After a lot of consideration, as well as testing with a wide variety of people, I have decided to start a thread that will hopefully bring attention to the recent liaison changes for the Bloodborn class. Whilst the vast majority were required to reduce the issues with the class, and I can respect that need for balance, it has unfortunately created a very new and ongoing issue for the class that requires addressing. Firstly I am not alone in this chain of thought either, in fact I have spoke to people on both sides of the game who all agree that this is a huge problem that needs looked at. So the key issue began with the removal of berserk from Bloodborn mentis, which has resulted in people merely turtling behind shield. I know that some people will be passive aggressive here and say, “Welcome to our issue” but that is not constructive.
Due to the removal of berserk, the use of sunder has become vastly more important for overcoming this problem. Indeed Bloodborn are a weapon class and have no rsl, so the fact is indisputable that our reliance on sunder is critical to combat:
Sunder (Corpus) Known: Yes
This is a passive ability of great worth. Should you frenzy against a target who has shielded, your frenzied assault has a chance to shatter the shield.
Below is an example of sunder in action. As you can see in most cases, it is taking 4-8 hits before it strips shield, which causes the target to regain health/mana and clears our important afflictions we have spent a long period building. Because of this I am hoping
@Oleis can please correct the sunder issue so that it is a 50/50 chance given the classes inability to overcome the issue at present. It was designed to be a 1 in 3, yet as can be seen this is not case.
Example one: Example Two: Three: All I ask is that people consider this issue with a open mind and not become overly insulting. If anyone has constructive feedback to share please do so.

Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Edit: Clarity
The issue isn't BB, IMO, but turtling as a whole. The same thing affects every class. Between shield, rebounding, lyre and active cures, turtling is crazy prolific, and it affects who you're fighting worse. As an example:
Sciomancers\Ascendril active heal skill cures 2 afflictions at a time, no cooldown. (Bloodboil)
Teradrim active heal skill cures 2 afflictions at a time, 10 second cooldown. (Absorb)
Vampire\Bloodborn active heal skill cures 2 afflictions at a time, 20 second cooldown. (Purify Blood)
Bloodborn additionally have Bloodmeld which throws one of your own afflictions back at you passively (while not curing it on the original)
Daru\Luminary have cleansing, which is 1 affliction (random), no cooldown.
Syssin have shrugging which lets them pick slickness\anorexia\asthma as an active cure. No cooldown.
Shamans have their skill which uses up grove energy but has no cooldown, so theoretically it can't be spammed too much but I've seen it fired a lot and would need to test.
Indorani have fool tarot which cures 2 afflictions (and I believe has no cooldown, haven't tested this one).
Templar don't have an active cure ability, but do have rage which is a free bellwort balance.
Cabalists don't have an active cure, but they do have leveling which is kind of freaky to fight against.
* This will cause you to share each others afflictions and level the playing field in combat. (but leaves it on the original)
Daru\Sentaari have mind push which I believe has no cooldown and lets you push a single affliction per balance.
Now add in classes with passive healing:
Cabalists (Oneness) -- stacks with purity
Luminary (Care) --- doesn't stack with purity.
Templar (Cleansing) --- stacks with purity.
-- Might of missed some, not sure.
The thing is, it's not Bloodborn that's the problem, is the turtle\active cures as a whole. As you can see, there's a wide disparity of healing available and when an opponent goes into turtle mode, there's really not much you can do about it, but at the same time, you practically have to turtle against some classes, such as Syssin, that have the ability to attack with a crazy high aff rate, can lock out multiple cures (focus, tree), can slow down your curing (Dissipiate, Void, Invasion, Abrasion) and now don't have stupidity slowing them down, which used to be the game plan. Against some classes, it is near impossible to play an affliction class if the other person doesn't want to die.
How do you balance affliction classes when the level of active curing and passive curing varies so much across the board? Not to pick on Syssin, but I've had a liaison literally tell me 'in current stance there's not really a way a Luminary should ever beat a decent Syssin'. And it's true.
I spar @Valingar a lot and he knows my frustration with his turtling -- I can be clearly winning a fight, and he'll effectively reset it by turtling. You're now having to deal with things like the rest of us have had to deal with things for a few years. Is it a problem? Yes, turtling is a problem. But it's not a Bloodborn specific problem and should be handled on a much wider scale so that, unlike before, it's not just one or two classes that can get past the turtling, but instead, a hard reset on a fight shouldn't be possible.
Also, @Dourif, passive shield breaks are a thing?! I can't think of any life side classes that have that (maybe Shaman? Haven't played overmuch with it).
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Although at the end of it the point is the removal of berserk was to much and the weakness of sunder is very apparent.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
@Daskalos pretty much said what I think (except Indorani Fool Tarot has a 40s cooldown, not nothing). Turtling is way too prevalent right now and it's not only BB who suffer this isssue. The people upstairs do recognize this as an issue and it should be getting fixed soonish.
Shielding is a huge pain in the ass but tbh it's not as big of a problem as shed, shrug, fitness, no cooldown aff cures are for classes that must kill by lock. I actually went back to playing Bloodborn after a stint playing lock classes because I would much rather deal with endless shielding than endless no counter lockbreaks.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Move fitness to survival.
Standardize all cures to 1 cure per 10 seconds, active.
Make all passive curing no longer stack with purity and tick at the same rate.
Making rebounding not come up behind shielding (this is part of the issue in that for classes with a single raze, rebound + shield = 2 rounds out of action).
Put a cooldown on shielding of 6 seconds.
Now, the problem with this is that right now limb based classes have an advantage over affliction classes in that shielding is about the only way to slow down a limb break offense since they can now hit through paresis. But, if we change the way breaks hinder to make it more similar to paresis this might balance things out. Different discussion.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Fitness also needs some sort of counter. Right now you can fitness through 4 broken limbs, prone, paralyzed, locked. Same with shrug.
then hellsight. In a two cure situation, if you nab impatience, hellsight, or any of the kelp affs you've effectively set a Luminary back to the first step. I'm sure other classes are in the same boat.
2 for 10 would actually be a -buff- for some classes, which I think is a step in the wrong direction. I think you really have to standardize across the board if you're going to truly balance the classes. If Templars keep passive that stacks, no active. If they don't, then yea. But I strongly believe that we should standardize across the board, and fitness shouldn't be possibly while paralyzed, either. And ugh shrug\shed.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
ETA: I don't want you to think I'm coming off as randomly sassy, or that I'm protective of a liaison. I said that specifically because your point is off-topic and your tone is intended to escalate the situation. Rather than attacking the credibility of someone with whom you disagree, focus on the problem at hand.
Shield problems aren't exclusive to them. I mean, I definitely get your frustration on this count. But maybe a quarter of the classes can deal with shield spam well. Templar, Teradrim and Shaman are pretty much it, as far as reliably dealing with shield goes. Potentially Indorani with hound, maybe Prae if they stuck berserking, I have no idea. Syssin, if they got ahead a little bit, before said shield spam.
To some extent, though, shielding is a necessary mechanic. Some classes build momentum much faster than others. Some classes have random factors (bloodmeld comes to mind) that when it procs to its users advantage at an inopportune time, you're dead if you don't shield. In a 2vs1 you need that shield once a while.
That said, I've advocated some downgrades to shielding, definitely agree that it's a general annoyance for one versus one combat. A cooldown (~8s - twice the eq use of shield) or rising eq costs on shielding for repeated uses would be my preference.
Anyway, active/passive curing is going to need more tweaks than just a 10s (or whatever number) standardization, as the fact that some classes possess these (sometimes multiples) and others don't in itself presents an issue. Moving fitness into survival gets brought up a lot recently - it's an interesting possibility, but it would need to be accompanied by a substantial weakening of other forms of passive/active curing, especially on classes that currently do not possess the Fitness ability.
I definitely agree with the idea of making turtling less effective in the long run. Unfortunately with a lot of the classes, a single good "block" of any sort (shield, double cure, whatever) is enough to effectively reset the offense of their enemy. What I do not enjoy though is the idea that shield can be spammed over and over until the end of time. A fitness like solution would certainly discourage that, as eventually their offense would outpace the cost added to the fact that they are doing nothing offensively to slow you down. It would not prevent the occasional 2-3 round Shield to reset a fight, and realistically you could still have a fight never get anywhere if the cooldown reset in a reasonable time.