You can make a fairly low-effort one that just has a trigger off there being nothing to hit to try to walk in a random direction and and hit again. It's not optimal, but you can tweak and improve from there.
!! Thank you! When I'm at my normal computer, I'll do my best to plug those into the system and see if I can get it to be less painful to use that snowglobe finally!
The type of players that cannot separate IC (fantasy) from OOC (reality) and vice versa annoy me.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Do milkshakes exist in game? Some guy just mentioned on CT about... *runs away*
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I actually have a hard time with some of the crafted stuff. Like... I don't know. Sometimes, I just think 'well, at least there were no milkshakes in Lord of the Rings'. I like the whole fantasy genre, I suppose.
This is my feelings about the stupid one sided conflict that after all of these years has STILL not been resolved. You spend ten ash to exterminate and make it clear you are going to do this only when the people that are fixing it are sleeping. You run to your city or haven or QQ when you are spotted. I spend one ice to determine who exterminated and then ten to fix it. It drags on and nothing changes and pretty soon nobody wants to deal with it anymore, so it's now just one or two or maybe three people even bothering to go and "cure lands". I don't like being forced into someone elses RP because I have other things to do or maybe I don't even want to logon. There's a forced passivity on me because I can cure, while the aggressor gets to always be the aggressor, I mean I can't do anything in return to that person that would force them into being in MY Rp, it's all one sided. I read the liason reports and see that the admin are going to make a change based on a persons report and the report wasn't even accurate and doesn't address the issue of being forced into RP that is costly to me/my organization and frankly, it STILL doesn't allow me to force someone into MY RP. Long ago we had landmarks that allowed both sides the ability to be the aggressor and did not force someone into a passive position whereby they couldn't affect the other side. The admin got rid of this after a while because people just flat out didn't like having RP forced on them by other players and game mechanics. Yet, that problem still exists for forestals. Do you think I could use a forestal skill to force growth in a graveyard thereby making it forest, so that it cannot be used by the undead? No, of course not. Do you think the forest will rise up and retaliate for the damage being done? No, of course not.
But I'm not the only person that's annoyed by the situation and the next time you are out there exterminating, pay attention to who is actually doing the rejuvenating. You'll notice it's only a very few. Most of the forestals don't/won't/can't. It's just a few people who DO rp their roles and feel an RP duty to do it. Don't assume you have a whole council running around trying to fix things, you don't.
I've said my piece/peace and that's my RAGE for the day.
We should have an RP at the conclusion of which if you exterminate, you instantly die when the land rebels against you and reclaims your corpse. Oh, and it'd go through soulcage.
People who screw with shrines without having the balls to actually defile or declare war or whatever. Constantly dropping the protective barrier on one particular shrine without actually -defiling- the shrine (and therefore avoiding getting a defiling aura) means we either have to catch the person red-handed or hope they get bored and stop.
I have better things to do than spam shrinesight (or worse, burn through energy with Watch) in a vain attempt to catch someone who wants to feel big and bad without actually having to man up and face some sort of -risk- for their actions.
It's not fun. It doesn't generate conflict. It's just trollish.
@Fanico - exterminate doesn't kill plants. That's the whole point of why I did the ones I talked to you about, to verify that. All it does it give a cosmetic change.
@Fanico Actually that is a neat idea... forcing forest growth where it normally couldn't and would be offensive... Deserts... graveyards... it could unearth coffins maybe? I echo the frustration with exterminating but I feel like your suggestion there might be a viable retaliation honestly.
I know, it's sad.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Not sure if it'll be too much info for you. I tried to make it a fairly basic explanation.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
If you would like to learn how to make them, she could teach you...but she'd have to charge
Gnomes must love'im.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
But I'm not the only person that's annoyed by the situation and the next time you are out there exterminating, pay attention to who is actually doing the rejuvenating. You'll notice it's only a very few. Most of the forestals don't/won't/can't. It's just a few people who DO rp their roles and feel an RP duty to do it. Don't assume you have a whole council running around trying to fix things, you don't.
I've said my piece/peace and that's my RAGE for the day.
I have better things to do than spam shrinesight (or worse, burn through energy with Watch) in a vain attempt to catch someone who wants to feel big and bad without actually having to man up and face some sort of -risk- for their actions.
It's not fun. It doesn't generate conflict. It's just trollish.
(The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."