Cryptic Chests (December Style!)
Date: 12/10/2014 at 14:53
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Cryptic Chest items
Hey folks,
Our chests are now loaded with new items, along with some familiar old ones. Details contained
A 25cr artifact discount voucher
- Your next credit artifact purchase at Qeddwyn's shop will be 25cr cheaper. Will stack.
An ambience token
- This can be redeemed for an ambience message attached to your character. This is essentially a
message that will show in whatever room you're standing in every few minutes. Restrictions and
standards apply. Talk to Razmael to redeem.
- The Forgotten Dome
- Bastion of Illdon
- a sprightly foal
- a young fawn
- an orange and white tiger cub
- a raccoon cub
By popular demand, a few of our old artifact relics are making a return. You will once more find
parts for the following artifact relics in the chests:
- the Eyes of the Observer
- a bracer of hammered ilmenite
- a compass of disorientation
- an ornately-framed mirror
- the star chart of Elenina
Here is the list of new racial relics, their corresponding relic piece, and what they do.
Plumage (4x a clump of feathers)
- Allows access to the WINGFLUTTER emote.
- Allows you to RUFFLE FEATHERS.
Snake skin (4x a scrap of snakeskin)
- Allows you to SHED SKIN once an hour, leaving it behind as an item.
Elemental shroud (4x a glowing crystal)
- Six variants, one for each element (earth/fire/air/water/shadow/spirit).
- Changes your room description in LOOK to show you being wreathed in the specific element.
- Allows you to BLAST , a basic attack that will use the specific element.
- You can obtain multiple shrouds, but only one may be activated at once. Use ELEMENT to
Mandibles (4x a crushed insect head)
- Allows access to the MASTICATE command and MANDIBLES emote normally reserved for Horkval.
Horns (4x a broken animal horn)
- Your HEADBUTT emote will deal minor damage to its target.
- You can HORNLOCK someone else with the horns relic and attempt to throw them to the ground.
Glow (4x a glowing firefly larvae)
- You can GLOWON to suffuse your body with a gentle light, appending a coloured line to your
- You can FLASH to reveal any hidden people (SEARCH substitute).
- GLOWOFF to turn it off again.
Vines (4x a creeping vine tendril)
- Grants a custom message when using swing up/swing down to climb trees.
- You can use ENTANGLE as a free web tattoo effect.
- a simurgh hatchling
- a grumpy baby gorgon
- a fledgling air beast
- a snow-white ermine
- a hissing mephit
- Albedi sunspear relic parts
- dreamscape mirror relic parts
- all previous racial relics were removed

Are venom rags still recievable via Cryptic Chests? I have heard rumor they were discontinued completely, from all possible venues.
Then I traded it in.
Then I got Templar.
And I was sad.
Alternatively, a way to ROOM VIEW or something to show what YOU look like to others in a room?
Personally it didn't make sense to me that some items got retired, and essentially removed from the game for anyone new wanting them.
Rammus is here, shrouded. He wields a slender gray shanking dirk in his left hand and a tower shield in his right. Coribhell is here, hidden. She wields a tower shield in her left hand. , dark tendrils lurking about her. <- dark tendrils mystery person.
Was the same with water and spirit, too.
(I feel kinda dirty inside)
I -think- this promotion is a success. Just saying...
...Though I love these chest items! First time I have wanted things in a while. Great ideas.
Chest 1)
25 cr on opening
Phoenix heart
commodities: 6 iron, 6 wood, 6 steel, 6 ice
Some gold (I had forgotten to put away hunting gold so no exact amount)
Chest 2)
Sigils: 2 Flame, 2 Mono, 2 Fist
2 Ilmenite ore
SE star chart segment
Compass rose
Chest 3)
25 cr on opening
Sigils: 3 Mushroom, 2 Fist, Eye
Plants: 80 lobelia, 40 ash, 40 bellwort, 80 moss
Chest 4)
10 cr on opening
Phoenix heart
Bull eye
Chest 5)
Sigils: 2 Fist, 2 Mush, 2 Flame
Bull eye
Feathers relic
Shadow crystal
Chest 6)
Chest piece
Plants: 80 kelp, 40 elm, 40 moss, 40 ginseng, 40 bloodroot
Sigils: 2 Fist, Mono, Flame, Mush, Eye
Fengard compendium page
Chest 7)
2 elemental globe
Bulls eye
Forgotten dome compendium page
Chest 8)
10cr on opening
Chest piece
Grimstim pill
Plants: 40 bloodroot, 80bellwort, 40 ginseng, 40 kelp, 40 goldenseal
Chest 9)
Red amulet
White amulet
Plants: 80 bellwort, 40 elm, 40 ash, 40 lobelia, 40 goldenseal
Insect head relic
Fire crystal
Chest 10)
Phoenix heart
Bulls eye
Monocle piece relic
Compass rose relic
2x NW starchart segment
- it would be cool if they tacked a line at the end of your description.
- it would be great if they used the defense system.
- I don't think the blast commands works for shadow shroud.
- I don't know how to turn shrouds off.
Must... obtain... one... of... your... northwest... starchart segments... Please? :-)
Also, @Oleis and the rest of the admin, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT! These are awesome things!
I will look into the Shadow shroud, and possibility of turning them off, updates to follow.
NOTE: Spirit Shroud bug has been fixed, removing the presence of the player from the room.
Please BUG if you notice any other issues aside from those discussed here.
UPDATE: Shadow Blast should be working accordingly.
BUG: If you are having personal difficulty @Serrice
I believe we will look into some of the other options presented, though the relics behave a little differently in their application. I imagine the big boys up here will put in a CHANGELOG if we see an update.
Message #28809 Sent By: (aetolia) Received On: 12/11/2014/17:20
"You have been given 1 racial relic pieces for your cryptic chest purchase."
What does this mean? Should I have recieved one for every chest, ie was it bad to buy chests in bulk? Should I have been receiving these earlier?