face.
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week: While I was a lazy unicorns, I did make SOME good food choices where I could have slipped further. I brought my own lidded cups on the trip and effectively prevented 20ish various plastic and paper cups and lids from winding up in a landfill, and that feels good! Yay environmentalism!
Hey potassium isn't that hard just buy nosalt salt replacement, drink mio/powerade squirt things a lot, take supplements if you feel you're still not getting enough. It's not neccecarily about hitting the "goal" number as it is just about having enough to keep yourself feeling good.
Goals this week: 1. Have a green smoothie each morning for breakfast. 2. Do at least ten squats each day, while holding the 20 pound three year old.
Highlights: I did go for two walks last week.
Lowlights: Over the last few weeks I've been lazy about food and gaining weight again slowly.
I like: Well, from a few weeks back, but when I was dressing up for valentine's I realized my calves look great in my black high heels. I wish I had more reason to dress up.
WEEKLY GOALS: Four 30 min exercise vids. 3 fifteen min exercise vids. WATER.
HIGHLIGHTS OF LAST WEEK: I finally finished the steroid pack and the antibiotics on Friday at 3pm. I am still exhausted, but my arm looks a million times better and I won't have to get any chunks taken out of it.
LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Dude. I have been both exhausted AND hungry. This combination.. I have gained. This is bad. I need to stop that, I was in the 230's! I need to get back there. That's my whole goal of march, and the first week was a fucking bust.
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week: I have to admit, I don't like much about myself this week. I am bummed out, depressed, and all I've wanted to do was sleep and eat. But I do have excellent taste in clothes. I bought new boots.
@mariena - I don't know how true this is, but I was, coincidentally, talking with a couple ladies just yesterday who have recently been put on steroids by their doctors (various ailments) and they mentioned that the one thing they really hate about it is how much it makes you gain weight. Potentially-positively, they also mentioned that "at least when they take you off, you stop being so huge and bloated all the time!" One lady lamented that she gained 3 pounds in 10 days, even though she had been working out.
So, I guess my point is, don't be too distraught or discouraged, it's likely the drugs.
@valenae - My diet is very similar to a paleo diet. For me, it is working excellently in terms of something I can and will stick to in perpetuity and that I have been losing weight. The primary difference between my diet and a paleo diet is that I eat less fruit and do eat dairy. I have no sensitivities to dairy at all, so there is no benefit for me to go dairy-free. And since I looove dairy products, there is no chance I would actually stick with the diet if I tried to go dairy free.
I guess another difference between my diet and paleo is that my diet encourages fatty meats over lean meats.
I'm not sure what you mean by self-affs, to be honest. Do you mean, like, hanging up things telling myself "I'm awesome" and "I can do it" all over the place to see and absorb? I've never... ACTIVELY done this... However, for the last 8ish years, my shower curtain has been And My self-confidence HAS improved dramatically in the last 8ish years, but it is likely a coincidence. I mean, the shower curtain just rocks anyway, cause it's adorable and it's fun to shower while reading and hum "Naked and happy! I'm cute! Aren't I gorgeous! I'm so clean! Me me me...!"
By self-affs I meant, yeah, hanging stuff up in your bathroom to read to yourself while you're brushing your hair or whatever. I also have friends who have this chant-like aff they say to themselves in the mirror. Here's an example for your viewing pleasure.
Lol. I your shower curtain.
@Nola Yeah, I love cheese too. Also, I have trouble moving away from meat-centered meals. To me a meal is a chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and veggies. I've been looking into other meals I could make in advance and take with me since I'm always on the go.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
I regained about 30 of the 40lbs I had lost by going vegan and generally being more active. Mostly due to drink. While reducing how much I drink has stopped the gain, I just started 21 day fix on tuesday to get back to where I was. It's pretty simple just uses containers to measure our food groups, and a half hour a day workout. It really just relies on your ability to cook without oil/butter, and breaking away from pastas. The workouts are pretty intense but they have modifiers to make it easier/harder.
all you need are 2 sets of weights 3-8lbs and 8-20lbs, and a yoga mat. If you're smart you can figure out the container volumes and find the videos. or just buy the program.
for my size I'm eatting 5 cups of veggies, 3 cups of fruits, 3 3/4 cups of protein, 2 cups of carbs/starches, 1/3 cups of fats/cheeses/avocado, 2oz of oil/salad dressings, and 5 tsp of peanut butter a day. I don't feel hungry and I still cook full meals.
I've been maintaining under 145lbs no matter not getting to properly exercise for nearly two weeks and eating and drinking stuff I shouldn't be.
That's good and well, except I'm starting to feel more tired, more achey, and I'm not able to do as much as I was physically before when I was keeping up with my routine. I blame strenuous work schedules and school schedules colliding, and other personal life stresses.
But next week is my spring break and I intend to take full advantage of it to recharge and recommit back to my usual routine, and then some! Because I really want to join a gym, or something, and start building muscle/tone more seriously.
So right now I'm about 143-144lbs. I want to make a new goal of 135. I want to hear about what you guys have been up to as well!
WEEKLY GOALS: Get. Back. To. Exercise. I had forgotten how I will wake up with sore hips and and how easily my legs fall asleep while sitting when I haven't been exercising. A few days ago, they started doing that again.
HIGHLIGHTS OF LAST WEEK: Plenty of un-health-related highlights, but few health-related ones.
LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: My last month-ish of life has been very busy and stressing me out more than I should let it, this has lead me to be out of health land. Bad. BAD me. Also bought fast-food breakfast a couple days >.<
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week: Un-health-related joy: finally called my maternal Grandma(I got a new phone and haven't had her number since November and kept forgetting to ask my mother for it). I am the first of her grandkids to buy any real estate, so she gushed over how responsible I am and proud she is of me, etc. etc. It's hard not to feel good about yourself after talking to a kickass Grandma.
The plan I was on had no dairy, no alcohol and no breads or such. It had a cheat day once a week where you could eat whatever you wanted. It was hard at the time since I was on deployment and eating out with friends was a chore almost. I was also very limited to basically eggs, meats, veggies.
I love coffee with sweet creamer, but that was out unless I wanted to put almond milk in it, which I found nasty.
I may try it again.
Take 2 packages of CHICKEN flavored ramen. cook them, strain them, add chicken flavor. then add about 1-2 tablespoons of buffalo sauce. add more to flavor as needed. I can get 2 packages of chicken at my local grocery store (think family dollar sized business) for about 60 cents apiece, and the buffalo sauce is about 4 bucks for a large container (32 ounces, give or take).
I've found that the Moores brand is the best one to do this with, but others MAY work.
it's simple, not overly complicated..not sure how the calories 'n stuff works, but it does the job of burning really nicely for heat-eaters (like me) and while it doesn't taste EXACTLY like buffalo wings..it's a good ballpark to my tastebuds...
I admit it probably isn't..it's what I reach for when I've got little cash to throw at groceries, and at best have about 10 to 20 dollars to throw at a weeks worth of groceries. Not usually good, but I usually can vary it out with fruits and veggies on a per-fruit basis (think limes and such, which cost 50 cents a pop without coupons). Candy is never really an option for me during those weeks. So my "unhealthiness" is less out of "I choose to eat this crap regularly" and more "This crap is what I can eat regularly, and I can at least enjoy it." I usually see if I can get ahold of a coupon or two to grab some frozen chicken patties. That usually adds to the mixture, or if I can get eggs somewhat cheaper, then I reach for them and make udon instead of just plain ramen..but..yeah. It's mostly just carbs unfortunately. not very healthy at all. Somehow managing to maintain a 250-ish weight on it though.
My advice is to take it very slow and build up to it. That's what I had to do.
Potatoes. If you live in continental USA, a 10 pound bag of russets can cost $2-$5. That will last you a few weeks. Potatoes are easy to cook in microwaves, stovetop, or oven.
Bulk frozen chicken is definitely a good thing to add, so good plan there! You might mix it up and also stock up on canned Tuna. It keeps forever on the shelf and has great vitamins & minerals that you're not getting elsewhere!
Chicken stock/beef stock is pretty cheap, and goes farther than just little raman packet seasonings if you really like that flavour.
Like you suggested, spicing things up is a GREAT way to make blah food very appetizing. Sounds like you got that covered!
@mariena - from my experience, a lot of the bubble-wrap sound has to do with stabilizing muscles also being weaker. So, make sure to do other exercises to improve balance, stability, and flexibility in your knees/legs while squatting like a badass.
This Week:
177 lbs
Where I started (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Get back to it, bad girl!
I got into the workout groove -finally-! Worked out >50% of the days! And don't totally hate every minute of it! Switch from trying to do mornings to doing right-after-I-get-home. And this is working spectacularly better!
Additionally, I think I've got my nutrition better even better as well! It is alarming how much potassium you're supposed to consume and how little is in anything I'm supposed to eat!n Eating more fish. Nom nom fish fat.
Cheatery cheaterson from cheatersville new cheatery. Gained some, but saw that coming from a mile away. It was baby bro's B-day and he offered me cake. Relatedly, I ate taco bell. I haven't had that in YEARS and years. It was so unreasonably satisfying... Don't regret it for a minute. Deliciously nutritionally vacant goodness.
I like THIS about me!
Even though I was cheatzilla, I managed to stick to my guns when "whatever you want from your favourite burger joint" was offered by work for a meeting. And the workout thing! Feeling awesome about that!
Can we change this thread to Bacon? Yes please? PLEASE.
If I had to admit to one true weakness, it is the brownies me grandmother makes.
They're just so CHOCOLATE. CLUMPS OF DELICIOUUS BITS WITHIN A DENSE, MOIST CAKEY BROWNIE. While the top is flakey and crisp. Mixed together with pecans.
My addiction is no joke.
To combat the untold damage I have done from this slaughter, I will be going on a sugarfree challenge this week.
This includes everything from aspartame, alcohol, candy, desserts, and most fruits (except bananas).
My truvia packets are about to become my best friend through this time of withdrawal and struggle.
I welcome anyone to join me.
Well then, that escalated quickly >.>
Current- 126
Goal- 120
Positives: Well last 2 weeks have been slacktastic, but I've still managed to stay on schedule, which gave me some motivation that I don't have to backtrack. Ate less, flailed around more. With more energy lately, I flail more, which apparently works as a workout. Imagine if I had been running and working out every day, I'd probably have managed to lose a few more pounds!
Negatives: Extreme cold weather makes me achy and screws up my sleep. Oh and drink more. I need to stop that. Contemplating buying some PM meds so that I don't feel the need to drink.
Goal: Get out of this funk. Seasonal depression is killing me. I might need to buy a last minute flight to Florida for a few days, for real. >_>
For the Week of:
March 1, 2015 - March 7, 2015
Current Weight (lbs):
Where I started (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Fifteen Minutes (at least) of Leslie Sansone's walk at home vids daily.
Oh man, there were no highlights of last week. Uh, I painted my bedroom's lower half. It looks better. I spent a great deal of time cleaning things too.
Poisonous thing on wrist/down the veins of arm
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:
I am on top of my schoolwork.
For the Week of:
March 1, 2015 - March 7, 2015
Current Weight (lbs):
Where I started (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Get back on diet track. I have been toying with shifting my diet from a strictly Keto diet to a "primal" diet for sake of ease of nutrients like potassium.
I mean, I had a good TIME last week. But, healthfully speaking, the only good thing is that I got back into working out yesterday after slacking for a week and a half. Hoorah.
My baby brother was selling fundraiser candy and I both bought and ate some -_-. Damn your cute 9 year old face.
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:
While I was a lazy unicorns, I did make SOME good food choices where I could have slipped further. I brought my own lidded cups on the trip and effectively prevented 20ish various plastic and paper cups and lids from winding up in a landfill, and that feels good! Yay environmentalism!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Current Weight (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Goals this week:
1. Have a green smoothie each morning for breakfast.
2. Do at least ten squats each day, while holding the 20 pound three year old.
I did go for two walks last week.
Over the last few weeks I've been lazy about food and gaining weight again slowly.
I like:
Well, from a few weeks back, but when I was dressing up for valentine's I realized my calves look great in my black high heels. I wish I had more reason to dress up.
For the Week of:
March 8, 2015 - March 14, 2015
Current Weight (lbs):
Where I started (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Four 30 min exercise vids. 3 fifteen min exercise vids. WATER.
I finally finished the steroid pack and the antibiotics on Friday at 3pm. I am still exhausted, but my arm looks a million times better and I won't have to get any chunks taken out of it.
Dude. I have been both exhausted AND hungry. This combination.. I have gained. This is bad. I need to stop that, I was in the 230's! I need to get back there. That's my whole goal of march, and the first week was a fucking bust.
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:
I have to admit, I don't like much about myself this week. I am bummed out, depressed, and all I've wanted to do was sleep and eat. But I do have excellent taste in clothes. I bought new boots.
So, I guess my point is, don't be too distraught or discouraged, it's likely the drugs.
Lol. I
@Nola Yeah, I love cheese too. Also, I have trouble moving away from meat-centered meals. To me a meal is a chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and veggies. I've been looking into other meals I could make in advance and take with me since I'm always on the go.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
all you need are 2 sets of weights 3-8lbs and 8-20lbs, and a yoga mat. If you're smart you can figure out the container volumes and find the videos. or just buy the program.
for my size I'm eatting 5 cups of veggies, 3 cups of fruits, 3 3/4 cups of protein, 2 cups of carbs/starches, 1/3 cups of fats/cheeses/avocado, 2oz of oil/salad dressings, and 5 tsp of peanut butter a day. I don't feel hungry and I still cook full meals.
I've been maintaining under 145lbs no matter not getting to properly exercise for nearly two weeks and eating and drinking stuff I shouldn't be.
That's good and well, except I'm starting to feel more tired, more achey, and I'm not able to do as much as I was physically before when I was keeping up with my routine. I blame strenuous work schedules and school schedules colliding, and other personal life stresses.
But next week is my spring break and I intend to take full advantage of it to recharge and recommit back to my usual routine, and then some! Because I really want to join a gym, or something, and start building muscle/tone more seriously.
So right now I'm about 143-144lbs. I want to make a new goal of 135. I want to hear about what you guys have been up to as well!
March 27, 2015 - April 3, 2015
Current Weight (lbs):
(uncertain) 181ish?
Where I started (lbs):
Where I want to end up (lbs):
Get. Back. To. Exercise. I had forgotten how I will wake up with sore hips and and how easily my legs fall asleep while sitting when I haven't been exercising. A few days ago, they started doing that again.
Plenty of un-health-related highlights, but few health-related ones.
My last month-ish of life has been very busy and stressing me out more than I should let it, this has lead me to be out of health land. Bad. BAD me. Also bought fast-food breakfast a couple days >.<
I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:
Un-health-related joy: finally called my maternal Grandma(I got a new phone and haven't had her number since November and kept forgetting to ask my mother for it). I am the first of her grandkids to buy any real estate, so she gushed over how responsible I am and proud she is of me, etc. etc. It's hard not to feel good about yourself after talking to a kickass Grandma.