You'd probably have to be really careful with what colour you used and where, but it might be really striking if you did that and then had, like, coloured blossoms or something in a small patch on the tree.
I'm still doing tests for the coffee shop. Getting quite fond of this little guy!
He doesn't have a name, no. The guy at the coffee shop wanted a 'guardian' type character, and kept pointing at my drawings of Akary saying "STUFF LIKE THAT" so I figured he wanted something anthropomorphic and that's what fell out. So I guess 'the coffee guardian' is what I think of him as.
@Gwenith: Actually the rainbow cake is super fkn easy, as long as you can bake a cake in a pan (which if you are attempting a cake of any sort you are going to need!). So that one's probably my recommendation! It's just a matter of dividing your mix (I did a double batch because the cake needed to be enormous) into six portions and colouring the dickens out of them with food dye. Then you bake 'em individually and stack 'em when they're all cool!
Oh, yeah, frosting or cream. Have to be really patient and wait till they're cool to stack them or that goes poorly. Then you do the crumb layer of frosting, which you can usually see the colours through, then you do the second, outer layer.
Edit: There's apricot jam between the layers of the checkerboard, which is something you could probably do to the rainbow if you didn't want the white striped effect in between.
I sometimes get in the mood to make jewelry. These are all bracelets. Sometimes I get into the mood to paint. There's also a pumpkin sign for Halloween.
@Eleanor Mostly I just wear them. I haven't been confident enough in my materials (questionable metals, though the purple wire on the leaf and on the just-links one is a coated copper) to try to sell them. I do give them to people too!
Just finished earrings with these black garnets I had laying around from some earlier project.
I started wrapping big beads in rings recently, and I've got a bit obsessed with it, so I made a necklace too. These beads are black glass, not garnets, although in the bad light of my kitchen they look mostly the same.
far as I can make out, American 'jello' is quite a bit more concentrated than our jelly crystals. I did a recipe that used such for colour and flavour and it came out tasty enough but very, very pale. so not so much a thing, and also using the jelly would require a bit of re-jiggering of component amounts, I think. Which is a shame, because it could be a lot of fun if it worked like it seems to on the blogosphere.
@Kaleigh, they're chainmail links - these are anodized aluminum, so they're really light. I probably wouldn't use anything heavier for earrings, especially with how big the beads are.
Getting the beads to stay is a lot easier than it would seem - they're too big to fit out the larger rings once the smaller ones are tightening the aperture, as it were. There's a big one on each side, and then a simple weave connecting them. Surprisingly easy to put together. If you like them, you are welcome to them!
I had been thinking about putting crochet on notebooks, so I tried it out on an old one I had lying around. It's pretty cute! It has been ages since I've done paper mache! They're gonna be tiny birdies.
Oh, @Eleanor, that's awesome. I thought it was a passport, and had a moment of wondering how much creativity they'd permit on a passport before they refused to accept it...
Yeah I did like the notebook because of that! But considering all the chips and stuff in passports these days I don't think you could get away with any embellishment. But you could make a cute cover!
I'm still doing tests for the coffee shop. Getting quite fond of this little guy!
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
When you give me an excuse to bake, I kind of lose my mind a bit.
Edit: Bonus round, the cake I made the previous time it was my faculty's turn for morning tea as well:
Ive always heard of Eleanors cakes though, her craftiness is something to awe. I still have my shrinky dink Aarbrok charm on my phone holder.
That checkerboard one has always amazed me though! Looks good @Eleanor!!
Edit: There's apricot jam between the layers of the checkerboard, which is something you could probably do to the rainbow if you didn't want the white striped effect in between.
I started wrapping big beads in rings recently, and I've got a bit obsessed with it, so I made a necklace too. These beads are black glass, not garnets, although in the bad light of my kitchen they look mostly the same.
Same results, and a fruity flavour!
@Mariena the bracelets look amazing! Very pretty.
@Elie is that like chainmail links or just plain metal hoops? Either way, it looks really cool. How'd you get the glass to stay wrapped up like that?
Getting the beads to stay is a lot easier than it would seem - they're too big to fit out the larger rings once the smaller ones are tightening the aperture, as it were. There's a big one on each side, and then a simple weave connecting them. Surprisingly easy to put together. If you like them, you are welcome to them!
I had been thinking about putting crochet on notebooks, so I tried it out on an old one I had lying around. It's pretty cute!
It has been ages since I've done paper mache! They're gonna be tiny birdies.
Warning: Contains strong language.