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Quick RP Questions



  • Slyphe doesn't actually have a trident any more! That was a weapon from one of the last iterations of Slyphe a few years ago.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Slyphe has sharks.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    And crabs.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    And steam.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Slyphe still has a trident, but it's tiny and nobody wants to see it
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Slyphe stands here whistling from various valves, brandishing a salad fork menacingly
  • edited July 2014

    sharks with friggen' lazer beams now a possibility.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Guys, guys

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Mephistoles - The Conditional Statement.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Haven said:

    And steam.

    All I'm getting from this is that Slyphe would make a pretty decent crab boil.
  • Not really a question, but I guess this is the most fitting place. After having been gone for a long time, and not knowing many people before that, I'm finding it a little hard to find any RP. Bashing is only fun for so long, and I am not all that good at talking to new people. So if anyone gets bored and sees Azzello around, mess with him!
  • I'm in the same boat, @Azzello. I noticed you today, just didn't have the time available to commit to messing with you. The same goes for anybody seeing Tahl. I was gone for two years, so anything remotely prestigious he had done in the past is totally gone from my own memory, and I would like to rise back up from the nobody he is currently.
  • edited February 2015
    No time like the present! Aetolia is going through lots of crazy events both good and bad. Though stagnation has made the things a little bitter in terms of social interaction, the rp and mischief has not gone anyplace an there's always someone looking to stir the pot. Oh an Tahl, Welcome back!

    Oh an I could see @Slyphe first machination as a steam-powered mechanical crab! An if you play music around the crab, it does the zoidberg mating dance, along with ramblings of Sylphe quotes!
  • Azzello said:

    Not really a question, but I guess this is the most fitting place. After having been gone for a long time, and not knowing many people before that, I'm finding it a little hard to find any RP. Bashing is only fun for so long, and I am not all that good at talking to new people. So if anyone gets bored and sees Azzello around, mess with him!

    Very enjoyable little bit of RP. Would definitely track you down for more. Even though you disappeared!
  • How do people feel about using class related wizadry in your emotes....when you're not in the class?

    Like, the whole class selection + multiclass thing is set up so you can't make op combinations in PK, but I don't see why as far as RP goes I can't do some minor witchcraft with my Scio staff while I'm mechanically in the Carnifex class in an emote.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • Don't want you making OP emotes by combining classes either.
  • Draiman said:

    How do people feel about using class related wizadry in your emotes....when you're not in the class?

    Like, the whole class selection + multiclass thing is set up so you can't make op combinations in PK, but I don't see why as far as RP goes I can't do some minor witchcraft with my Scio staff while I'm mechanically in the Carnifex class in an emote.

    I think it's fine -- regardless of the class i'm in, I always have my soulstone and when necessary I'm gonna emote some deathlore mojo if necessary.

  • Draiman said:

    How do people feel about using class related wizadry in your emotes....when you're not in the class?

    Like, the whole class selection + multiclass thing is set up so you can't make op combinations in PK, but I don't see why as far as RP goes I can't do some minor witchcraft with my Scio staff while I'm mechanically in the Carnifex class in an emote.

    Xenia said:

    I think it's fine -- regardless of the class i'm in, I always have my soulstone and when necessary I'm gonna emote some deathlore mojo if necessary.

    If I'm in Templar, Tens has two-hundred years of Zealot and Martial Arts training and Illumination use. I think it's reasonable for him to be able to express that sort of thing confidently no matter what.

    If he wants to shoot a giant unicornsing fireball from his hands while in Templar? He's going to, because he can.

    If you're character has the training in the class, then I believe certain liberties can be taken. Barring things like Telepathy, for example, then just.. bullunicorn something about why you can't do it at the time.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I've seen plenty use their various trainings in RP sessions, independently of which class they are in. If your character has a connection to something, it's only natural that they can "do" it no matter what class they are in. I usually refer to current class I'm in as the one I am actively training in at the moment, and to not lose too much focus on it, I won't perform too many actions related to a different one. Minor things like RPing out something is then fine. (at least in my mind).

    I have even brought in elements of forgotten skills in RP, since my characters were at one point trained in them, but in those cases I always refer to them being sorely out of practice and most likely failing at the attempt because of it. The knowledge of it is there though, somewhere in the back of the mind.

  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Draiman said:

    How do people feel about using class related wizadry in your emotes....when you're not in the class?

    Like, the whole class selection + multiclass thing is set up so you can't make op combinations in PK, but I don't see why as far as RP goes I can't do some minor witchcraft with my Scio staff while I'm mechanically in the Carnifex class in an emote.

    Almost everyone I've RP'd with has been borrowing from their other classes since multiclassing was even a concept. Go for it, it's not like @Draiman just suddenly forgot everything he knew about shadow magic!
  • @draiman more inclined to forget how to emote.

  • Only Draiman's ghast RP'd and he lost that in the revamp.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • :(
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • RIP Ghast

  • NiaNia Trashy
    Would it be fine for me to tie my character's backstory to an existing NPC in the game? Specifically, I want to say that my character grew up in X location and was taught to read and write by Y NPC, and that therefore they are close friends.

    If ever this NPC ends up being used by an admin for something though, do you reckon they'd be annoyed by me 'godmoding' this sort of connection with the NPC?
  • I'd say to nudge the NPC in game and try to build that sort of understood history with them through that RP. If there's an admin around and willing, they might possess it and interact with you. Also, they'd have access to the mpos notes from previous interactions with that NPC for consistency, and would also be able to -add- the note for future reference.

    So that way in a year if someone takes up that mob for something, they can see 'Taught Nia how to count with her toes,' or some such, and roll with it one way or the other.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Nia said:

    Would it be fine for me to tie my character's backstory to an existing NPC in the game? Specifically, I want to say that my character grew up in X location and was taught to read and write by Y NPC, and that therefore they are close friends.

    If ever this NPC ends up being used by an admin for something though, do you reckon they'd be annoyed by me 'godmoding' this sort of connection with the NPC?

    I would simply consider altering that point of the character's story. It's no more appropriate than me saying that Nia is Lin's child.
  • NiaNia Trashy
    Lin said:

    I would simply consider altering that point of the character's story. It's no more appropriate than me saying that Nia is Lin's child.
    Well, if you want to... we can discuss that! ;)

    At the moment I think I'll try to approach the NPC IG in an open-ended way, as suggested by @Rashar, to see if an admin responds and is willing to roll with it or not. Otherwise I'll perhaps relegate the role of 'taught this uneducated bumpkin basic literacy' to an unnamed/generic NPC from the area, of the kind that exists in multiple stacks.

    I do appreciate the candid advice. I've been holding off writing up Nia's background until I'm more familiar with the lore and comfortable in the character's shoes.

    Although speaking of which, if anyone is really familiar with more nuanced aspects of Slyphian/Kelki/Kelsys lore and wants to help me out one-on-one via tells/messages/forum-PMs, I'd really appreciate it!
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