Doubling the love for @Auresae. I haven't had this much character growth in years. Shout out to the @Ascendril - @Kendri, @Tirria, @Cronides, @Mayl, @Tahl, @Cirial and all the others that pop in and out. I'm hopin' you're going to stick around for some epic things.
@draiman for dealing with my noob level with mudlet this morning. This community is so helpful and positive about everything, it really is refreshing and awesome, I haven't been able to stay interested in a mud in some years!
I love that my Valentine got her gifts today. I love that I got to see her wearing them. I also love Aetolia in general, for bringing me so many good friendships and relationships the last couple of months I've been playing again. I also love chili. Just sayin.
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
Right as I'm struggling to gather up the will to focus some time on Aet with everything else going on, my first day bringing Nyrus back to actually play I get to RP with @Chakrasul AND @Auresae.
You guys are awesome, both of you, and I'm super thankful for the opportunity.
And now you guys are probably stuck with me for a while yet.
Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
After getting what felt like a punch in the stomach from bureaucratic elements, I managed to pull myself up enough to compose a proper appeal to recind their previous decision, which would have put me in serious debt all because I was a nice, honest and considerate person and not a selfish, cheating jerk.
I wasn't putting too much hope into this, because the person who had made the first decision told me the boss had been involved as well, so yeah... felt like it wouldn't work no matter how good my arguments were. However, after just a few days, the decision on my appeal was sent and they had approved it, altering the previous decision in my favor! It was like a huge mountain fell off my shoulders.
My boyfriend told me to take it easy and hes making me country fried steak with mashed potatoes and country gravy for dinner... Also chocolate covered strawberries...Eeeeee!
I know I post in this thread often, but this is a truly special occasion. I love that I won the election in House Bahir'an. I've been in Aetolia off and on for about 10 years, give or take, and I've always been in House Bahir'an. It's a wonderful thing to be leading an organization on Aetolia, even if its a tiny one like ours. I hope to give it a new lease on life, revamp a lot of things, pass out a lot of credits to people who need them, and get everyone involved. I want to make Bahir'an matter again. The First House should not be in last place all the time.
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
I love that we're finally stable enough to pay for good internet again! I also love that we have stability in general and can easily pay our bills!
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
I'm not sure how many of you play Five Nights at Freddy's, but I saw this and laughed so hard. I have a feeling @Hadrak especially will appreciate this.
Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
I'm not sure how many of you play Five Nights at Freddy's, but I saw this and laughed so hard. I have a feeling @Hadrak especially will appreciate this.
I'm not sure how many of you play Five Nights at Freddy's, but I saw this and laughed so hard. I have a feeling @Hadrak especially will appreciate this.
I have loved Pyro ever since I saw
well...did you know that he's actually a homosexual man with a reasonably decent taste in purses? I can actually prove this fact with science just using his character model. If you take a look at his hand, and compare the ring-finger to the pointer finger, you'll notice that it's longer. That's indicative of a high estrogen exposure in the woumb, and is typical of homosexual men, (if you ever watch "How I Met Your Mother" you'll notice that Neil Patrick Harris has the same deal with his hands, or even Doctor Horrible, in the scenes with his gloves off.) while his build is typical for a male as far as his height to shoulder-width ration. And the purse comment is from his locker in the two-towers map (the one with the bridge in the middle of the map) if you look inside the safe-zone, you'll find a cubby with a purse in it that is his.
I can't even play Five Nights at Freddies. I beat the first one with a friend present and tried to play the second one alone. Its too fing scary for me.
Rare ribeye and asparagus on the grill, a honkin big salad loaded with sugar snap peas, and a glass of MOSCATO.... after a long day of barn work and freezing my butt off.
I sincerely love the tv show Arrow. I have never seen a finer tv show based on a comic in my entire life. I wasn't even really a big DC Comics fan before I watched Arrow these past 2-3 years. Every single episode lately leaves me with my jaw dropped. So many plot twists and turns and nerdy fan service. I absolutely adore it.
"Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
@Rivas @Arbre @Phendegwen @Auresae's Order @Enorian - Thank you.
Really slick animation that evokes the manga's style.
I am so manly!
Uggggh so many gaaaames
You guys are awesome, both of you, and I'm super thankful for the opportunity.
And now you guys are probably stuck with me for a while yet.
I wasn't putting too much hope into this, because the person who had made the first decision told me the boss had been involved as well, so yeah... felt like it wouldn't work no matter how good my arguments were. However, after just a few days, the decision on my appeal was sent and they had approved it, altering the previous decision in my favor! It was like a huge mountain fell off my shoulders.
Also chocolate covered strawberries...Eeeeee!
I'd like to thank everyone in Aetolia who supported this, like @Ilyon, @Callidora, @Zhyth, @Malachai, and @Erzsebet.
I will do my best to not let any of them down.
I get to order my dress tomorrow.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
Feels. So. Good.
You know what I mean? Ahhhhh
I have loved Pyro ever since I saw
I'm dying and/or dead
I don't need no man.