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Tavern Talk (OT thread)

MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
edited January 2015 in Harpy's Head Tavern
So this is something other forums have that I tend to enjoy as a forum junkie. Basically it's an off topic thread for people to blab about random game stuff without needing a specific thread. Think of it kinda like a conversation about random game stuff you like chatting about simply for fun, boredom alleviation and also as a great way to know the community better. Anything aet related goes. Feel free to spin off specific conversations into actual productive threads. 

1. Be nice. This is a thread for fun and interaction.
2. Have fun. Newer members to forums are especially invited to post here to get to know the community in a fun environment.
3. Everyone's ideas and posts are valid. This isn't really a spot for debates although disagreements and discussion is allowed. Highly contentious stuff should be spun off into its own thread however.
4. Downvotes must only be used for lulz. Positive atmosphere!
5. Anyone can pose random discussion topics or questions to steer the discussion if they like!


  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I'll start the ball rolling with a classic topic: what are your favorite game memories?
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Not necissarily the ic content but the first time I was emoting by myself in one of my weird ironmaw flavor ways and randomly I start getting lines back. Made me so happy that somebody thought to drop in to see what I was up to and then decide to participate for a little while.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Jensen said:
    Not necissarily the ic content but the first time I was emoting by myself in one of my weird ironmaw flavor ways and randomly I start getting lines back. Made me so happy that somebody thought to drop in to see what I was up to and then decide to participate for a little while.
    There is something magical about mobs coming to life or room illusions being shown. Like part of my brain knows that Gods are players too but it feels super special and awesome when the game comes alive like that. Maybe it's just a feeling of "yeah my character is interesting enough to waste time on!" it's even cooler when the mobs clearly have their own lives and you're just getting a snapshot. The cultists in the great rock have had multiple mob pos like that and it's always awesome. It makes you think about what all goes on when you aren't around...
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Moirean said:

    I'll start the ball rolling with a classic topic: what are your favorite game memories?

    Making off with Malorea back in the day.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    The destruction of Ashtan was a pivotal moment for me with Aetolia as a player. Regardless of its role in the world, I hadn't seen an IRE game take such a risk with its playerbase and it truly excited me to see something done so daringly. It made the world suddenly feel much more alive, dangerous, and that not everything would be safe--not everything would be secure. It was very exciting for me. I know opinions over its destruction are varied, but it's one I will always remember and love.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Ishin said:
    Making off with Malorea back in the day.
    ...this needs more context...
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited January 2015

    Hadrak said:
    The destruction of Ashtan was a pivotal moment for me with Aetolia as a player. Regardless of its role in the world, I hadn't seen an IRE game take such a risk with its playerbase and it truly excited me to see something done so daringly. It made the world suddenly feel much more alive, dangerous, and that not everything would be safe--not everything would be secure. It was very exciting for me. I know opinions over its destruction are varied, but it's one I will always remember and love.
    I think in the end it was a strong and solid choice to make by the admin. Actually losing ashtan had huge ripple effects and really made the event exciting and intense. Heck I built parts of the carni guildhall to look out at what's left of the bay and lecture recruits on the lessons we learned from it. There feels like there is very little threat of danger in the game these days and I think that's kinda a shame. I wouldn't really want to lose a whole city or see spinesreach destroyed  after all the work I've done to add stuff to it but then again I dunno. The threat of that would be intense and thrilling. I think most of us don't think we'll ever really lose anything tangible  these days so we mostly just see events as something to act out and rp around. Loss and setbacks are great rp catalysts. Then again it can kinda be frustrating if you feel like you're losing actual things you've put time and resources into...
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Moirean said:

    ...this needs more context...

    Well, I can't really give TOO many details, but...Ishin definitely made off with Malorea once back in the day. She came willingly, too. >:}
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Lol came.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    My goblin adventure is one of my most favourite things. We had three goblin trainees in Templar, and one of them (little Oolvert) was fascinated with the 'horsies' in the stables. They were kind of like the three stooges. One day the horses start freaking out and there's a loud crash from the stables, so I run down, and Krrtig (the boss one) is trying to get Tithy to hold onto Oolvert, who had tried to climb onto a horse to ride it. It was very cute. Reka offered Oolvert riding lessons, and now that they're back in Azdun, Oolvert has his own 'horsies' (bats) that he is very proud of.

    I also loved having tea with Ivoln and offering him a biscuit.
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    @Areka, that Ivoln log remains one of my favorite ones I've ever read.

    I've missed a lot of the pivotal game-wide events, so most of my favorite memories are smaller, and most of them are connected to Omei in one way or another.

    Some of you may remember the event with Jaunt, the Rajamalan kid -- he died in Emelle's arms and she buried him. It was before she'd had any children of her own and sort of the turning point when she realized how desperately she wanted a family, so the whole thing was very moving for me.

    I also loved the events connected with Zoyla. Emelle also took a sort of maternal role toward her, and that tattered blanket at the bottom of the temple ruins in Tecpatl's Cradle is what's left of a quilt Emelle once brought Zoyla.

    Now that I think about it, maybe I should post some of these snippets...
  • Leveling up for emoting at @Omei on a level 6 alt during an event was pretty hilarious, though probably not my absolute *favorite*. I'd have to think way more on that..

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • One of my favorites isn't so much a specific one, but the series of interactions with @Moirean way back when Aldric was a little newb. Fights in the middle of Four Corners, fireworks during the Templar knighting ceremony, all of it.

    Plus it inspired this, which I love too:

    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • edited January 2015
    Kerrithrim. When he awoke once during that whole event and made those game emotes, I just about real life panicked because I was near Shastaan/Kelsys area when that happened.

    Also, I was apparently the first to try to talk to Kerrithrim and get mind raped dead as a result of it. I then tricked a few others to try to talk to it. Lulz.

    Hadoryu-Desian-Elene-Phoenecia-Chakrasul drama. Was set up in Spinesreach and ousted because of it, subsequently became Bloodlochian, lost a husband and became metalmouth over it, then left an Order as a reunited couple to save relationship. Kek.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    To steer the convo a bit what do you think helps make something memorable? Are admin led events more awesome by default? Why or Why not? What sort of personal rp have you created from major game events? Do you prefer official events or private rp and why? Feel free to answer any or all.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited January 2015
    @Elene I remember that stuff from when I was an enorian. Moi didn't care really at all and offered her tent up to hadoryu to live in. It caused sooooo much drama in eno tho which was pretty perfect corruption imo.

    From a player angle I was kinda scandalized tho cuz omg that's racy stuff for a God to do! Definitely caused some memorable rp tho.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Ishin said:
    Making off with Malorea back in the day.
    Oh I just reread this. I thought it said making OUT. 
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    My favorite kinds of RP are when I'm really forced to test the limits of my character, push on her boundaries, get outside of her comfort zone. Often this involves the totally unexpected happening, which is always fun, but it can also take more mundane forms. For me, I don't know that it matters whether it's a PC or an admin, although I think the latter are often willing to take more liberties, so on the face it may seem like their involvement is key. Bonus points for gud writing.

    Also, new people. I often find myself feeling more stretched when I'm meeting a new character for the first time, and sometimes really great writing comes out of those situations. I wish more people would feel comfortable RPing at strangers!
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I honestly just prefer anything thats within a small group, be it admin related or player run. I can't keep up with too many people emoting and me trying to follow along/contribute/be immersed
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Man. I just got done watching this movie called Mantera, right?

    ...you'd think it'd suck, right? I mean...Mantera. But the premise in the summary sounded neat, so I was like, fuck it. Why not. Right?

    .....it actually isn't a bad movie at all. If it lost some of its cheese, it'd have been pretty awesome.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • My favourite things have been the interactions between Kendri and her family. A recent example being @Roux and Kendri bonding by going out to hunt down a stag and eat it(wolf 4 life). Or @Rashar pushing Kendri to control or discharge the power growing within her as she was waiting for Slyphe to help her become Yeleni. Small, personal roleplay - which is my absolute favourite kind.

    I'm not really a fan of big, giant admin events. I feel weird emoting or interacting, with everyone there and watching, like being on stage. Even though I'm really trying to play Kendri with a forceful personality, I find it intimidating.

    I do love when the mobs come to life, even briefly, that is very memorable and enjoyable.
  • I really don't care for big huge events, because 9 times out of 10 people go into spectator mode, like they're watching a movie. On the flip side, if you DO try to emote or take part in the scene along the way, you look like you're trying to hog the spotlight and people get a little irked by that.

    An example of perfect size for an event was probably the whole Shadowplague deal with Iosyne and the order. Small enough group to make things fun in our interactions with each other, plus the event itself was just awesome. After playing a vamp that can't die and whatnot, getting to RP out Aldric actually being terrified of not only him dying, but some of his closest friends too? Perfect.

    I'm completely there with @Emelle when it comes to that feeling. I want to be pushed out of my comfort zone and made to approach my character in a way I can't say I would have seen coming without intervention. It gets you in their head, and it's fantastic and terrifying at the exact same time.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited January 2015
    @Ishin that sounds like something from the syfy channel. :smiley: 

    I think most of my big rp arcs that I've really enjoyed have always involved loss or setback. The shadowplague and khepri dying both stand out in my mind as well as the enorian vs bloodloch wars and ivolns torment. All of these centered around conflict and loss - at one point moi even confessed to edhain that she didn't want the wars to never end because she didn't know how to live in peace.

    That sort of loss and pain is great for inspiring rp but I do think it's a fine line. We all have elements of our gameplay that we want to preserve and would consider too far or too much to sacrifice for an arc or event. For example i really enjoy working for my orgs so if I ended up in a spot where my positions were at stake I would withdraw. The riots in spinesreach felt like that initially and it kinda upset me thinking I was being pushed out of cl simply for rp instead of the work I did. That event evolved though and it ended up being pretty Damn awesome despite my apprehensions and its impact can even be seen in the city with the new government spire.

    I do wish there was a bit more tense or risky feeling to things sometimes however. Like I rp that moi does some pretty shady stuff as cl on the down low but nobody's really called her on it...I don't want to push too far however and have it transition from just edgy rp to being voted out you know? Bit of a ramble and musing. I don't really have any conclusion here lol.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    while I've always played my character "well" and that his speech, beliefs, motives, and quirks carry out through day to day activities; I never really did much rping till spinesreach. So most of the rp I've done sticks out and was awesome because its all within the last year and a half.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I think the thing I end up being the most excited about as far as personal plot stuff is the whole "get my heart ripped out by Niuri, be heartless for years, get a new one from Auresae" thing. I always like to think that heart is out there somewhere doing EVIL and is one day going to come back to haunt me. And the new heart being a hunk of emberite with a bit of divine essence always makes me feel very mary-sue. The whole thing really played into/played up my reasons and motivations for switching from vampire to ALIVE. I feel in a bit of a slump as far as CRAZY RP ARCS, but I'm probably a bit less of an agitator than I used to be when I had more free time. There's a few other things, that stick out, like that time Aishia grew her wings, or tasting Niuri's essence and having some crazy visions of the past that sort of always resonate too. Niuri actually gave me a lot of very iconic moments, now that I really DWELL on it. A lot of my big moments lately are just involved in elaborate pranks and plots to TEST VALINGAR'S STRENGTH and catch him off guard. I work so much more now so it feels difficult to really muster GRAND SCHEMES.
  • LimLim
    edited January 2015
    Just thinking of how this applies to myself. I realise that the combat aspect of the game has been so developed, compelling and enjoyable that it's turned me completely from RP to spending most of my time chatting OOCly on web/clan/tells (and becoming a full fledged pk whore). Seriously, people, it's that good. Give it a go! 
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Aishia said:

    tasting Niuri's essence

    Not even once.

    Emelle[Deleted User]IshinObyn
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.
    Hadrak said:

    Not even once. Tell us more?

    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    I really love reka's grumpy RP, crafting RP, training RP, Knightly RP, etc. Teaching a Page how to climb a tree to survey an area and basic camp skills, working in the forge, honing weapons, inspecting things, etc. I also like roleplay that tests a character's merits and beliefs or values, though I admit I like these more sparingly as constant drama wears me out. As much of a headache as it was at times, I really loved aspects of the first race riot in Enorian.

    I love Reka's work with the Dunnites, I find that incredibly meaningful, as well as her bond with Dam.

    I find events that aren't just the 'so and so show' are my favourites - this goes with those interacting with the playerbase as well as with the Divine. Those plays are OK to watch, but get pretty tiring after a while as a brief interlude. I like ones that test whole communities rather than just silver spooning honours lines or events post references, as it detracts from the story itself into a contest of egos, which burns folk out.

    I really dislike when there are events and folk crash it and completely ruin the atmosphere for the others involved or watching with their jokes or borderline OOC antics. Keep it to a web yeah? or Skype, or AIM.

  • I have a few things from the past that stand out:

    I really liked learning the whole vampire cure back when it was new new. The events leading up to it and then after it were neat and yay! Finally a vampire cure!

    Zahmekoses when I was a little Paladin knight was a great example of scary vampire baddie. He -could- fight (from what I remember) but I recall him coming into Enorian to warn us about an idol and being all badass without having to get physical.

    To be honest I miss the conflict overall. Landmarks. Wars. Hell RP conflict is right up my alley. More things like what Spines does with fight night but between conflicting sides would be great.

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