SHADOW Varian is here, dark tendrils lurking about Him. Fingers crackling with dark energy, you shoot a bolt of shadow towards Razmael. Fingers crackling with dark energy, Varian shoots a bolt of shadow towards you. Fingers crackling with dark energy, Varian shoots a bolt of shadow towards Razmael. (magic, none)
SPIRIT Varian is here, wrapped in an aura of bright energy. Lifting a hand in the air, you call down a wave of spiritual energy upon Razmael. Lifting a hand in the air, Varian calls down a wave of spiritual energy upon you. Lifting a hand in the air, Varian calls down a wave of spiritual energy upon Razmael. (magic, none)
WATER Varian is here, water droplets hanging in midair around Him. Concentrating heavily, you pull water from the surrounding air and blast a stream towards Razmael. Concentrating heavily, Varian pulls water from the surrounding air and blasts a stream towards you. Concentrating heavily, Varian pulls water from the surrounding air and blasts a stream towards Razmael. (magic, none)
EARTH Varian is here, circles of of small rocks looping around Him. Summoning a large boulder from the ether, you hurl it at Razmael. Summoning a large boulder from the ether, Varian hurls it at you. Summoning a large boulder from the ether, Varian hurls it at Razmael. (magic, none)
FIRE Varian is here, fire billowing around His feet. Jumping up in the air, you perform a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael. Jumping up in the air, Varian performs a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards you. Jumping up in the air, Varian performs a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael. (magic, none)
AIR Varian is here, a swirl of air encompassing him. Twirling around in a small circle, you whip around and sends a wave of air towards Razmael. Twirling around in a small circle, Varian whips around and sends a wave of air towards you. Twirling around in a small circle, Varian whips around and sends a wave of air towards Razmael.
Message #28809 Sent By: (aetolia) Received On: 12/11/2014/17:20
"You have been given 1 racial relic pieces for your cryptic chest purchase."
What does this mean? Should I have recieved one for every chest, ie was it bad to buy chests in bulk? Should I have been receiving these earlier?
@Oleis@razmael can you clarify what this is? I want to buy more chests but I'm holding off until I understand how the relic piece with purchase works.
Announce #2285, which is related to the July chest promotion, states: "And lastly, if you purchase 15 or more chests at once, you'll instantly receive a racial relic piece - one per 15 chests."
Announce #2285, which is related to the July chest promotion, states: "And lastly, if you purchase 15 or more chests at once, you'll instantly receive a racial relic piece - one per 15 chests."
Any chance we can get fuse chestpieces or something similar to assemble a cryptic chest? Right now the syntax is 'fuse piece' but due to all the relic pieces, you have to shuffle all of the pieces in your pack or somewhere else in order assemble a cryptic chest.
Shrouds! I'm trying to compile a list. Jumping up in the air, you perform a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael. Jumping up in the air, Varian performs a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael.
Am I the only one who thinks this looks like bending from Avatar - The Last Airbender? Not that I'm complaining about that
The grammar seems weird and/or contrived for the fire kick (fairly sure the hyphen should be comma) and some of the voxes. What's even weirder is that 'vox list' doesn't even show the full message lines for them.
Why is that weird? It cuts off, just like DESIGN LIST will cu toff, or WARES THINGS will cut off (especially if they have dye tags or have weapon stats at least).
With cloak up: A cloaked figure is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands. You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
With cloak down: Dominus, Prince Riluo Nebre'seir is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands. You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
With cloak up: A cloaked figure is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands. You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
With cloak down: Dominus, Prince Riluo Nebre'seir is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands. You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
It doesn't bypass hidden, cloaked, or shrouded. Have to be fully visible before the elemental line will show.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
Maybe fix it for the shadow shroud only? I can understand being wrapped in shadow tendrils and hidden. But I find it hard to be hidden if you're glowing with light/fire.. surrounded by orbiting rocks etc. That shit is sorta noticable.
Hiding isn't just an aesthetic thing or a sneaky RP thing. It has a combat impact, as it hides you from who here unless someone has heatsight/lifevision, which is a distinct tactical advantage in a fight (especially if you are a class that can strip defs). I don't see why people who have combat defs up should be excluded from using a promo - and it's rather tedious to emerge/rehide constantly (and impossible, in the case of woodlore hide, as once hidden you can't emerge).
Sometimes RP has to be sacrificed for combat and vice versa. It's a nice sorta thing in my opinion, maybe it will make people choose when they want it on. Sorta wished there was something like this on the lifer side to make so people aren't on it 100% all the time.
As much as I am respectful of people's opinions on things the shadow_shroud oversight is a utter pain and make me rather ferocious to say the least. As players we should not be made to remove aspects of our defences to utilise a item we paid for. It just seems absurd and a redundant circular argument consisting of do X to override Y, when in reality Z is the issue here, not X or Y. I amongst others would like to see this tweaked pretty please.
Now in terms of the rp angle it makes all the sense in the world that we remain hidden and still have the shadow in our "room appearance" as we are beings of shadow.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Varian is here, dark tendrils lurking about Him.
Fingers crackling with dark energy, you shoot a bolt of shadow towards Razmael.
Fingers crackling with dark energy, Varian shoots a bolt of shadow towards you.
Fingers crackling with dark energy, Varian shoots a bolt of shadow towards Razmael.
(magic, none)
Varian is here, wrapped in an aura of bright energy.
Lifting a hand in the air, you call down a wave of spiritual energy upon Razmael.
Lifting a hand in the air, Varian calls down a wave of spiritual energy upon you.
Lifting a hand in the air, Varian calls down a wave of spiritual energy upon Razmael.
(magic, none)
Varian is here, water droplets hanging in midair around Him.
Concentrating heavily, you pull water from the surrounding air and blast a stream towards Razmael.
Concentrating heavily, Varian pulls water from the surrounding air and blasts a stream towards you.
Concentrating heavily, Varian pulls water from the surrounding air and blasts a stream towards Razmael.
(magic, none)
Varian is here, circles of of small rocks looping around Him.
Summoning a large boulder from the ether, you hurl it at Razmael.
Summoning a large boulder from the ether, Varian hurls it at you.
Summoning a large boulder from the ether, Varian hurls it at Razmael.
(magic, none)
Varian is here, fire billowing around His feet.
Jumping up in the air, you perform a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael.
Jumping up in the air, Varian performs a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards you.
Jumping up in the air, Varian performs a twirling kick - sending a stream of fire towards Razmael.
(magic, none)
Varian is here, a swirl of air encompassing him.
Twirling around in a small circle, you whip around and sends a wave of air towards Razmael.
Twirling around in a small circle, Varian whips around and sends a wave of air towards you.
Twirling around in a small circle, Varian whips around and sends a wave of air towards Razmael.
Announce #2285, which is related to the July chest promotion, states: "And lastly, if you purchase 15 or more chests at once, you'll instantly receive a racial relic piece - one per 15 chests."
I think that's still the case this time around.
With cloak up:
A cloaked figure is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands.
You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
With cloak down:
Dominus, Prince Riluo Nebre'seir is here, hidden. He is riding on the elder dragon, Re'augar. He wields an ethereal scythe drenched in shadow in his hands.
You see a single exit leading up (open pine door).
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
@Razmael, @Oleis pretty please to fixing this oversight
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
I suspect it's more to do with code and how QL lines are formulated. Similar overlapping issues have been noticed with visage, defilement aura, etc.
Moirean is here, hiding. She is wreathed in an shroud of shadows.
Something like that.
Now in terms of the rp angle it makes all the sense in the world that we remain hidden and still have the shadow in our "room appearance" as we are beings of shadow.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."