A bit more specifically: Take the posters to the shelters and local vets/animal hospitals since those will probably be the first places a person who finds her might go.
We don't associate with my mother's parents anymore; they've basically decided we're not worth their time (which is ridiculous, since my mother is the best (person on the planet) kid they have). Nevertheless, Momma's sister-in-law calls (whom we adore) and says Momma's dad is in the hospital and that she thought Momma should go because she thinks Momma'd regret it later. So we went.
I'm not sure if it went well or not. I had no real intentions of actually going back and seeing my grandfather, but Momma kind of cornered me and made me go - I'm not sure if he even realized who I was (they took him off of pain meds he was on to get his potassium levels back down, so he was basically going through the DTs). It was good in that I got to see my aunt and sit and talk with just her for awhile. But generally stressful. And now what? If he dies, how am I supposed to feel? Ennui is a great word to describe how I feel right now. Ennui and burnt out.
So, last weekend was a convention that I'd been planning on going to. Due to lack of funds, interest, and a few other factors that involved my nana being sick, I opted out. However, I was the one that reserved the hotel room. Keep in mind, the hotels in the area were sold out for weeeeeks so I had to snag this time a few months back. Everyone was going to chip in. When I told everyone, they offered to take care of everything since they still wanted the room so I called and switched the check in names, no issues at all.
They didn't use the room. They found a closer hotel with a cheaper room by someone that must have cancelled... which, in itself, is not a bad thing. What IS bad is that they never TOLD me, never CANCELLED the reservation, and because of that.. I got the entire charge of the hotel room on the card that I told them I couldn't afford. This after them swearing up and down the wall that they'd take care of it by switching to a different card. Apparently, they didn't think there was going to be even a charge for not showing much less the entire cost of the room. Caused me to go into overdraft mode and making it difficult to recover. I mean, I'll be fine but that was a lot of money suddenly gone right when I was planning on using it.
The sweet lady I'd been helping who was dealing with cancer died of a massive stroke. I'm not sure how I feel about this, since I don't believe someone that has such high spirits and such a wonderful outlook on life should just poof within the snap of a finger. But thats how life. Unfair, and too brief.
I was trying to get a nice, long night of sleep since I'm coming down with a cold. Unfortunately, the people the condo association hired to redo our sidewalks had different ideas. They were right outside my window with their jackhammer truck around 7:45 am.
So, because of last week's wreak and not having a car yet - we canceled our vacation. Boyfriend doesn't trust his car to make the 5hr drive (his car scares me, so I don't mind so much). We both still have the weekend off work, so hopefully we'll get to do something - even if it's just renting a movie. Would rather be able to get away from this area for a few days... meh. Maybe we'll have better luck this summer.
There will never be enough agrees. Even though i lend out money expecting not to get it back, its still rude when they promise to pay you back, but refuse to do it when it comes down to it.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
While we're on the subject of laptops. I went to Best Buy to pick up my new laptop for work before I headed out to the job. I get home, take everything out of the box and put it into my backpack without really looking at it, and head on over. I bought it at the Best Buy in Brentwood, which is the closest one to me. I work out in Oakland which is a 40 minute drive from my house, and almost an hour from Brentwood.
I get to my patient's house, get settled in, and then go ahead and work on setting up my laptop since he didn't need anything. I start going through the initial setup and stuff, and then it dies in like 2 minutes (as if the battery is dead.) So I shrug it off with a herpa derpa doo, and reach into my backpack to get out my laptop charger. What do you know. The bit that goes into the laptop with the power core attached is there, but the connector that plugs it into the wall was missing. I know for sure that I emptied out the laptop box, so it SHOULD have been in the bag. I empty my backpack out completely, and sure enough it wasn't there.
I let my patient know what was up, and he called the Best Buy in Emeryville which was 10 minutes from his house and explained what happened for me. He said that the chick on the phone said they could resolve my issue with no problem, and we head over there. We get there, and the manager tells us "Oh, you have to resolve your issue with the Best Buy in Brentwood. Until then, help yourself to a universal laptop charger." That was another 80 bucks. I'd just planned on returning it anyhow. We get back to the house and I plug it in to charge it. Again, the laptop dies within 2 minutes. I know for sure that it's charging because the charging light lit up. I turn it off and leave it off for an hour while charging, and tried again. It took me about 10 times to get through initial setup before it finally stayed on long enough for me to do so, because it kept on dying. Even then, once I finished it, it died again. I finally got to the actual startup screen, and what do you know, the battery indicator said 100% and charging. 2 minutes later, it died.
Now I have to waste my time tomorrow morning returning/trading in what was supposed to be a brand new laptop. Blegh.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
In the middle of being sick with my nasty cough thing, I (for unrelated reasons) broke my front tooth and need to take an emergency trip to the dentist first thing tomorrow morning.
I have no idea how I'll be able to go the entire time without coughing and messing things up.
My cousin died, and we found out 3pm Friday, so the next two hours were a mad scramble for me trying to get a hold of my two teachers and my boss to tell them I was driving across country. My boss and one of my teachers were -very- nice about the whole thing. My boss said to just let her know what was going on, and though she didn't get a hold of me until I was already in Missouri, my Creative Writing teacher flat out said "go with your parents," since I'd said I hadn't decided if I was going or not. My ASL teacher was sort of a jerk about it. I have to bring back a note of some sort proving I was at the funeral. Now we're in a hotel in podunk Missouri and I keep getting sick to my stomach.
I got a new job working third shift. It is 8am and I don't know whether I'm physically tired, tired tired, or both. My sleep schedule is sooo messed up.
Today is the 8th anniversary of my little brother's death. I feel... numb. Idk. I could really do with a hug from him. When we were younger (and I was taller than him), he'd wrap an arm around my waist and hold the hand I had on his shoulder. Sometimes I put my hand up on my shoulder and I can almost feel his hand there...
I rage at my boss(es). A month ago I gave them a paper with all the days I needed off until the end of the debate season (i.e. the end of this month) and the health services director tells me not to worry about it but the scheduler keeps scheduling me through every tournament I've gone to. So I found out the Health Services Director was rage quitting because she was so fed up with the rest of the administration. She gave only a weeks' notice. So today I go in to double check the details and the district manager, HR, as well as the scheduler are all waiting. They tell me that if I take anymore time off that there is a strong possibility I won't have a job.
I snapped and told them that I gave the notice a goddamn month ago and if they seriously think I'm not going to nationals because of their incompetency, they're wrong. I also said some other dumb stuff I can't really remember but then they decided to tell me I have to get all of my own coverage for this weekend. I wanted to slap those bitches. I have to do practice debates, midterm papers, work AND find my own coverage? The icing on the cake? If I don't go my partner has to take a swing partner which means that a CUNY student will go instead. The decision has to be made 48 hours before the tournament. No one is willing to trade shifts with me. I feel trapped and manipulated so its clearly time to find another job.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
Rage at the moments when being tired, stressed, and worn down just seem to collide and leave me in a bawling pile of tears. Also rage at the song that started all, reminding me that the pain from loosing someone is never really that far from the surface.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
As a manager, if you flipped out like that on me, I probably would of let you go. My job is to look out of the company first, and try to accomodate you, the employee, second. But, situations arise where things happen and you have to change schedules. They're in a tough spot because someone is quitting, and they're looking for the staff that they pay, to help out. If the staff can't do that, then it's time to move on and find another staff member.
As an example, I'm looking at moving one of my midlevel managers and swapping him with another guy, to get my most experienced guy on the most important shift. One of the people the midmanager had hired overheard my conversation with him and told me that if I moved her boss, she would quit. I looked at her and said 'no problem, I'll put out an ad for your job tomorrow'. And then I did. Because in the end, the employees need the job a whole lot more, especially in this economy, than I need you. No one is above replacing, even me in my job of which I'm very secure.
And that's my rant. Employees who think threatening me with quitting is actually a threat. I'll laugh as I just go find a new employee to replace you, because there are literally thousands of people out there looking for a job who are going to be a lot less hassle than anyone who thinks work should revolve around their life.
(and I'm not trying to attack you Val, that's just my stance. I get that you're in school and school is the most important thing, and if that's the case, it's time to move on)
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
There's a shortage of CNAs/LNAs. THEY hunted ME down a year ago and the amount of CNAs/LNAs is actually on the decline in Vermont. What they're experiencing really isn't my problem. This is the availability I have, the policy is I submit my notice a month in advance and that's what I did. Anything after that point is the responsibility of the management considering I never and I mean never -ever- take time off. I work -every single holiday-, weekend, and call-out while I'm not in school. I stay late, work overtime, and help design activities for residents. The only time I have requested is for four tournaments in a year long span. When they hired me they said this wasn't going to be a problem. As for leaving, I've begun to look around and after this issue leaving my job will be a likely outcome.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
@daskalos don't you have laws to stop that? I know if you tried that here you would get fired for it and fined for unfair dismissal. I just find that this community is so diverse and has so many different international laws that its always worth asking before jumping to conclusions.
As a manager, if you flipped out like that on me, I probably would of let you go. My job is to look out of the company first, and try to accomodate you, the employee, second. But, situations arise where things happen and you have to change schedules. They're in a tough spot because someone is quitting, and they're looking for the staff that they pay, to help out. If the staff can't do that, then it's time to move on and find another staff member.
As an example, I'm looking at moving one of my midlevel managers and swapping him with another guy, to get my most experienced guy on the most important shift. One of the people the midmanager had hired overheard my conversation with him and told me that if I moved her boss, she would quit. I looked at her and said 'no problem, I'll put out an ad for your job tomorrow'. And then I did. Because in the end, the employees need the job a whole lot more, especially in this economy, than I need you. No one is above replacing, even me in my job of which I'm very secure.
And that's my rant. Employees who think threatening me with quitting is actually a threat. I'll laugh as I just go find a new employee to replace you, because there are literally thousands of people out there looking for a job who are going to be a lot less hassle than anyone who thinks work should revolve around their life.
(and I'm not trying to attack you Val, that's just my stance. I get that you're in school and school is the most important thing, and if that's the case, it's time to move on)
Just chipping in my two cents as someone with three years of management experience, if you don't care about your employees, then you are exactly the sort of person that gives our current employment environment a horrible name. If you tell an employee that a request for days off will be honored if submitted 30 days or more beforehand, then the onus is on you to do everything you can to honor that. You do not, under any circumstances, tell the employee right before the requested time that they won't be able to have off and that they'll just have to work and get over it or lose their job. That is ineffective and crappy management. The whole attitude of the employees being worthless and replaceable is wholly abhorrent and unbecoming of anyone in management and anyone who has that philosophy has no right to hold a position of authority.
All that attitude shows is that the person in question has their head so far up their own ass that they don't realize they're dealing with people. People with lives, and hopes, and goals, and bills to pay and mouths to feed. If you have a productive and capable employee, you should do everything you can to keep that employee and make them feel wanted. Not just say, "LOL I changed the rules without notice, deal with it. Next peon please."
Honestly, I would like to see every single person with that outlook spend three months under the very management style they so blissfully espouse. How would you like it to have important appointments that you went through all the proper channels and protocol to set up get ruined because HR doesn't care about you? How would you enjoy it to get screwed over on raises and promotions because of corporate politics? How about you try juggling school and work and your entire life while barely being able to scrape by.
Protip: If the roles were reversed, they know they'd be just as bitter and pissed off and frustrated, but they don't care because they feel they're somehow better than those they're over because they managed to slime their way up the corporate ladder a couple rungs.
Alright, end of rant. Go ahead and reply if you want to, though I already know how it will go. Casual dismissal based on semantics, followed by misdirection through cries of hypocrisy, and utter denial via some condescending, nebulous concept of experience and real-world, practical thinking.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
edited February 2013
Ok a few points -
1) Florida is a right to work state, which means you can be dismissed for any reason, or no reason
2) I have the lowest turnover in my department of *any* department in the entire *company*. However, I went to school full time, and worked a job fulltime, and I worked my way up from the very part time position they're whining about doing, when I've made the job a lot easier than it ever was when I had it. I eliminated the bullshit parts of the job and all they have to do now is what matters.
The point, however, is that in the end, you work for the company and no manager should ever be held hostage by an employee. At that point, you've lost control. Yes, it's always preferable to work things out, and I'll be the *first* to work a double shift to help someone out if it means it. I worked the day after Christmas this year so one of my guys could go on vacation to see his sister he hadn't seen in 2 years, and did a job I haven't held in 3+. That being said, had someone quit, I would of been out of bodies and he would of had to work. That's the point I'm making.
In the end, it's a job. You work for them, not the other way around. I've held my job for 10+ years, and I've paid my dues, and worked for some good bosses and some terrible ones. At the end of the day, however, no one can question my work ethic. Do you know what I hate? I hate hiring people my own age, because their work ethic and sense of entitlement, that seems to come with the current sub-25 Generation, is appalling and disgusting. I've had a job since I was 14 years old, and I'll probably work until I'm 114, because I enjoy work.
Is it a job, or is it a career? Because I have zero time for people who simply want a job. I want people that want to build something great, work towards a goal, and make a career of it.
This has nothing to do with 'sliming my way up a corporate' ladder as you put it, which is quite frankly, hilarious. I know where I'm at in life, the work I've put in, and I don't need anyone's approval, especially not a bunch of internet trolls. Yes, it sucks, but in the end, again, it's not the responsibility of an employer to keep a job open for you if you can't work the hours required. And I don't care where 'here' is but I'd wager that's pretty much universally held.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Eh. I get that people have other appointments that they need to be at, and having put in time a month in advance should definitely justify time off.
However, blowing up in your boss' face and threatening them with your quitting seems silly to me. A company always can, and always will go look for a new employee. There are plenty out there, dattebayo.
What I'D have done though, rather than blowing up in my boss' face is to demand that they pay me for the hours that I was supposed to be elsewhere. My boss has done it, and will do it again. There's always bargaining as an option, if your boss is reasonable. Still, I personally would never go "LOL I'M GONNA QUIT SCREW YOU GUYS." As angry as I might be, that's still disrespectful of my employers as employers, and as people. In the event I wanted to go look for another job, i wouldn't be able to list them as a reference because they'd likely tell my new employers what transpired. I'm not into the bridge burning business.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
Still, the way you think of your employees, as evidenced by your previous response, is repulsive. I -am- someone great and because of that I'm not working for a boss that sees me as a disposable drone. You might 'get' a great employee but it would seriously surprise me if you were able to keep them with the above management model.
EDIT: Also, I never threatened them with quitting. I told them it wasn't happening, I wasn't budging and that's they told me 'okay, you can find your coverage' instead of trying to bully me into accepting it. Also, they were largely rude and condescending to me - I wasn't going to deal with it. Plus, you guys are making a lot of inferences about a business you don't work for. I told you the situation but you have no idea about the work place dynamics or the way I'm treated on a day-to-day basis. Also, its illegal in Vermont for them to answer/ask anymore questions other than validating my previous tenure there. I.e. saying 'yes she worked here' and a lot of time no other information is required in my field because the backround check speaks louder than petty workplace politics.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
Things not to do: Pace around and worry, sit outside and just call the dog over and over. Stay proactive and just keep up your hopes.
We don't associate with my mother's parents anymore; they've basically decided we're not worth their time (which is ridiculous, since my mother is the best (person on the planet) kid they have). Nevertheless, Momma's sister-in-law calls (whom we adore) and says Momma's dad is in the hospital and that she thought Momma should go because she thinks Momma'd regret it later. So we went.
I'm not sure if it went well or not. I had no real intentions of actually going back and seeing my grandfather, but Momma kind of cornered me and made me go - I'm not sure if he even realized who I was (they took him off of pain meds he was on to get his potassium levels back down, so he was basically going through the DTs). It was good in that I got to see my aunt and sit and talk with just her for awhile. But generally stressful. And now what? If he dies, how am I supposed to feel? Ennui is a great word to describe how I feel right now. Ennui and burnt out.
When it rains, it pours.
So, last weekend was a convention that I'd been planning on going to. Due to lack of funds, interest, and a few other factors that involved my nana being sick, I opted out. However, I was the one that reserved the hotel room. Keep in mind, the hotels in the area were sold out for weeeeeks so I had to snag this time a few months back. Everyone was going to chip in. When I told everyone, they offered to take care of everything since they still wanted the room so I called and switched the check in names, no issues at all.
They didn't use the room. They found a closer hotel with a cheaper room by someone that must have cancelled... which, in itself, is not a bad thing. What IS bad is that they never TOLD me, never CANCELLED the reservation, and because of that.. I got the entire charge of the hotel room on the card that I told them I couldn't afford. This after them swearing up and down the wall that they'd take care of it by switching to a different card. Apparently, they didn't think there was going to be even a charge for not showing much less the entire cost of the room. Caused me to go into overdraft mode and making it difficult to recover. I mean, I'll be fine but that was a lot of money suddenly gone right when I was planning on using it.
I have no idea how I'll be able to go the entire time without coughing and messing things up.
Sorry Yarrbre.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
As a manager, if you flipped out like that on me, I probably would of let you go. My job is to look out of the company first, and try to accomodate you, the employee, second. But, situations arise where things happen and you have to change schedules. They're in a tough spot because someone is quitting, and they're looking for the staff that they pay, to help out. If the staff can't do that, then it's time to move on and find another staff member.
As an example, I'm looking at moving one of my midlevel managers and swapping him with another guy, to get my most experienced guy on the most important shift. One of the people the midmanager had hired overheard my conversation with him and told me that if I moved her boss, she would quit. I looked at her and said 'no problem, I'll put out an ad for your job tomorrow'. And then I did. Because in the end, the employees need the job a whole lot more, especially in this economy, than I need you. No one is above replacing, even me in my job of which I'm very secure.
And that's my rant. Employees who think threatening me with quitting is actually a threat. I'll laugh as I just go find a new employee to replace you, because there are literally thousands of people out there looking for a job who are going to be a lot less hassle than anyone who thinks work should revolve around their life.
(and I'm not trying to attack you Val, that's just my stance. I get that you're in school and school is the most important thing, and if that's the case, it's time to move on)
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
All that attitude shows is that the person in question has their head so far up their own ass that they don't realize they're dealing with people. People with lives, and hopes, and goals, and bills to pay and mouths to feed. If you have a productive and capable employee, you should do everything you can to keep that employee and make them feel wanted. Not just say, "LOL I changed the rules without notice, deal with it. Next peon please."
Honestly, I would like to see every single person with that outlook spend three months under the very management style they so blissfully espouse. How would you like it to have important appointments that you went through all the proper channels and protocol to set up get ruined because HR doesn't care about you? How would you enjoy it to get screwed over on raises and promotions because of corporate politics? How about you try juggling school and work and your entire life while barely being able to scrape by.
Protip: If the roles were reversed, they know they'd be just as bitter and pissed off and frustrated, but they don't care because they feel they're somehow better than those they're over because they managed to slime their way up the corporate ladder a couple rungs.
Alright, end of rant. Go ahead and reply if you want to, though I already know how it will go. Casual dismissal based on semantics, followed by misdirection through cries of hypocrisy, and utter denial via some condescending, nebulous concept of experience and real-world, practical thinking.
Ok a few points -
1) Florida is a right to work state, which means you can be dismissed for any reason, or no reason
2) I have the lowest turnover in my department of *any* department in the entire *company*. However, I went to school full time, and worked a job fulltime, and I worked my way up from the very part time position they're whining about doing, when I've made the job a lot easier than it ever was when I had it. I eliminated the bullshit parts of the job and all they have to do now is what matters.
The point, however, is that in the end, you work for the company and no manager should ever be held hostage by an employee. At that point, you've lost control. Yes, it's always preferable to work things out, and I'll be the *first* to work a double shift to help someone out if it means it. I worked the day after Christmas this year so one of my guys could go on vacation to see his sister he hadn't seen in 2 years, and did a job I haven't held in 3+. That being said, had someone quit, I would of been out of bodies and he would of had to work. That's the point I'm making.
In the end, it's a job. You work for them, not the other way around. I've held my job for 10+ years, and I've paid my dues, and worked for some good bosses and some terrible ones. At the end of the day, however, no one can question my work ethic. Do you know what I hate? I hate hiring people my own age, because their work ethic and sense of entitlement, that seems to come with the current sub-25 Generation, is appalling and disgusting. I've had a job since I was 14 years old, and I'll probably work until I'm 114, because I enjoy work.
Is it a job, or is it a career? Because I have zero time for people who simply want a job. I want people that want to build something great, work towards a goal, and make a career of it.
This has nothing to do with 'sliming my way up a corporate' ladder as you put it, which is quite frankly, hilarious. I know where I'm at in life, the work I've put in, and I don't need anyone's approval, especially not a bunch of internet trolls. Yes, it sucks, but in the end, again, it's not the responsibility of an employer to keep a job open for you if you can't work the hours required. And I don't care where 'here' is but I'd wager that's pretty much universally held.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman