"Darmen," Chakrasul calls aloud imperiously with an irritated exhalation through Her nose that flares Her nostrils. The dagger She so deftly wields pushes through the air to hover in the air within arm's reach of you. "Coat that with a touch of Yaslana's blood."
You have emoted: With absolutely no sign of hesitation, Darmen takes the blade into his hand. He glances at it, sizing the length of steel for perhaps a heartbeat before burying it into Aren's stomach, shoving it home to the hilt.
The moment the blade sinks fully into the flesh, it gruesomely expels itself from the newly-created wound to reclaim its position within Chakrasul's awaiting hand. She cleverly tilts the blade so that its tip hovers over Her nails one by one, allowing the droplets of crimson liquid to fall upon them. "Thank you darling," She comments in an almost chipper fashion as the blade falls to Her wayside upon the table.
Blowing upon Her nails in an attempt to coax the blood into drying a touch faster, Chakrasul says, "Do carry on, pay no mind to Me."
(Web): Aren says, "The new color this season: Yaslana."
You use Primality Lightning Boosted on a Nazetu captain. Raising a hand, lightning leaps to life within your grasp and coalesces into a spear of crackling blue energy. With a jerk of your hand, you send the lance down on a Nazetu captain. Damage done: 1120 (1 overkill), electrical.
Since it's easier to just use GTELLS FULL than pick out the lines...
9 . Sarkis: "Hello!" 10. Veridius: "Much happening?" 11. Sarkis: "Writing, mostly." 12. Veridius: "Do you ever do anything else?" 13. Sarkis: "Yes, but not lately. I've actually had things to write about recently." 14. Veridius: "I didn't realize you were writing about me." 15. Veridius: "Did you catch my beauty pretty decently?" 16. Sarkis: ""Drooling insipidly, Brother Veridius opened his deformed mouth, ghastly, mismatched teeth jutting out at unnatural angles as his dull eyes rolled back into his head. A dreadful gasp and stench of breath escaped over the rolling tongue and incomprehensible, painful syllables were spat out, which could only be pleas for a quick and painless death."" 17. Sarkis: "Hit the nail on the head!" 18. Veridius: "How the heck did you catch my appearance so perfectly." 19. Veridius: "In all fairness that is after an evening of puffing on the catcus weed." 20. Sarkis: "...haha!"
It's raining today, and I'm not feeling too hot, so I thought today I'd do some fun little tweaks here and there. I made a little change to how flipping coins works!
- You can FLIP not only COINs, but TOKENs, and DIAMONDs as well.
(Valid tokens: Research tokens, tokens of the Malevolent's esteem)
- Sometimes it might land on its rim! What does it meeeean!?
- It's a little prettier.
- No, it doesn't do anything!
If you can think of any more fun little coinlike items that already exist and should be flippable, let me know.
As an addendum to the previous changelog, and in response to certain requests: The ability to flip a table is the sole province of Immortals, and we will not give up our Divine rights so easily.
msg trigru FLIP FROWN: After a moment of concentration, $(target$) (succeeds|fails) in flipping their frown upside down. For 'landing on the rim', After a moment of concentration, $(target$) attempts to flip their frown upside down but falls short - managing only a rather uncomfortable grimace.
I tried
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
Chamber of Sacrament. (Shadow Keep.) A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. Scattered into rock and dust, the remains of a crackling lightning eld sit here lifelessly. A chunk of dense, perfectly clear crystallized energy is all that remains of a translucent eld. A stout donkey stands patiently by, waiting for a burden. There are 3 bloody chunks of dog flesh here. Toz is here, shrouded. He is riding on an immense plough horse. He wields a suggestive warhammer in his hands. A murky darkness has settled in here. You see a single exit leading north (open pine door).
Toz continues to romantically snog you while a bloody chunk of dog flesh rots in the background, a few eld corpses de-compose, and a donkey watches passively.
You have emoted: Moirean doesn't notice. Afterall, she's wearing a set of armor, carrying three hundred vials, has about a dozen weapons strapped to her body, and is apparently riding a horse.
Toz accidentally touches your tentacle tattoo and things get weird.
You have emoted: Moirean is Iosian. Been there, done that.
Toz and also Benedicto, so.
You have emoted: Moirean oh snap .
You have emoted: Moirean swoons, verily, as she is caught up in your embrace, letting out a lusty gasp as she beholds your mighty, be-muscled form. "Oh, Toz!" she cries, clearly besotted with your passionate embrace and your manly musk oh god I can't do this.
Disclaimer: Lifers may begin to call you a secret darkie for lingering in darkie webs.
(Web): Arbre says, "Omg finally, it does not take 7 minutes to "quality check" my pizza, Matt from Dominoes."
(Web): Arbre says, "Look at it, make sure it's a pizza, put it in a box, and send it out."
(Web): Lyl says, "Wtf is quality check?"
(Web): Arbre says, "Nfc."
(Web): Lyl says, "Is that when they steal a slice?"
(Web): Lyl says, "And eat it?"
(Web): Arbre says, "Probs."
(Web): Lyl says, "And then tell you that's "quality check"."
(Web): Leau says, "Lol."
(Web): Lyl says, "I want to quality check my own pizzas, I wouldn't trust some Matt."
(Web): Arbre says, "Eric left the store with your pizza at 6:41."
(Web): Leau says, "They have to eat your pizza to ensure its up to snuff they will refire it."
(Web): Lyl says, "Wait wait."
(Web): Yettave says, "Thats the time they used to get to your house without using as much drive time."
(Web): Lyl says, "So Eric and Matt have your pizza?"
(Web): Arbre says, "Eric JUST left with it."
(Web): Lyl says, "Yes, but wtf does Matt have to do with it?"
(Web): Leau says, "Quality check."
(Web): Arbre says, "Matt was quality checking."
(Web): Lyl says, "Uh huh."
(Web): Lyl says, "Sounds disturbing."
(Web): Lyl says, "Note to self: do not eat pizza at Arbre's."
(Web): You say, "Eric and matt? Is this pizza place run by IRE for extra cash?"
(Web): You say, "Is there a jeremy and mike in the back room flipping dough?"
(Web): Lyl says, "That's why Arbre buys! To support Aetolia! XD."
(Web): Lyl says, "Wait wait."
(Web): Lyl says, "Arbre! Order chicken too."
(Web): Lyl says, "THEN WE'LL KNOW FOR SURE."
(Web): You say, "Oh god you'll get sick."
(Web): Lyl says, "^."
(Web): Lyl says, "But will know for sure!"
(Web): Leau says, "No worries quality check will make sure its not nerfed or under cooked."
(Web): You say, "#sub liaisons dominoes quality check."
You say, "Is it still this one up here?"
Toz says to you, "I lose track of which is mine, to be honest."
Toz says to you, "I assume any office I have a key to is mine."
I gave him a key with locks to every door in the guildhall...
(Spirean Hunters): Eugenides says, "... So I've bought a storm trooper outfit."
You have emoted: With absolutely no sign of hesitation, Darmen takes the blade into his hand. He glances at it, sizing the length of steel for perhaps a heartbeat before burying it into Aren's stomach, shoving it home to the hilt.
The moment the blade sinks fully into the flesh, it gruesomely expels itself from the newly-created wound to reclaim its position within Chakrasul's awaiting hand. She cleverly tilts the blade so that its tip hovers over Her nails one by one, allowing the droplets of crimson liquid to fall upon them. "Thank you darling," She comments in an almost chipper fashion as the blade falls to Her wayside upon the table.
Blowing upon Her nails in an attempt to coax the blood into drying a touch faster, Chakrasul says,
"Do carry on, pay no mind to Me."
(Web): Aren says, "The new color this season: Yaslana."
(Web): You say, "Yaslana! By Darmen."
Raising a hand, lightning leaps to life within your grasp and coalesces into a spear of crackling
blue energy. With a jerk of your hand, you send the lance down on a Nazetu captain.
Damage done: 1120 (1 overkill), electrical.
Yeah, I wouldn't quite call that overkill....
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Toz says, "Oh look, my female hound is cunning and obedient. Moi you've been replaaaaaced."
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Lim says, "I shall name one Salvehound, Affhound, and Utilityhound."
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Moirean says, "Beware, you can't rename them."
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Moirean says, "I am forever stuck with sparklebutt and mental."
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Moirean says, "Best warhounds ever."
(Carnifex Combat Academy): Lim says, "Sparklebutt op."
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
There are 41 players on this plane and 25 players on other planes.
....Chakrasul, Chakrasul.....
TIL the proper pluralization of Carnifex.
[News]: A new changelog entry has been made. CHANGELOG 671 for more information.
+--------------------------- CHANGELOG ENTRY #671 ----------------------------+
| Entered by: Trigru Date: 2014/09/16 22:05:55 |
+--------------------------------- CHANGE ------------------------------------+
It's raining today, and I'm not feeling too hot, so I thought today I'd
do some fun little tweaks here and there. I made a little change to how
flipping coins works!
- You can FLIP not only COINs, but TOKENs, and DIAMONDs as
(Valid tokens: Research tokens, tokens of the Malevolent's
- Sometimes it might land on its rim! What does it meeeean!?
- It's a little prettier.
- No, it doesn't do anything!
If you can think of any more fun little coinlike items that already
exist and should be flippable, let me know.
You sent the following message to Trigru:
You just received message #3209 from Trigru.
Message #3209 Sent By: Trigru Received On: 9/16/2014/22:06
"You wish!"
You sent the following message to Trigru:
I do, that's why I suggested it!
[News]: A new changelog entry has been made. CHANGELOG 672 for more information.
+--------------------------- CHANGELOG ENTRY #672 ----------------------------+
| Entered by: Trigru Date: 2014/09/16 22:08:12 |
+--------------------------------- CHANGE ------------------------------------+
As an addendum to the previous changelog, and in response to certain requests: The ability to flip a
table is the sole province of Immortals, and we will not give up our Divine rights so easily.
You sent the following message to Trigru:
I call oppression! Oppression of our table flipping rights!
Trigru appears out of thin air.
Trigru flips you like a table in an expression of pure rage.
You have emoted: Benedicto is being oppressed by a table-flipping sociopath.
Ilu @Trigru
I tried
(Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Points."
[100] [93] E106 W120 B100 S100 Dev97 Spark413 <<XP 83%>> [csdb eb] 7:46.346 -
(Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "...Disregard."
A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. Scattered into rock and dust, the remains of a crackling lightning eld sit here lifelessly. A chunk of dense, perfectly clear crystallized energy is all that remains of a translucent eld. A stout donkey stands patiently by, waiting for a burden. There are 3 bloody chunks of dog flesh here. Toz is here, shrouded. He is riding on an immense plough horse. He wields a suggestive warhammer in his hands. A murky darkness has settled in here.
You see a single exit leading north (open pine door).
Toz continues to romantically snog you while a bloody chunk of dog flesh rots in the background, a few eld corpses de-compose, and a donkey watches passively.
You have emoted: Moirean doesn't notice. Afterall, she's wearing a set of armor, carrying three hundred vials, has about a dozen weapons strapped to her body, and is apparently riding a horse.
Toz accidentally touches your tentacle tattoo and things get weird.
You have emoted: Moirean is Iosian. Been there, done that.
Toz and also Benedicto, so.
You have emoted: Moirean oh snap
You have emoted: Moirean swoons, verily, as she is caught up in your embrace, letting out a lusty gasp as she beholds your mighty, be-muscled form. "Oh, Toz!" she cries, clearly besotted with your passionate embrace and your manly musk oh god I can't do this.
Toz wins. Also Mudlet has an xor function.